


求:~求。~示。~假(jiǎ )。~命。~战。~教(jiào )。~愿。~君入瓮。~缨(喻请战杀敌)。敬辞,用于希望对方做某事:~进。~坐。~安。~便。延聘、邀、约人来:~客。~柬。邀~。谒见、会见:“造~诸公,不避寒暑”。……





汉语拼音:qǐng yuàn







  1. 采取集体行动要求政府或主管当局满足某些愿望,或改革某种政策措施。

    鲁迅 《华盖集·忽然想到(九)》:“报上有一则新闻,大意是学生要到执政府去请愿。” 巴金 《家》八:“我们这回请愿一定要得个结果!我们不要上当。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第六章:“战俘的母亲和妻子已经在 伦敦 集会,他们向下院请愿。”



  1. Another woman, who found a snake in her Christmas tree, started a petition demanding that Helen get rid of her snakes.


  2. A few months after her release, she petitioned the Beijing city government, seeking redress for her injuries.


  3. They were there to see but, more important, to petition their leader as he arrived for his weekly radio show.


  4. She fell out with Yeltsin over the war in Chechnya, and in 2010 was the first to sign a petition that Vladimir Putin should go.


  5. Pray, v. To ask the laws of the universe to be annulled on behalf of a singlepetitioner confessedly unworthy.


  6. I realized I could act as a public person _able to defend my interests, to unionize, to petition to speak up -to challenge and demand.


  7. He said the officials who took the petition said they would study the parents' demands.


  8. One study found that just 2 out of every 1, 000 petitions achievesany sort of results.


  9. A commission spokesman said the petition would be considered next year.


  1. 请愿示威游行

    petition demonstration

  2. 转递请愿书

    forward a petition.

  3. 呈递请愿书

    present a petition.

  4. 他们请愿要求赦免。

    They petitioned for pardon.

  5. 请愿的对象是州长。

    The petitions were addressed to the Governor.

  6. 我们的请愿白费唇舌。

    Our petitions have been slighted.

  7. 吉尔自告奋勇组织请愿。

    Jill volunteered to organize a petition.

  8. 就某事徵集签名请愿。

    get up a petition about sth

  9. 很少人要签名请愿。

    Few people will sign the petition.

  10. 街头游戏,拍卖活动,请愿活动

    Street plays, auctions, petitions.

  11. 向国王呈递请愿书

    present a memorial to the king

  12. 向领导递交请愿书

    present a petition to the head

  13. 在王座室,回答所有请愿。

    In the Throne room, answer all petitioners.

  14. 组织请愿这种事是费钱得。

    Organizing petitions cost money.

  15. 组织请愿这种事是费钱的。

    Organizing petitions cost money.

  16. 请愿书起草或署名人

    A person who writes or signs a memorial.

  17. 这是个意见箱,叫做请愿箱。

    This is a feedback box called a petition box.

  18. 一些团体在散发请愿书。

    Some groups are circulating petitions.

  19. 请愿还必须签署和注明日期。

    The petition must also be signed and dated.

  20. 请愿通过请愿书来请求正式要求。

    To ask for by petition request formally.

  21. 你不必为此搞请愿书。

    You dont need a petition for that.

  22. 他们向政府请愿, 要求废除绞刑。

    They petitioned the government to abolish hanging.

  23. 请愿书,把你赶出这里

    a petition to have you kicked out of this building.

  24. 他建议起草一个请愿书。

    He suggests that draws up a petition.

  25. 他们向当局递呈请愿书。

    They presented a petition to the authorities.

  26. 请愿为案件辩护时提出的辩解

    An allegation offered in pleading a case.

  27. 他们向政府请愿要求释放政治犯。

    They petitioned the Government for the release of the political prisoners.

  28. 请愿书将于下周送交国会。

    The petition will be presented to the Parliament next week.

  29. 他们向立法机构提交请愿书。

    They addressed the memorial to the legislature.

  30. 孩子们整天跑来跑去,征求请愿签名。

    The children have been racing round all day, collecting signatures for the petition.


  1. 问:请愿拼音怎么拼?请愿的读音是什么?请愿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿的读音是qǐngyuàn,请愿翻译成英文是 petition

  2. 问:请愿人拼音怎么拼?请愿人的读音是什么?请愿人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿人的读音是qǐngyuànrén,请愿人翻译成英文是 petitioner

  3. 问:请愿权拼音怎么拼?请愿权的读音是什么?请愿权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿权的读音是qǐng yuàn quán,请愿权翻译成英文是 right to petition

  4. 问:请愿的拼音怎么拼?请愿的的读音是什么?请愿的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿的的读音是,请愿的翻译成英文是 petitionary

  5. 问:请愿者拼音怎么拼?请愿者的读音是什么?请愿者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿者的读音是,请愿者翻译成英文是 memorialist

  6. 问:请愿示威拼音怎么拼?请愿示威的读音是什么?请愿示威翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿示威的读音是qǐng yuàn shì wēi,请愿示威翻译成英文是 tumultuous petitioning

  7. 问:请愿书起草者拼音怎么拼?请愿书起草者的读音是什么?请愿书起草者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:请愿书起草者的读音是,请愿书起草者翻译成英文是 memorialist



请 愿

【读音】:qǐng yuàn

【解释】: 人民向国家机关或官员提出意见或有所请求;采取集体行动要求政府或主管当局满足某些愿望,或改革某种政策措施。

【英文解释】: present a petition;demand at public demonstration

【示例】 鲁迅《华盖集·忽然想到(九)》:“报上有一则新闻,大意是学生要到执政府去请愿。” 巴金《家(八)》:“我们这回请愿一定要得个结果!我们不要上当。” 魏巍《东方》(第六部第六章):“战俘的母亲和妻子已经在伦敦集会,他们向下院请愿。”