







汉语拼音:guāng dié






  1. How much aerodynamic improvement do the discs make?


  2. In order to help you to be better informed of the March 14 incident, here I have for you a booklet and a disc on the truth of the incident.


  3. The FBI said the action was an "unprecedented co-operative effort" that had seized 290, 000 counterfeit software CDs.


  4. He continued aiming at him with gun, and got the CD with another hand, again putting it into the computer, to open up the manuscript.


  5. The documentary film and music of Korea especially need, but the best is the CD, easy to spread like this.


  6. When Snowball was given to a bird rescue shelter a few months ago, there was a CD and instructions to watch Snowball's reaction.


  7. Americans had been able to pay $9. 99 a month for DVDs through the post as well as the right to stream some films and programmes.


  8. To end the processing of (a magnetic tape or disk) in such a way as to deny access to its contents.


  9. The DVD-by-post service, he said, would move to a new website, with a new billing system, and be renamed Qwikster.


  1. 光碟驱动器

    optical disc drive.

  2. 音色取样光碟

    Best Service Nu Tec Grooves WAV

  3. 数字多功能光碟

    digital versatile disc

  4. 单写多读光碟

    Write once read many optical disk.

  5. 拿了光碟杀了他!

    Get the disc and kill him!

  6. 光碟伺服控制系统

    optical disc

  7. 警犬嗅闻盗版光碟

    Police Dogs Sniff for Pirated DVDs

  8. 禁止出售盗版光碟。

    The sale of pirated discs has been banned.

  9. 多少气动改善做光碟呢?

    How much aerodynamic improvement do the discs make.

  10. 你给我光碟了吗?

    You gave me the disc?

  11. 按, 然后将光碟放入托盘。

    Press, and place a disc on the tray.

  12. 请插入一张音乐光碟。

    Please insert an audio compact disc.

  13. 漫画纹理主题图库素材光碟

    Mixa Image Library Comic Textures

  14. 创建您自己的特别珍藏的光碟。

    Create your own special features collection disc.

  15. 印艺汇萃问答游戏电脑游戏光碟

    Print art quiz game computer game on cd rom

  16. 钻出食器迷宫电脑游戏光碟

    Escaping the culinary ware maze computer game on cd rom

  17. 光碟支架热流道叠层模设计

    Design of stacked hot runner mould for shelf for optical disk

  18. 没有可以被使用的光碟机

    There is no CD drive which can be used

  19. 影音光碟之视频压缩规格比较

    The Comparison of Video Disk Codec Standards

  20. 光碟母版及光碟品的作。

    Optical disc mastering and replication equipment.

  21. 你还记得吧?我把光碟给了你。

    Don't you remember? I gave you the disc.

  22. 至于光碟, 则是在键盘得左方。

    Opticaldrive, located on the left hand side of the keyboard.

  23. 现在我们有书和数位光碟。

    Now we have books and digital recorders.

  24. 至于光碟,则是在键盘的左方。

    Opticaldrive, located on the left hand side of the keyboard.

  25. 不要把光碟弄得满地都是。

    Please don't leave the disks all over the floor.

  26. 不要把光碟弄得满地都是。

    Please don't leave the disks all over the floor.

  27. 我可以在这台光碟机烧录光碟吗?

    Can I burn CDS on this CD drive?

  28. 我打算买一张滚石乐队的光碟。

    I have in mind a Rolling Stones CD.

  29. 这些产品将复制成光碟以便于生产。

    These will be copied onto a CD to facilitate production.

  30. 平均下来,每张光碟六七万块钱。

    Come down average, every pieces of smooth dish 669 money.


  1. 问:光碟拼音怎么拼?光碟的读音是什么?光碟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光碟的读音是guāngdié,光碟翻译成英文是 CD: Compact Disc.

  2. 问:光碟资料库拼音怎么拼?光碟资料库的读音是什么?光碟资料库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:光碟资料库的读音是,光碟资料库翻译成英文是 CDDB



光碟,在中国大陆称为光盘,港澳台称为光碟,即高密度光盘(Compact Disc)是近代发展起来不同于磁性载体的光学存储介质,用聚焦的氢离子激光束处理记录介质的方法存储和再生信息,又称激光光盘·。