







汉语拼音:gāi bān






  1. 值班。

    明 刘若愚 《酌中志·累臣自叙略节》:“该班则供抄誊之役,下班则习字读书。”《隋唐演义》第十六回:“趁此今夜,非我该班,又兼府中演戏开宴之时,我私自到他寓所一会,岂不是好?”《红楼梦》第六五回:“我是二门上该班的人。”



  1. the first article of each operation of each batch at the beginning of each work shift.


  2. The workshop will address water quality issues from a systems perspective with a view to protecting and promoting health.


  3. He be one of the best student in that class .


  4. late or early dismissal are urged to inform their teachers before or after classes.


  5. I hope there may be many future Editions in this class.


  6. Three members of the class were absent this morning.


  7. d the class and took one section to the library and left the other to write an article.


  1. 该班服装, 道具精良。

    The course clothing, props well.

  2. 没有教师指导该班。

    There was no teacher to direct the class.

  3. 史密斯负责该班。

    Smith is in charge of this class.

  4. 史密斯先生负责该班。

    Smith is in charge of this class.

  5. 史密斯老师认真该班。

    Mr. Smith is in charge of this class.

  6. 史密斯老师负责该班。

    Mr. Smith is in charge of this class.

  7. 研究者为该班的英语教师。

    The researcher taught the class.

  8. 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。

    Three members of the class were absent this morning.

  9. 我希望该班将来会出好多爱迪生。

    I hope there may be many future Editions in this class.

  10. 该班有戏箱一套,均是王洛建一家购置。

    The company formerly known case of a class, are to build a purchase of Wang Luo.

  11. 这个老师已控制不住该班,他将被撤换掉。

    The teacher has lost control of the class; he will have to be replaced.

  12. 同样,从该班中选取的31名学生构成了对照组。

    Similarly, 31 students sampled from this class formed the control group of subjects.

  13. 老师把该班分开,把一组领去图书馆,留下其余的人写作文。

    The teacher divided the class and took one section to the library and left the other to write an article.

  14. 我也该坐那班飞机去的。

    I should be on that plane, too.

  15. 该航线每天一班。

    A group of the route day.

  16. 该提议使我们班上分裂为两派。

    The proposal split our class in two.

  17. 明天我该班儿。

    I'll be on shift tomorrow.

  18. 在1988年,学前预备班也正式加入了该体系中。

    Preparatory classes were formally incorporated into the system in 1988.

  19. 该班已选出班长。

    The class has elected its leader.

  20. 去济南该乘哪一班车?

    Which train do I take for Jinan?

  21. 我也许该学些西班牙语

    I should probably learn some spanish.

  22. 让该同学为全班弹奏一首歌曲。

    Its wonderful. She can play the guitar very well.

  23. 系统确定该学生没有资格参加研习班。

    The system determines the student is not eligible to enroll in seminars.

  24. 系统通知该生,他没有资格参加研习班。

    The system informs the student he is not eligible to enroll.

  25. 系统询问该学生是否仍然想参加研习班。

    The system asks the student whether he still wants to enroll in the seminar.

  26. 班里没有人能提供出该问题的正确答案。

    No one in the class could furnish the right answer to the question.

  27. 我更该多加交流, 因为我生活在西班牙。

    I still talk, because I live in Spain.

  28. 该飞机被迫改道飞至中非共和国首都班吉。

    The aircraft was forced to reroute to Bangui, the capital of the Central African Republic.

  29. 全班认为他该被选为班长的一致意见

    The concurrence of the class that he should be elected president

  30. 那下车后,该去哪里搭另一班地铁呢

    When I get off, where do I need to go to catch the other train