







汉语拼音:hào zī






耗资 [hào zī]
  1. 花费资金。

耗资 [hào zī]
  1. 花费资金。




  1. Customer service can be a nuisance and is often expensive.


  2. Government customers want to know up-front how much a system will cost.


  3. Lord Mayor Graham Quirk said the $215 million make over was "the best birthday present" the city could give its centrepiece.


  4. It's an incredibly expensive, highly uncertain undertaking, but Armstrong still seems determined to make it a cornerstone of AOL's strategy.


  5. It is unclear exactly how much the study cost to conduct, although some newspapers report that it formed part of a $899, 769 research grant.


  6. All agree that trying to attain it is going to be very costly.


  7. But the word " rescue " plainly indicated that it was not a brilliant victory but a blunder costing many lives .


  8. U. S. President George Bush is facing opposition from members of his own party who object to the cost of the plan.


  9. USNA Director Thomas Elias, who heads the U. S. design team for the garden, estimated the total cost of building the garden at $7 million.


  1. 耗资巨大。

    The cost has been prodigious.

  2. 耗资再大都不在话下。

    Cost is not an issue.

  3. 减耗资产公司

    wasting assets corporation.

  4. 耗资百万才将我们拯救

    It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back

  5. 这项工程耗资2。9亿。

    More than 290 millon yuan invested in the project.

  6. 问题在于防务方面耗资巨大。

    The problem lay in the large amounts spent on defence.

  7. 这是耗资我了很多钱。

    It was costing me a lot of money.

  8. 耗资近百万元的进口设备

    The imported equipment which cost nearly one million Yuan

  9. 但是开发新的行当耗资巨大。

    But developing new lines can be costly.

  10. 新的购物中心耗资110万建成。

    The new shopping centre was constructed at a cost of1.1 million.

  11. 新得购物中心耗资110万建成。

    The new shopping centre was constructed at a cost of1. 1 million.

  12. 选举的过程冗长而且耗资巨大。

    The election process is long and costly.

  13. 这个计划将耗资大约600万英镑。

    The scheme will cost in the region of six million pounds.

  14. 建立食糖加工厂的耗资是巨大的。

    Sugar processing facilities are expensive to build.

  15. 这次长江断流工程耗资巨大。

    A lot of money was put into the channel blocking project on the Yangtze river.

  16. 这次长江断流工程耗资巨大。

    A lot of money was put into the channel blocking project on the Yangtze river.

  17. 这项工程无疑是耗资巨大的。

    The work would undoubtedly be expensive.

  18. 不过, 人造卫星加固工作耗资相当庞大。

    Hardening satellites is a costly endeavor, however.

  19. 上述扩张计划将耗资数千万美元。

    The will cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

  20. 治疗它的耗资比肥胖症少很多

    It costs way less than obesity now.

  21. 矿坑兴油井都是递耗资产。

    Mines and oil wells are wastingasset.

  22. 发射卫星也会耗资数十亿美元。

    And launching a satellite, that can be in the billions of dollars.

  23. 这部影片得摄制耗资二千万美元。

    The production of the film cost twenty millions us dollar.

  24. 这部影片的摄制耗资两千万美元。

    The production of the film cost twenty million US dollars.

  25. 这部影片的摄制耗资二千万美元。

    The production of the film cost twenty millions us dollar.

  26. 这个计划耗资太大, 我们只好退出。

    The project becomes so expensive that we have to pull out.

  27. 这项工程耗资在两百万美元左右。

    The work will cost in the neighbourhood of two million dollars.

  28. 金融利益方耗资数百万反对该法案。

    Financial interests spent millions fighting the bill.

  29. 每一次太空梭的发射耗资10亿美金。

    The shuttle is costing a billion dollars a launch.

  30. 这个计画耗资太大, 我们只好退出。

    The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.


  1. 问:耗资拼音怎么拼?耗资的读音是什么?耗资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耗资的读音是hàozī,耗资翻译成英文是 cost; spend