







汉语拼音:tán xīn







  1. 谈心里话;闲谈。

    明 吕天成 《齐东绝倒》第三出:“野人羞见客,故友懒谈心。” 清 朱之瑜 《与安东守约书》之九:“贤契来则与尚论古人,考究疑义,酌酒谈心,更无餘事。” 巴金 《寒夜》二六:“酒馆里白天很清静,除了他,另外还有两个客人对酌谈心。”



  1. But , the teacher paid special attention to her , to talk to her for hours , and helped her with her study.


  2. Even though Wilson is just a volleyball, he becomes fond of him. He talks to him and treats him as a friend.


  3. The broadcast will show the queen, wearing a green outfit, chatting to schoolchildren as she helps them make a collage of a nativity scene.


  4. Father is always very busy, seldom take out time to come out to be like to sit down to discuss heart now.


  5. If it were possible, I would prefer to be there with you at this moment, to sit with you and talk, face to face and heart to heart.


  6. when I from the book, he wanted to with you - my life's best friend to talk about the heart, said to speak.


  7. Party is not eating and drinking, but ready to fruit, snacks and candy, and teachers talking heart to heart.


  8. For the children, parents should always run from time to time to show concern and timely to talk about the heart.


  9. And talk to a loyal friend just as I had a magic, or whether I suddenly see the light, or make me happy, or make my brows.


  1. 我们促膝谈心。

    We communicate knee to knee.

  2. 他们在促膝谈心。

    They were talking head to head.

  3. 我和他促膝谈心。

    I got knee to knee with him.

  4. 深夜, 和肖邦谈心

    Confide to Chopin

  5. 我们在什么地方谈心?

    Where shall we have a talk?

  6. 和朋友谈心能缓解忧虑。

    Anxiety may be relieved by talking to friends.

  7. 你是否经常和父母谈心?

    Do you often talk with your parents heart to heart?

  8. 他好久没和我谈心了。

    He hasn't confided in me in years.

  9. 我没有能够真正谈心的人。

    I have no one to really talk to.

  10. 你先是不再和朋友们谈心了。

    First, you stop talking to your friends.

  11. 这图书馆是我们促膝谈心的地方。

    This was the place for our teteatete.

  12. 我们的老师和我们谈心,关心我们的生活。

    Our teacher talks to us and asks us about our lives.

  13. 唯一我可以谈心和思考的地方。

    The one place I could talk, think.

  14. 月亮是孤独的时候来谈心的朋友

    The moon is a friend for the ionesome to talk to.

  15. 少女们喜欢和妈妈来一场谈心

    Teenage girls love a good hearttoheart conversation with their mother.

  16. 同学,老师找我谈心,和我交朋友

    My teacher and classmates are commune and making friends with me.

  17. 基齐很善于引导别人与其谈心。

    Kitzi was an adept at getting people to talk confidentially to him.

  18. 他和威尔逊谈心,把他当做朋友。

    He talks to him and treats him as a friend.

  19. 美梦先生,找关心你的人谈心去。

    Mcdreamy, go sit by someone who cares.

  20. 两个人点上烟斗, 坐下来谈心。

    The two men lit up their pipes and then sat down for a chat.

  21. 现在我没有一个可以谈心的人。

    Now I have no one to talk to about my problems.

  22. 我的儿子告诉我你鼓励他跟我谈心。

    My son tells me you encouraged him to talk to me.

  23. 让孩子知道你随时愿意与他谈心。

    Let your child know you are always available to talk.

  24. 当我们吃完早餐之后,我们开始谈心了。

    When we finished our breakfast, we began to chat.

  25. 多愁的细雨姐姐低语着和我谈心。

    The rain, his sad sister, talks to my heart.

  26. 噢, 太棒了, 我们这是要促膝谈心吗?

    great, are we going to braid each others fur now

  27. 谈心活动要善于选择时机,找准问题。

    Confabulate activity should be good at choosing an opportune moment, seek accurate issue.

  28. 他刚刚和一个女得分手,他需要谈心。

    He's just breaking up with a woman and he wanted to talk.

  29. 但她郁郁寡欢,连个谈心的人都没有。

    But she was often sad and never had a bosom friend.

  30. 您感到有人可以与您谈心的时候有多少?

    How often do you feel that there are people you can talk to?


  1. 问:谈心拼音怎么拼?谈心的读音是什么?谈心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:谈心的读音是tánxīn,谈心翻译成英文是 have a heart-to-heart talk


谈心[heart-to-heart talk] 意思是谈心里话;倾心交谈