


平均,使平均:均~。~称(chèn )。抽出一部给别人或做别用:~兑(让一部分给别人)。~摊。……


1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……



汉语拼音:yún chèn








  1. 均匀。

    洪深 《电影戏剧表演术》第四章:“这个于流利的、明朗的、匀称的发音,最为不相宜的!” 刘白羽 《昆仑山的太阳》:“风吹的沙窝匀称而齐整,如亿万朵浪花。”

  2. 谓各部分搭配得都很合适。

    郁达夫 《南游日记》:“到了 金地岭 头,上面却是一大平阪。人家点点,村落田畴,都分布得非常匀称。” 周立波 《山乡巨变》上一:“ 邓秀梅 跟大家一起,背好被包和雨伞,站起身来,显出她那穿得一身青的,不高不矮的,匀称而又壮实的身段。”



  1. Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, have becoming the target of a lot pretty girls.


  2. Keeping fit or maybe getting in shape is often high on the list of New Year's resolutions for Americans.


  3. A geometrical figure is usually used to regulate the proportions, and a double equilateral triangle is used in Rosslyn.


  4. The eyes in man are, in proportion to his size, nearer to one another than in any other animal.


  5. As he walked along the row of seats and tables a striking woman in a trim burgundy suit followed him with her gaze.


  6. She was a very pretty figure of a girl, after our fashion of girls, round and slim and flexible, and her face was admirably regular.


  7. A symmetrical face is a health cue, as are a good head of hair and masculine features such a strong jaw and a deep voice.


  8. Her breathing filled the quiet room, her foot warmed his hands, and he imagined the perfect, secret, symmetry of bones.


  9. Jack, with a body well-proportioned, about the middling, a pair of intense big eyes, has become the target of many pretty girls.


  1. 身体丰满匀称

    a full and well-proportioned figure

  2. 腰肢纤细,小腿匀称。

    A slim waist and shapely legs.

  3. 白和匀称得质量。

    A white and shapeless mass.

  4. 白和匀称的质量。

    A white and shapeless mass.

  5. 她的鼻子很匀称。

    Her nose is regularly shaped.

  6. 肥胖的不匀称的体型

    a fat, shapeless figure

  7. 我得钟响得不匀称。

    My clock sounds out of beat.

  8. 双腿修长匀称的模特儿

    A leggy model

  9. 塑像各部分之间的匀称

    the rhythm of a statue

  10. 整体看上去还算匀称。

    And the whole thing is sort of symmetrical.

  11. 地毯上的图案很匀称。

    The designs in the rug are well proportioned.

  12. 该机屏幕比例很匀称。

    The screen on this unit is well proportioned.

  13. 照片上的图案很匀称。

    The designs in the picture are well-proportioned.

  14. 身材匀称的小耳朵除了。

    and, small shapely ears set apart.

  15. 我的钟响得不匀称。

    My clock sounds out of beat.

  16. 以身材匀称, 性感的方式。

    In a shapely and voluptuous manner.

  17. 将矫健, 匀称的骏马描摹,

    In limning out a wellproportiond steed,

  18. 她身材高挑且十分匀称。

    She was tall and perfectly proportioned.

  19. 他们正在匀称地栽植秧苗。

    They are planting out seedings.

  20. 那少女身材匀称,长相漂亮。

    That girl is of proportional build and is beautiful.

  21. 造成你那可怕的匀称外貌

    Dare frame thy fearful symmetry

  22. 能塑造你一身惊人的匀称

    Could frame thy fearful symmetry

  23. 飞节稳固,匀称而适度倾斜。

    Hocks firm, symmetrical and moderately bent.

  24. 身材匀称的女人也比较有利。

    Symmetrical women have it better, too.

  25. 丰满的, 匀称的体形全面发展或匀称的

    Having a fully developed or shapely figure.

  26. 使建筑物的宽和高比例匀称

    to proportion the width of a building to its height

  27. 体态匀称性矮小1210例分析

    Analysis on 1208 Cases of Short Stature with Shapely Posture.

  28. 开叉的裙子暴露出匀称的腿。

    A slit skirt revealed shapely legs.

  29. 特别大, 比例匀称且头顶特别宽。

    distinctively large, well proportioned and with exceptional breadth of top skull.

  30. 他的牙齿破坏了他的面部匀称。

    His teeth spoiled the symmetry of his face.


  1. 问:匀称拼音怎么拼?匀称的读音是什么?匀称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匀称的读音是yúnchèn,匀称翻译成英文是 well-proportioned

  2. 问:匀称的拼音怎么拼?匀称的的读音是什么?匀称的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匀称的的读音是,匀称的翻译成英文是 well-balanced

  3. 问:匀称照明拼音怎么拼?匀称照明的读音是什么?匀称照明翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匀称照明的读音是yún chèn zhào míng,匀称照明翻译成英文是 proportional illumination

  4. 问:匀称谱线拼音怎么拼?匀称谱线的读音是什么?匀称谱线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:匀称谱线的读音是yún chèn pǔ xiàn,匀称谱线翻译成英文是 homologous line


