


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……





汉语拼音:chóng zǔ







重组 [chóng zǔ]
  1. 非连锁基因的自由组合。例如纯合的非糯红米水稻品种与糯性白米水稻品种杂交,子二代有四种类型的植株,其中非糯红米和糯性白米的植株分别与两亲本的性状相同,称为亲本组合;另有非糯白米和糯性红米两种植株则是两亲本所没有的重新组合,即重组体。



  1. "I call it a slow-motion train wreck, " James Sprayregen, a restructuring partner at law firm Kirkland & Ellis, said in New York.


  2. The regrouping of the employees in the company is quite normal, you will probably work with your old bosses and co-workers again eventually.


  3. Callings can be an encouragement to do a small thing with your time and energy or to pursue a radical reorganization of your life.


  4. "Of course we are suffering, because Japan is in a difficult situation, but we do not plan any major restructuring, " he said.


  5. Restructuring means a unilateral change to certain material terms of any Obligation as a result of deterioration in creditworthiness.


  6. The Bank of England's Mr Tucker went furthest this month by saying that any CCP recapitalisation "should not come from the public sector" .


  7. The country will have to restructure its debt, even though its leaders are now insisting it has no intention of doing so.


  8. The company noted that these restructuring activities do not impact its Five Star business operations and growth plans.


  9. It feels great, you know. We're all older and more experienced and I can honestly say it's like we've never been away.


  1. DNA可以重组。

    The dna can recombine.

  2. 溶剂重组能

    Solvent reorganization energy.

  3. 分工与重组

    divide the work and reorganize.

  4. 分片和重组。

    Segmentation and reassembly.

  5. 重组细小病毒

    recombinant parvovirus

  6. 大脑皮层重组

    Cortical Reorganization.

  7. 优势基因重组

    superior gene recombination

  8. 国有资产重组

    restrueturing of state assets.

  9. 重组商业计划。

    Retool your business plan.

  10. 政务流程重组

    government process reengineering

  11. 重组生长激素

    Recombinant human growth hormone

  12. 理事会被重组。

    The governing board was reconstituted.

  13. 企业兼并重组

    annexation and reorganization of enterprises.

  14. 重组巴曲酶

    Recombinant batroxobin

  15. 重组自交系

    recombinant inbred line

  16. 重组白交系

    recombinant inbred lines

  17. 重组近交系

    recombinant inbred strain

  18. 重组诱饵质粒

    Recombinant bait plasmid

  19. 重组痘苗病毒

    vaccinia virus recombinant

  20. 样模选择重组

    copy choice recombination.

  21. 重组人与野兽

    Recombining man and beast.

  22. 重组转导作用

    recombinative transduction

  23. 重组蛛丝蛋白

    recombinant spider silk protein

  24. 重组别藻蓝蛋白

    Recombinant allophyeocyanin

  25. 重组乐队的事情

    starting up the band again.

  26. 重组人生长激素

    Human growth hormone recombinant

  27. 在林内部重组

    Restructuring Active Directory Domains Within a Forest

  28. 促生长激素, 重组

    recombinant human growth hormone

  29. 改进的纹理重组。

    Improved texture defragmentation.

  30. 减数分裂重组交换

    meiotic recombination


  1. 问:重组拼音怎么拼?重组的读音是什么?重组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组的读音是chóngzǔ,重组翻译成英文是 To reorganize.; restructure

  2. 问:重组体拼音怎么拼?重组体的读音是什么?重组体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组体的读音是chóng zǔ tī,重组体翻译成英文是 recombinant

  3. 问:重组值拼音怎么拼?重组值的读音是什么?重组值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组值的读音是chóng zǔ zhí,重组值翻译成英文是 recombination value

  4. 问:重组剂拼音怎么拼?重组剂的读音是什么?重组剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组剂的读音是chóng zǔ jì,重组剂翻译成英文是 recombinagen

  5. 问:重组块拼音怎么拼?重组块的读音是什么?重组块翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组块的读音是chóng zǔ kuài,重组块翻译成英文是 reblocking

  6. 问:重组型拼音怎么拼?重组型的读音是什么?重组型翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组型的读音是chóng zǔ xíng,重组型翻译成英文是 recombinant type

  7. 问:重组子拼音怎么拼?重组子的读音是什么?重组子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组子的读音是chóng zǔ zǐ,重组子翻译成英文是 recon

  8. 问:重组期拼音怎么拼?重组期的读音是什么?重组期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组期的读音是chóng zǔ qī,重组期翻译成英文是 recombination stage

  9. 问:重组物拼音怎么拼?重组物的读音是什么?重组物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组物的读音是chóng zǔ wù,重组物翻译成英文是 recombinator, recombinogenic element

  10. 问:重组率拼音怎么拼?重组率的读音是什么?重组率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组率的读音是chóng zǔ lǜ,重组率翻译成英文是 recombination rate; percentage of recombinat...

  11. 问:重组级拼音怎么拼?重组级的读音是什么?重组级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组级的读音是chóng zǔ jí,重组级翻译成英文是 recombination class

  12. 问:重组结拼音怎么拼?重组结的读音是什么?重组结翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组结的读音是chóng zǔ jié,重组结翻译成英文是 recombination node, recombination nodule...

  13. 问:重组者拼音怎么拼?重组者的读音是什么?重组者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组者的读音是chóng zǔ zhě,重组者翻译成英文是 recombination proficient

  14. 问:重组能拼音怎么拼?重组能的读音是什么?重组能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组能的读音是chóng zǔ néng,重组能翻译成英文是 reorganization energy

  15. 问:重组节拼音怎么拼?重组节的读音是什么?重组节翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组节的读音是chóng zǔ jié,重组节翻译成英文是 recombination node; recombination nodule

  16. 问:重组酶拼音怎么拼?重组酶的读音是什么?重组酶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组酶的读音是chóng zǔ méi,重组酶翻译成英文是 recombinase

  17. 问:重组交换拼音怎么拼?重组交换的读音是什么?重组交换翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组交换的读音是chóng zǔ jiāo huàn,重组交换翻译成英文是 recombinational crossover

  18. 问:重组位点拼音怎么拼?重组位点的读音是什么?重组位点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组位点的读音是chóng zǔ wèi diǎn,重组位点翻译成英文是 recombination site

  19. 问:重组修复拼音怎么拼?重组修复的读音是什么?重组修复翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组修复的读音是chóng zǔ xiū fù,重组修复翻译成英文是 recombinational repair; recombination repai...

  20. 问:重组债券拼音怎么拼?重组债券的读音是什么?重组债券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:重组债券的读音是chóng zǔ zhài quàn,重组债券翻译成英文是 reorganization bond



“重组”是个多义词,它可以指重组(经济学名词), 重组(生物学名词), 重组(文学作品)。