







汉语拼音:kuò yú






  1. 即蜒蚰。俗名鼻涕虫。形似去壳的蜗牛。能分泌黏液,为蔬菜、果树等的害虫。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·虫四·蛞蝓》:“惟 许慎 《説文》云:‘蚹蠃背负壳者曰蜗牛,无壳者曰蛞蝓。’一言决矣。”



  1. If you look back in evolution to say, the sea slug Aplysia, you see that the building blocks of this brain have not changed.


  2. The slugs accomplishment is quite a feat, and scientists aren't yet sure how the animals actually appropriate the genes they need.


  3. The illumination is from transmitted light, which contributes to the translucent glow in the developing slugs and the surface.


  4. The delightfully named banana slug will bite off its own penis and leave it in the female to prevent any other slug depositing its DNA.


  5. Even if devoured by the giant beasts, dragon snakes could gnaw through the swamp slug's stomach and burst out of its belly.


  6. Cohen also spots some yellow dots, and he says they are "the egg mass of a Japanese sea slug which showed up here a few years ago. "


  7. Scorpions follow prey out of the sea. Slugs became snails. Fish tried amphibian life. Frogs adapted to deserts.


  8. When he was finally revealed to be a large sluglike creature in Return of the Jedi, Marvel's Jabba was proven apocryphal.


  9. "It makes a cut in the alga, sucks out the cytoplasm [the material inside the alga] and digests most of it, " explains Manhart.


  1. 蛞蝓变形虫

    Amoeba Limax.

  2. 灭蛞蝓制剂

    slug exterminating preparation.

  3. 蛞蝓和蜗牛夜间进食。

    Slugs and snails feed at night.

  4. 蛞蝓类的蛞蝓类的, 有关蛞蝓类的或类似蛞蝓类的

    Of, relating to, or resembling a slug.

  5. 无意冒犯香蕉蛞蝓饲主。谢谢

    No offense to banana slug owners. Thank you.

  6. 紫海蛞蝓属裸鳃类动物。

    A violet sea slug also known as a nudibranch.

  7. 蛞蝓对石菖蒲的危害与防治

    Damage of Slug to Sweetflag and its Control

  8. 它像绵羊或蛞蝓一样吞食植物。

    Like a sheep or a slug, it eats plants.

  9. 太空蛞蝓的肉有许多商业用途。

    Space slug flesh has a number of commercial uses.

  10. 保持我们的种族优越于香蕉蛞蝓

    to keep our species above banana slugs.

  11. 农民正在努力对付蛞蝓的大肆侵害。

    Farmers are struggling to cope with an invasion of slugs.

  12. 蜗牛和蛞蝓爬过后留下粘液痕迹。

    Snails and slugs leave a trail of mucus.

  13. 但在海蛞蝓确有另一套策略。

    The sea slug, however, works a little differently.

  14. 漂亮的海蛞蝓会出现在潮池中。

    The beautiful sea slugs would appear in the tide pools.

  15. 野外采集种源,室内恒温培养蛞蝓变形虫。

    The sources of species collects out door, Amoeba Limax is cultured un der constant temperature in doors.

  16. 蛞蝓变形虫、大变形虫的采集和室内培养

    Probe into Obtaining and Cultivating Slug Amoebas and Amoeba Proteus Pallas Indoors.

  17. 植物颗粒剂对蜗牛和蛞蝓诱杀作用初报

    Trapping and killing effect of botanical granular on Helix sp and Limax flavus

  18. 蝎子跟随它们的猎物离开大海,蛞蝓变成了蜗牛。

    Scorpions follow prey out of the sea. Slugs became snails.

  19. 蜗牛和蛞蝓确实是爬行类动物王国的一部分。

    Snails and slugs are indeed a part of the creepy crawler kingdom.

  20. 接下来几分钟, 我们要向海蛞蝓的水平看齐。

    The next few minutes is, were all going to get raised up to the level of a sea slug.

  21. 太空蛞蝓是硅基生命体, 一般长度极少超过10米。

    Siliconbased lifeforms, the typical space slug rarely exceeds 10 meters in length.

  22. 这种蛞蝓的异常生理机能允许它在宇宙真空中存活。

    The slugs bizarre biology allows it to survive in the vacuum of space.

  23. 渺小得庭院蛞蝓能把身体伸长而钻进虫子洞里。

    The small garden slug can stretch its body to enter worm holes.

  24. 渺小的庭院蛞蝓能把身体伸长而钻进虫子洞里。

    The small garden slug can stretch its body to enter worm holes.

  25. 太空蛞蝓身体的某些部分可以被提炼并用于化妆品工业。

    Certain portions of space slug anatomy are refined and used by the cosmetics industry.

  26. 几种植物源农药粗提物对菜蚜和蛞蝓的药效研究

    Insecticidal Effect of Several Plant Crude Extracts on Vegetable Aphids and Slugs

  27. 这种海蛞蝓生活在新英格兰和加拿大盐沼地。

    The sea slugs live in salt marshes in New England and Canada.

  28. 她认为毛毛虫和蛞蝓十分美味, 而她最喜欢的零食是甲虫。

    She thinks caterpillars and slugs are delicious and likes to crunch on beetles best of all.

  29. 我们有了蕈类,那来点肉如何阿?瞧瞧这只蛞蝓的尺寸。

    Once we had mushrooms, how about some meat? Look at the size of the slug.

  30. 那么珊瑚和海蛞蝓到底 展示了什么样的双曲线几何呢?

    So what is this hyperbolic geometry that corals and sea slugs embody?


  1. 问:蛞蝓拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓的读音是什么?蛞蝓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓的读音是,蛞蝓翻译成英文是 Slug

  2. 问:蛞蝓形拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓形的读音是什么?蛞蝓形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓形的读音是kuò yú xíng,蛞蝓形翻译成英文是 limaciform

  3. 问:蛞蝓变形虫拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓变形虫的读音是什么?蛞蝓变形虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓变形虫的读音是kuò yú biàn xíng chóng,蛞蝓变形虫翻译成英文是 Amoeba limax

  4. 问:蛞蝓指环虫拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓指环虫的读音是什么?蛞蝓指环虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓指环虫的读音是kuòyúzhǐhuánchóng,蛞蝓指环虫翻译成英文是 Dactylogyrus limaciformis

  5. 问:蛞蝓简便虫拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓简便虫的读音是什么?蛞蝓简便虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓简便虫的读音是kuò yú jiǎn biàn chóng,蛞蝓简便虫翻译成英文是 Vahlkampfia limax

  6. 问:蛞蝓葡萄贝拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓葡萄贝的读音是什么?蛞蝓葡萄贝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓葡萄贝的读音是kuòyúpútáobèi,蛞蝓葡萄贝翻译成英文是 Staphylaea limacina

  7. 问:蛞蝓状变形虫拼音怎么拼?蛞蝓状变形虫的读音是什么?蛞蝓状变形虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蛞蝓状变形虫的读音是kuò yú zhuàng biàn xíng chóng,蛞蝓状变形虫翻译成英文是 limax amoeba



“蛞蝓”是个多义词,它可以指蛞蝓(一种软体动物), 蛞蝓(《火影忍者》中的通灵兽)。