







汉语拼音:xuě yú



  1. The warmer water seems to be bringing back the cod fishery as well.


  2. And the invasion of Humboldt squid seems to be making a noticeable dent in the local population of hake , experts note in a new study.


  3. Any one of them would have placed the ship and its crew in harm's way; together, they were a death sentence.


  4. A businessman who lost his mobile phone on a beach was amazed when it turned up - in the belly of a giant cod.


  5. It is now possible not only to locate a shoal but to tell if it is herring, cod, or other well - known fish, by the pattern of its echo.


  6. "Cod in the North Atlantic is a classic case of a crash, " he said.


  7. Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard.


  8. Cod and haddock are just two of the North Sea fishes that have had to move scores of miles north in search of cooler waters.


  9. Alas, as we explain elsewhere, tannins react with iodine, in which cod is rich, to produce a metallic "fishy" taste.


  1. 鳕鱼鱼肝油

    cod liver oil

  2. 鳕鱼肝油制剂

    Cod liver oil preparation

  3. 硫酸化鳕鱼油

    sulfated cod oil.

  4. 葫瓜蒸鳕鱼

    Cod fish steamed in whole melon.

  5. 酱烧银鳕鱼

    Roast Codfish with Teriyaki Sauce

  6. 东坡银鳕鱼

    Steamed Codfish with Preserved Vegetables.

  7. 威尼斯煎鳕鱼

    Venetian Cod with Raisins and Pine Nuts

  8. 红花绿胡椒鳕鱼

    cod in green pepper with saffron sauce.

  9. 咸鳕鱼的重要性

    of salt cod from northeastern Canada.

  10. 他们买了许多鳕鱼。

    They have bought many cods.

  11. 鳕鱼肝油可以制止压抑症

    Cod Liver Oil May Stop Depression

  12. 相反,鳕鱼的价格很高。

    On the contrary, cod prices are high.

  13. 秘制鳕鱼配土豆凉拌

    Salade de pomme de terre et morue Cod fish and potatoes salad

  14. 由鳕鱼排制备活性钙

    Studies on the preparation of active calcium from Pollack frame

  15. 离开鳕鱼角的夏季胜地。

    an island summer resort off of Cape Cod.

  16. 北大西洋和北海有鳕鱼。

    Cod are found in the North Atlantic and the North Sea.

  17. 鳕鱼皮蛋白复合酶解物

    compound enzyme hydrolyzing Pollock skin protein

  18. 乳化鳕鱼肚油或比目鱼肝油

    Oil of cod liver or halibut liver, emulsified

  19. 鳕鱼肉营养调味品的研制

    Development of nutritional flavouring agent cod protein

  20. 他们腌鳕鱼留着冬天吃。

    They salt down cod for winter use.

  21. 尼日利亚鳕鱼干进口商会


  22. 尤其是黑鳕, 有时也用鳕鱼。

    Especially haddock but also ling can be used.

  23. 鳕鱼肝油支持大脑的健康发育。

    Cod Liver Oil supports health brain functions.

  24. 鳕鱼养活了大部分西欧人

    Cod fed most of the people of Western Europe.

  25. 但是我吃鳕鱼排食物中毒了?

    But I had a bad piece of cod.

  26. 玫瑰和鳕鱼的气味又来了。

    So, some whiffs of roses and haddock.

  27. 玫瑰和鳕鱼得气味又来了。

    So, some whiffs of roses and haddock.

  28. 核心鱼未经乾燥的盐腌鳕鱼。

    Core fish Refers to undried salted cod.

  29. 我们经常听到关于 鳕鱼的灭绝

    We hear a lot about the collapse of cod.

  30. 我从来不知道之前鳕鱼这么多。

    I never knew so much about a whiting before.


  1. 问:鳕鱼拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼的读音是什么?鳕鱼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼的读音是,鳕鱼翻译成英文是 cod

  2. 问:鳕鱼卵拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼卵的读音是什么?鳕鱼卵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼卵的读音是xuěyúluǎn,鳕鱼卵翻译成英文是 cod roe

  3. 问:鳕鱼汤拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼汤的读音是什么?鳕鱼汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼汤的读音是xuěyú tāng,鳕鱼汤翻译成英文是 Codfish Soup

  4. 问:鳕鱼类拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼类的读音是什么?鳕鱼类翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼类的读音是,鳕鱼类翻译成英文是 hake

  5. 问:鳕鱼籽拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼籽的读音是什么?鳕鱼籽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼籽的读音是xuěyúzǐ,鳕鱼籽翻译成英文是 tarako

  6. 问:鳕鱼肝拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼肝的读音是什么?鳕鱼肝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼肝的读音是,鳕鱼肝翻译成英文是 cod-liver

  7. 问:鳕鱼角拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼角的读音是什么?鳕鱼角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼角的读音是,鳕鱼角翻译成英文是 Cape Cod

  8. 问:鳕鱼战争拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼战争的读音是什么?鳕鱼战争翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼战争的读音是,鳕鱼战争翻译成英文是 Cod Wars

  9. 问:鳕鱼清汤拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼清汤的读音是什么?鳕鱼清汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼清汤的读音是xuěyú qīngtāng,鳕鱼清汤翻译成英文是 Codfish Stew

  10. 问:鳕鱼籽汤拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼籽汤的读音是什么?鳕鱼籽汤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼籽汤的读音是xuěyú zǐ tāng,鳕鱼籽汤翻译成英文是 Fish Roe and Codfish Soup

  11. 问:鳕鱼肝油拼音怎么拼?鳕鱼肝油的读音是什么?鳕鱼肝油翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鳕鱼肝油的读音是xuě yú gān yóu,鳕鱼肝油翻译成英文是 cod liver oil



鳕鱼(地方名称:大头青、大口鱼、大头鱼、明太鱼、水口、阔口鱼、大头腥、石肠鱼)。纯正鳕鱼指鳕属鱼类,分为大西洋鳕鱼(Gadus morhua),格陵兰鳕鱼(Gadus ogac)和太平洋鳕鱼。鳕形目下有鳕科,通常的鳕鱼的概念扩大到鳕科鱼类,有50多种,它们中大多数分布于大西洋北部大陆架海域,重要鱼种有黑线鳕、蓝鳕、绿青鳕、牙鳕、挪威长臂鳕和狭鳕等。鳕鱼是全世界年捕捞量最大的鱼类之一,是具有重要的食用和经济价值。