







汉语拼音:xīn zhèng






  1. 佛教语。谓自心印证。

    唐 皎然 《送清凉上人》诗:“花空觉性了,月静知心证。”



  1. Obviously, free from the system in domestic criticism is the main reason for not to say with domestic free proof system fuzziness on.


  2. The inner conviction system moves from the tradition to the modern age and is gradually recognized by the various countries.


  3. Tip although is the free heart certificate behavior, but there is a common habit, best can do as the Romans do, so as not to make a fool of.


  4. The value characteristic of the modern inner conviction system in criminal proceedings embodies some aspects.


  5. The objectification of legal fact forming process includes two aspects, namely the evidence judgment open and the decision reason open.


  6. This part enters into some main points about civil judicial reform and safeguards of restricting free evaluation of evidence.


  7. Legal evidence and free proof are the two evidence system used by Common law countries.


  8. The evidence system of free evaluation has opened up a new chapter of mankind lawsuit history by using its unique quality.


  9. While pro forma preliminary administrative issues are solved in civil trail according to the principle of Free Evaluation of Evidence.


  1. 法官自由心证

    judge free heart proffer.

  2. 论自由心证及其限制

    Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Its Limitations

  3. 我们不能再自由心证

    So, everything is not going to be up for grabs.

  4. 论自由心证的约束机制

    On Restricting Mechanism of Discretional Evaluation of Evidence

  5. 自由心证与法官依法独立判断

    Discretional Evaluation of Evidence and Independent Judgment

  6. 心证比一千个人证更有力。

    The proof by heart is more powerful than the proof by a thousand people.

  7. 论法官自由心证的合理形成与衡量

    Reasonably Forms by the Judge Free Heart Card with Weighs

  8. 近几年关于自由心证的讨论日渐增多。

    In recent years the discussion concerning free heart certificate is increasing gradually.

  9. 但实际上, 自由心证并非简单的几条法律。

    But in fact, freedom is simply not the heart syndrome several laws.

  10. 本部分主要阐述了对法官合理心证的基本要求。

    This section describes the main reason for the heart of the basic requirements.

  11. 然而, 自由心证原则在我国学术界却长期受到批判。

    But the principle of free proof used to be animadverted by the scholar in our nation.

  12. 自由心证是由自由和心证二词组合而成的复合概念。

    Free evaluation of evidence are a compound concept formed by freedom and the state of evidence evaluation.

  13. 法定证据和自由心证是大陆法系国家采用的证据制度。

    Legal evidence and free proof are the two evidence system used by Common law countries.

  14. 在我国,关于自由心证在行政诉讼中的适用研究非常少。

    In our country, on a Free Evaluation of Evidence applicable in administrative proceedings is very little research.

  15. 自由心证制度是从传统走向现代,为世界各国所认同。

    The modern inner conviction system is internationally identified since it has critically inherited the traditional inner conviction system.

  16. 判例制度的归复可以为自由心证的合理性提供良好的规制。

    The recovery of the system of jurisprudence can provide a good system for the reasonableness of the free evaluation of evidence.