




〔螳~〕见“螳”。〔蜣~〕见“蜣”。〔蟑~〕见“ 蟑”。〔蚂(mǎ)~〕见“蚂2”。……


1. 挡 [dǎng]2. 挡 [dàng]挡 [dǎng]阻拦,遮蔽:阻~。拦~。遮~。指“排挡”:挂~。换~。某些仪器和测量装置用来表明光、电、热等量的等级。挡 [dàng]〔摒(bìng)~〕见“摒”。……


1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:táng láng dǎng chē








  1. 网络
  2. kick against the pricks

  1. 螳臂岂能挡车。

    A mantis cannot stop the wheel of a cart.

  2. 煤水车挡煤圈

    tender collar.

  3. 煤水车挡煤板滑门

    tender coal board slide

  4. 贝,你的车挡着道了

    Hey, Bay, your thing is blocking me in.

  5. 为什么要用手推车挡着大厦入口?

    What is it about tower blocks and shopping trolleys ?

  6. 扔草抵风, 螳螂当车

    To throw straws against the wind

  7. 这是我第一次开手动挡的车 我简直魂飞魄散,赫克多去哪了?

    That was my first time driving stick shift, and my nerves are shattered. Well, where's Hector?

  8. 车轴护挡支柱

    strut of axle guard

  9. 车轴护挡撑条

    axle guard stay

  10. 灰盘车轴护挡

    ashpan axle guard

  11. 你会挡在砂石车和蓝色威利小货卡前面。

    You cut off gravel trucks and those blue Varica trucks.

  12. 要是下雨, 四点钟用带篷的车来挡。

    And if it rains, a closed car at four.

  13. 自行车挡到要倒退得车。

    The Bicycle got in the way of the Backing car.

  14. 自行车挡到要倒退的车。

    The Bicycle got in the way of the Backing car.

  15. 把车挂上倒挡。

    Put the car into reverse.

  16. 你的车挡到我的车道。

    Your car is in the way of my driveway.

  17. 居民被泊车挡住自己的车道。

    Residents are blocked in their own driveways by parked cars.

  18. 居民被泊车挡住自己的车道。

    Residents are blocked in their own driveways by parked cars.

  19. 不是,我的车挡住了哥哥的克莱斯勒,你的挡了我的。

    No, I'm blocking the convertible, you're blocking me.

  20. 查道车挂在机车上。你的车挡到我的车道。

    Your car is in the way of my driveway.

  21. 这辆车开得快,挡不住。

    The car is fast and unstoppable.

  22. 这辆车开得快,挡不住。

    The car is fast and unstoppable.

  23. 我们的车到了边境被挡了回来。

    Our car was turned back at the border.

  24. 我们得车到了边境被挡了回来。

    Our car was turned back at the border.

  25. 边车挡泥板

    side car mudguard.

  26. 捕车器挡车器

    wagon retardar

  27. 阻车器挡车器阻块

    kick up block

  28. 车挂的是四挡。

    The car was in fourth gear.

  29. 你能驾驶人工换挡的车吗?

    Can you drive a stick shift?

  30. 你的车把我的挡住了,我得出去

    Hey, you're blocking me in and I have to run out.