




1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


1. 待 [dài]2. 待 [dāi]待 [dài]等,等候:~到。~旦。拭目以~。以某种态度或行为加之于人或事物:对~。招~。~遇。~人接物。将,要(古典戏曲小说和现代某些方言的用法):正~出门,有人来了。待 [dāi]停留,逗留,迟延……





汉语拼音:zuò ér dài bì






  • 【解释】:坐着等死。比喻遭遇危难而不采取积极的措施。
  • 【出自】:语出三国·蜀·诸葛亮《后出师表》:“然不伐贼,王业亦亡,惟坐而待亡,孰与伐之。”
  • 【示例】:然~,曷若伏而俟命。



  1. 她要坐而没坐下来。

    She arrested herself in the act of sitting.

  2. 坐而待不如起而行。

    If the mountain will not go to Mohammed, then Mohammed must go to the mountain.

  3. 千秋功业非坐而可得。

    Footprints on the sands of time are not made by sitting down.

  4. 膝直立而坐

    sitting with knee erect.

  5. 琼盘腿而坐。

    Jean sat with her legs crossed.

  6. 彼此相对而坐

    sit opposite each other

  7. 我们围桌而坐。

    We sat around the table.

  8. 他们围桌而坐。

    They sat round the table.

  9. 成员们并肩而坐。

    The members sat side by side.

  10. 成员们并肩而坐。

    The members sat side by side.

  11. 一家人围桌而坐。

    The family were seated round the table.

  12. 肖恩盘腿而坐。

    Sean sat with his legs crossed.

  13. 病人拥被而坐。

    The patient sat wrapped in a quilt.

  14. 与某人并肩而坐

    to sit alongside of a person

  15. 她背向我而坐。

    She sat with her back toward me.

  16. 两人默然相对而坐

    sit face to face without saying a word

  17. 开会时他们围桌而坐。

    They sit round the table meeting.

  18. 她们绕桌而坐谈论新闻。

    They sat around the table talking the news.

  19. 我们围炉而坐,谈笑着。

    We sat around the fire, talking and laughing.

  20. 他因持枪抢劫而坐5年牢房。

    He was put away for five years for armed robbery.

  21. 还会因为恍惚而坐起白日梦,

    I may switch off and go in a daydream

  22. 他因伪造罪而坐了5年牢。

    He spent 5 years in prison for forgery.

  23. 请面朝我住的房子而坐。

    Please sit towards the house I am staying at.

  24. 富人和穷人在观众中并肩而坐。

    Rich and poor were sitting jowl in the audience.

  25. 我太专心看书而坐过站了。

    I was so absorbed in the book, I missed my stop.

  26. 他因犯强奸罪而坐了3年的牢。

    He had been caged for three years for committing rape

  27. 我们围成一圈而坐,开始介绍自己。

    Tearoom. We sat in a circle and began to introduce ourselves.

  28. 他不屑与我们这等人同席而坐。

    He disdains to sit with people like us.

  29. 这两口子冷冷地背向而坐,互相埋怨。

    Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.

  30. 赫克托耳正背靠柳树树干而坐。

    What kind of person are Achilles and Trojan Prince Hector in Troy

