


1. 磨 [mó]2. 磨 [mò]磨 [mó]摩擦:~刀。~墨。~练。~砺(摩擦使锐利,喻经受磨练)。~合。研~。~漆画。阻碍,困难:~难(nàn)。好事多~。消耗,消灭:~损。~耗。~灭。拖延,耗时间:~缠。~功夫。磨 [mò]粉碎粮食……





汉语拼音:mó liàn








  1. 亦作“ 磨炼 ”。亦作“ 磨练 ”。犹锻炼。

    《朱子语类》卷十七:“只恁地强信不得,须是学到那田地,经歷磨鍊多后,方信得过。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷上:“此时正宜用功;若此时放过,闲时讲学何用?人正要在此等时磨鍊。” 清 百一居士 《壶天录》卷中:“昔 贾长沙 以经济之才,备 宣室 之问, 汉文 知其才,而欲磨鍊其才,故未大用。” 老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“我在外边也混了这么多年,磨练出来点了,谁跟我瞪眼,我会伸手打!” 巴金 《无题·先死者》:“ 中国 的土地在受难,在受磨炼,在受熬煎。”



  1. After graduating from high school, Usher continued to hone his skills as a stage performer and laid the groundwork for his second album.


  2. Three years of college study has prepared me with a certain level of comprehensive qualities.


  3. Instead, after four to six short years of studying, working, and sacrificing, the rest of your life will be a breeze.


  4. but if it were Hiswill further to refine me under affliction, and to make me in any degree useful in His Church, I desired not to die.


  5. Health of the body as a means to perfecting and honing the self to a high degree of usefulness and ability.


  6. Harry Potter magic in Hogg live Heights school after three years of learning and honing, has grown to become a great shaman.


  7. and "whistling of the wind, " "torrential heavy rain, " just to exercise your muscles, temper your will, make you stronger incomparable!


  8. However, urged by my renewed requests plus their intention to toughen my will in hard conditions, they finally agreed to let me have a try.


  9. We should also revealed by his temper to become a man of courage.


  1. 他愿接受磨炼。

    He is willing to go through the mill.

  2. 为了磨炼你的演技

    Frank J. Avella Honing your craft

  3. 他们使她接受磨炼。

    They put her through the mill.

  4. 艰苦得环境能磨炼人得意志。

    Difficult circumstances can temper one's will.

  5. 艰苦的环境能磨炼人的意志。

    Difficult circumstances can temper one's will.

  6. 他们在日常生活中磨炼才能。

    They hone their skills in their everyday lives.

  7. 以此来磨炼着无边的锋芒

    To whet the scaling knife

  8. 磨炼意志最好的帮手是困难。

    The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

  9. 磨炼意志最好得帮手是困难。

    The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

  10. 德性的磨炼是抵制罪恶的诱惑。

    The ordeal of virture is to resist all temptation to evil.

  11. 磨炼意志最好的帮手就是困难。

    The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

  12. 磨炼意志最好得帮手就是困难。

    The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

  13. 有时候, 我们还得经受生活得磨炼。

    Sometimes we have to outlive our history.

  14. 有时候,我们还得经受生活的磨炼。

    Sometimes we have to outlive our history.

  15. 生活的磨炼早已使他愤世疾俗。

    Experience had embittered his heart against the world.

  16. 世界上没有天生的才气,才气必须经过磨炼。

    There is no born talent in the world, talent must go through with hardships.

  17. 感谢伤害你的人,因为他磨炼了你的心志!

    Thank hurt you, because he has been honing your mind!

  18. 你知道, 即使经理也受到过艰苦的磨炼。

    Even the director has gone through the mill, you know.

  19. 地上的磨炼煎熬远小于天上的得胜荣耀。

    The trials of earth are small compared with the triumphs of heaven.

  20. 由于疾病, 我才有机会磨炼自己得意志。

    Thanks to the disease, I have the opportunity to improve my character.

  21. 由于疾病, 我才有机会磨炼自己的意志。

    Thanks to the disease, I have the opportunity to improve my character.

  22. 意拳里的桩功是一种磨炼意志的功夫。

    Stance Training is a series to train the will.

  23. 这些语言上得沟通磨炼了我得意志, 给了我自信。

    The language communication honed my will and gave me confidence.

  24. 这些语言上的沟通磨炼了我的意志,给了我自信。

    The language communication honed my will and gave me confidence.

  25. 它磨炼了我坚韧不拔的毅力和克服困难的勇气。

    It tempered me into indomitable willpower and couraged me to overcome many difficulties.

  26. 让这些成为你的指南, 成为从爱与智慧来的磨炼。

    You must not profess with your lips that which is not in your heart.

  27. 我的一生可能注定要坎坷和比别人多的磨炼。

    My life may be doomed to frustrations and temper and more than others.

  28. 要在人世间成功进取, 须日日夜夜发奋磨炼。席勒

    In the wold, a man who would make his way , must plague and bestir himself night and day.

  29. 只为今天,我会用三种方法来磨炼我的灵魂。

    Just for today I will exercise my soul in three ways.

  30. 大学三年的磨炼,使我具备了一定的综合素质。

    Three years of college study has prepared me with a certain level of comprehensive qualities.


  1. 问:磨炼拼音怎么拼?磨炼的读音是什么?磨炼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:磨炼的读音是móliàn,磨炼翻译成英文是 steel



注释 磨 mó(ㄇㄛˊ) [1]摩擦:~刀。~墨。~练。~砺(摩擦使锐利,喻经受磨练)。~合。研~。~漆画。




炼 liàn(ㄌㄧㄢˋ) [1]用火烧制或用加热等方法使物质纯净、坚韧、浓缩:~钢。~焦。~油。~乳。~狱。锤~。

