




1. 虫 [chóng]虫 [chóng]节肢动物的一类:昆~。益~。雕~小技(喻微不足道的技能)。动物的通称:大~(老虎)。长~(蛇)。介~(有介壳的虫子)。……



汉语拼音:xiǎo chóng



  1. If I walk in the mud, it covers up my feet. I look around at the wriggly worms, crabs and tadpoles, and none of them can compare with me.


  2. The lamp is often made from ceramic, glass or marble with a small container for water that is heated by a tea light candle.


  3. Jojo looked at him lide a cuckoo waiting for a worm, his eyes bright and dark in his lean brown face. 'Alors?


  4. Your case is just like a mosquito trying to shoulder a mountain or a small centipede trying to run on the river, it is obviously impossible.


  5. After a hasty rain, a cicada was crawling awkwardly on the ground; its wings seemed to be too wet to carry him up into the air.


  6. Tuz Kuz breaks a Larva's body and discharges a countless number of hungry tiny creatures to bite all the enemy next to Larva.


  7. and if she touched a twig with her hand, ever so lightly, the brilliant insects fell down around her, like shooting-stars.


  8. Clusters of tiny insects called aphides were to be found on the underside of the leaves.


  9. They knew that those cultures contained invisible "worms" that ate up the "bad worms" in the intestinal tract of the human being.


  1. 大虫吃小虫

    the strong bullying the weak.

  2. 挖地找小虫

    grubbing for worms.

  3. 小虫叮咬马群。

    The insects bedevilled the horses.

  4. 她弹去脸上的小虫。

    She flipped an insect from his face.

  5. 他们象肥胖的白色小虫。

    They are like little, very fat, white worms.

  6. 这些鸟是吃小虫长大的。

    These birds feed on insects.

  7. 你怎么知道这只小虫是?

    How did you know this bug is female?

  8. 鸟儿从木头中啄食小虫。

    The bird pecked insects from the log.

  9. 牙齿好白啊, 没有小虫了!

    Wow! Your teeth are so nice and white! No more germs!

  10. 蜥蝎向小虫嗖地吐出舌头。

    The lizard darted its tongue at the insect.

  11. 蝉是一种非常乖巧的小虫。

    The cicada is a clever little insect.

  12. 我得手上有个小虫叮得包。

    There is a gnat bite on my hand.

  13. 我的手上有个小虫叮的包。

    There is a gnat bite on my hand.

  14. 他搔着让小虫咬过的地方。

    He scratched the place where he had been bitten by an insect.

  15. 泥土会使冷藏室滋生小虫或真菌。

    Dirt can lead to bugs or fungus growth cold storage.

  16. 所以也会停下来跟小虫说说话,

    Thus, he could stop and chat with the worm.

  17. 苏我知道了。你们的问题是小虫。

    Sue I see. You have a bug problem.

  18. 蚯蚓将再也不是普通得小虫了。

    Earthworms are no longer ordinary worms living in soils.

  19. 蚯蚓将再也不是普通的小虫了。

    Earthworms are no longer ordinary worms living in soils.

  20. 你怎么知道这只小虫是母的 呢

    How did you know this bug is female

  21. 冷藏时,泥土会使小虫和菌类成长。

    Dirt can lead to bugs or fungus growth in cold storage.

  22. 取笑我,我会把你像小虫一样压扁。

    Make fun of me and I'll squash you like a slug.

  23. 去年我所有的玫瑰都被小虫吃了。

    Last year all my rose were eaten by bugs.

  24. 到处是一片小虫的催眠似的嗡嗡声。

    All around was a drowsy hum of insects.

  25. 有一只小虫在你背上向上爬动。

    There's an insect crawling up your back.

  26. 一只小虫飞进我耳内,我弄不出来。

    A small insect flew into my ear and I can't get it out.

  27. 小虫的影子都没见过,睡醒就是一身包。

    The shadow of small bug had not seen, up is a suit bag.

  28. 小虫在四周鸣叫, 远处传来野兽的叫声。

    Insects buzzed around, and the sound of wild animals could Be heard at a distance.

  29. 可是,有些植物真的以苍蝇、小虫等为食。

    But there are some plants that really catch flies and bugs for food.

  30. 一种药剂, 用于杀灭引起发痒的疥疮的小虫。

    A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies.


  1. 问:小虫拼音怎么拼?小虫的读音是什么?小虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小虫的读音是xiǎo chóng,小虫翻译成英文是 bug



“小虫”是个多义词,它可以指小虫(济南电视台主持人), 小虫(漫画家), 小虫(昆虫)。