







汉语拼音:biǎo jiě






  1. 姑母、舅父、姨母之女年长于己者,称表姐。



  1. After that they remain silent, and after several more minutes she tells him that she will go home now. Her cousin might be looking for her.


  2. My cousin is always trying to set me up with women from her officer.


  3. He does not know his letters, ' he said to his cousin. 'Could you believe in the existence of such a colossal dunce?


  4. The next day, I find playing with his cousin (though his sister, than I do not months).


  5. 'Lend me a shilling, cousin, ' said the shoe-maker's wife. 'I need a new petticoat. '


  6. Ana Claudia Dutra, the cousin of Brazilian conductor Silvio Barbato, told the O Globo newspaper that she had not given up hope.


  7. e. g. My cousin is always trying to set me up with women from her officer.


  8. As to his cousin, she wept, with all her might; aghast at the mischief she had done: though she said nothing.


  9. My cousin came back to China a few days ago. She said she had a month to have fun. Do you have time to visit China and see me along? haha!


  1. 她是我的表姐。

    She is my cousin.

  2. 我表姐是他妻子。

    My cousin is his wife.

  3. 我表姐会打扑克。

    My cousin can play cards.

  4. 今天表姐来看我。

    She is an electrician working in an electronic factory.

  5. 我表姐要生孩子了。

    My cousin is going to have a baby.

  6. 衙来想想,表姐太可笑了!

    Later I thought my cousin was just too silly.

  7. 你是我表姐爱丽丝?

    You're my cousin, alice?

  8. 我经常和我表姐发生争吵。

    I always quarrel with my cousin.

  9. 梅表姐为什么不可以再嫁?

    Why couldn't Cousin Mei remarry ?

  10. 原来她姑妈就是我表姐。

    It turns out that her aunt and my cousin are one and the same.

  11. 她来拜访她的表姐基蒂。

    She is visiting her cousin Kitty.

  12. 昨天是家庆表姐的生日。

    Yesterday was my cousin JQ's birthday.

  13. 大哥决不会忘记梅表姐。

    Big Brother hasn't forgotten Cousin Mei.

  14. 你的表姐几岁?她十二岁。

    How old is your cousin ?She is twelve.

  15. 第二天, 我去找表姐玩。

    The next day, I find playing with his cousin.

  16. 凯莉是罗伯特和莎莉的表姐。

    Robert and Sally are Kelly's cousins.

  17. 我表姐是霍吉先生的牙医。

    My cousin is Dr. Hodge's dental hygienist.

  18. 我表姐是霍吉先生的牙医。

    My cousin is Dr. Hodge's dental hygienist.

  19. 我和表姐在审判他的良心。

    My cousin and I were condemning his conscience.

  20. 他不认识字,他对他的表姐说。

    He does not know his letters,'he said to his cousin.

  21. 我希望我的表姐妹们都好。

    I hope that my cousins are all well.

  22. 这些是妈妈, 表姐和等等煮得。

    This is mother, cousin and so many cooked.

  23. 这些是妈妈, 表姐和等等煮的。

    This is mother, cousin and so many cooked.

  24. 这两个表姐妹非常相像。

    There are much likeness between the two cousins.

  25. 他是我母亲的表姐的女儿的孩子。

    He's my mother's cousin's daughter's child.

  26. 有她两位表姐你该满足了。

    You ought to be satisfied with her two cousins.

  27. 她长得有点儿像他表姐莫琳。

    She looks a bit like his cousin Maureen.

  28. 我认为你的表姐艾米很友善。

    I think your cousin Amy is very friendly.

  29. 我有一个表姐,她在医院工作。

    I have a cousin, who works in a hospital.

  30. 我的表姐将在台北待上一晚。

    My cousin will stay in Taipei for one night.


  1. 问:表姐拼音怎么拼?表姐的读音是什么?表姐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表姐的读音是biǎojiě,表姐翻译成英文是 elder female cousin on the mother's side...

  2. 问:表姐,你好野!拼音怎么拼?表姐,你好野!的读音是什么?表姐,你好野!翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表姐,你好野!的读音是,表姐,你好野!翻译成英文是 Her Fatal Ways


