




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:dào chǎng







  1. 亲自到某种集会或活动的场所。如:你不到场,这次活动就逊色多了。



  1. I am not sure how much faith we should put into the fact that most people were students, white collar and middle-class.


  2. I don't think I'm ever gonna do it again. I think you heard it for the last time. Thanks for being a part of it, guys.


  3. Rather than demote some participants to a "second class" of virtual participation, he would prefer to have everyone participate virtually.


  4. The next morning, the driver who'd left Talbot on the street found himself in Talbot's new office along with union representatives.


  5. e. g. Your best bet in sealing the matter is to visit the office tomorrow with all related parties present.


  6. Im very grateful to you for your kind invitation, and Im sure to come to see your concert.


  7. Here, I wish to say a big thank you to all the friends here for your dedication to China-Africa cooperation and friendship.


  8. Yes, they told me it would start at seven Well, just make sure not to be so earlier, you can be there about seven fifteen.


  9. You know, we fought hard to get at least a small Pakistani contingent to come.


  1. 感谢各位到场!

    Thank you very much for your time.

  2. 你会到场吗

    Will you be there?

  3. 感谢您的到场

    Thank you for coming here.

  4. 请您务必到场。

    I insist that you be present.

  5. 务必请您到场。

    I insist that you shall be present.

  6. 到场的要人名单

    the list of important people who are coming

  7. 我自然应当到场。

    It was right that I should be present.

  8. 她的儿子们会到场

    Her sons will be there.

  9. 我要总统也到场。

    I need to see the president.

  10. 全家人都到场了。

    The whole family was present.

  11. 关小煤气出席。到场

    To turn down the gas

  12. 不能到场,我很难过

    I feel bad I can't go.

  13. 我将到场为你助阵。

    I will be there to keep you countenance.

  14. 至多有八十人到场。

    There were 80 people present at the utmost.

  15. 除了他大家都到场了。

    Everybody except him was present.

  16. 订契约得一方未到场。

    A party to the contract defaulted.

  17. 订契约的一方未到场。

    A party to the contract defaulted.

  18. 按规定我们都要到场。

    The rules require us all to be present.

  19. 最好如此,约翰将会到场

    I'd better be. John's gonna be there.

  20. 他穿着适宜的服装到场。

    He appeared in appropriate dress.

  21. 我要每个人都到场。

    And I want everyone present.

  22. 将要求你到场面试。

    You will be asked to present yourself for interview.

  23. 拒不到场的,不影响执行。

    This shall not affect the carrying out of procedures.

  24. 那里需要他,他就迅速到场。

    Wherever hes needed hes quickly on the spot.

  25. 吉米的到场激怒了休。

    Jimmy's presence had infuriated Hugh.

  26. 那你是第一个到场的。

    So you were the first car on the scene.

  27. 他会到场为他的书签售。

    He will be on hand to sign copies of his book.

  28. 他会到场为他的书签售。

    He will be on hand to sign copies of his book.

  29. 一些军官到场, 设法恢复秩序。

    Some officers appeared and tried to restore order.

  30. 他们的到场起了重要作用。

    It's vital that they attend.


  1. 问:到场拼音怎么拼?到场的读音是什么?到场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到场的读音是dàochǎng,到场翻译成英文是 be present; presence

  2. 问:到场者拼音怎么拼?到场者的读音是什么?到场者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到场者的读音是,到场者翻译成英文是 comer

  3. 问:到场时间拼音怎么拼?到场时间的读音是什么?到场时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:到场时间的读音是dào chǎng shí jiān,到场时间翻译成英文是 time of arrival



到场 dàochǎng [be present;arrive;turn up] 来到举办某项活动的处所或来到出事的地点 官员到场后,群众肃静了