


总括,总起来:~一。~率(shuài)。~帅。~摄(统辖)。~考。~筹。~战。~共。~购~销。事物的连续关系:系~。血~。传(chuán )~。体~。……





汉语拼音:tǒng shuài









  1. 统率武装力量的主帅。

    《宋书·索虏传》:“辅国将军、 青 冀 二州刺史 霄城侯 萧斌 ,推 三齐 之锋,为之统帅。” 唐 陆贽 《冬至大赦制》:“统帅之任,以总制戎麾。” 清 侯方域 《重修演武厅事记代陈将军作》:“当是时, 豫州 无统帅,专閫之权为重,后小安无事,渐以杀。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第六章:“他立刻就要看见 西北 战场的统帅了。”

  2. 统辖率领。

    范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第四编第一章第一节:“ 宋太祖 建国后,继续统帅 后周 的禁军。” 秦牧 《艺海拾贝·核心》:“题材可以是多样的,主题也可以是多样的,让革命化来统帅多样化吧!”



  1. The lesson for American voters is that their president, for all his flaws, has no desire to own the commanding heights of industry.


  2. It must be borne in mind that the enemy's supreme command is not lacking in strategic insight.


  3. My job as the next commander-in-chief is going to be [to] make a decision: what is the right war to fight and how do we fight it?


  4. After the death of his father and brother-in-law, he took charge of Carthage's army in Spain (221).


  5. Lincoln was thankful for what Meade had done at Gettysburg. He said Meade would continue to command the Army of the Potomac.


  6. In a time of crisis, the plane is outfitted to serve the commander-in-chief as an aerial bunker.


  7. It was an honor to address some of America's newest sailors and Marines as their Commander-in-Chief.


  8. During the war, the headquarters were set up 30 kilometers away from the front line.


  9. Mozilla's bid to become commander in chief, at least in Europe, may actually be achieved in the foreseeable future.


  1. 军队由国王直接统帅。

    The army is under the king's direct command.

  2. 总统也是三军的统帅。

    The president is also the chief of the armed forces.

  3. 将军被授权统帅全军。

    The general was invested with the command of the whole army.

  4. 他是远征队的统帅。

    He is the commander in chief of an expedition.

  5. 武装力量的最高统帅

    the Supreme Commander of the armed forces

  6. 拿破仑非常擅长统帅军队。

    Napoleon is very good at handling troops.

  7. 领导是统帅, 老板是驱赶者。

    The leader leads, and the boss drives.

  8. 统帅领导士兵去夺取胜利。

    The captain led the soldiers to victory.

  9. 总部的统帅地位有所变化。

    There has been a change in command at head office.

  10. 总部的统帅地位有所变化。

    There has been a change in command at head office.

  11. 大将罗马共和国的军队统帅

    An army commander in the Roman Republic.

  12. 他统帅所属部队前往增援。

    He commanded his troops, who marched forward as reinforcements.

  13. 首先, 我确实是生日会统帅。

    First of all, I'm the birthday captain.

  14. 国王依权限是三军的统帅。

    The king is chief of the armed forces by right.

  15. 女皇理应是武装部队的统帅。

    The queen is the chief of the armed forces by power.

  16. 德国最高统帅至此结束了。

    With that the Supreme German Warlord was finished.

  17. 这位将军被解除了统帅职务。

    The general was relieved of his command.

  18. 士兵们向他们统帅的身边聚拢来。

    The soldiers closed in around their captain.

  19. 做自己命运的主人和灵魂的统帅。

    I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.

  20. 古罗马将领恺撒的军事统帅艺术

    The Military Commanding Skills Of Caesar, An Acient Roman Commander

  21. 要统帅这些队伍, 需要惊人的将才。

    It needed a prodigious amount of generalship to marshal these forces.

  22. 要打败萨克逊人, 需要高明的统帅。

    To defeat the Saxon, we need a master of war.

  23. 统帅青凤蝶生物学特性的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on the Biological Characteristics of Graphium agamemnon

  24. 最高统帅在身避处踱来踱去。

    The Supreme Warlord was striding about the shelter.

  25. 第一件要做得, 是作战统帅得任命。

    The first thing to do is to name a commander for the operation.

  26. 第一件要做的,是作战统帅的任命。

    The first thing to do is to name a commander for the operation.

  27. 敌军统帅决定来归,我军表示欢迎。

    We welcomed the commander of the enemy who defected to our side.

  28. 氏族里强大的军阀是所有战事的统帅。

    The greatest warlord of a clan acts as a general to all war affairs.

  29. 某一国内所有武装部队的最高统帅

    the commander in chief of all the armed forces in certain countries

  30. 这对最高统帅的打击实在太大了。

    This was too much for the Supreme warlord.


  1. 问:统帅拼音怎么拼?统帅的读音是什么?统帅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统帅的读音是tǒngshuài,统帅翻译成英文是 commander-in-chief; command

  2. 问:统帅部拼音怎么拼?统帅部的读音是什么?统帅部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统帅部的读音是tǒngshuàibù,统帅部翻译成英文是 supreme command; the highest command organs...

  3. 问:统帅青凤蝶拼音怎么拼?统帅青凤蝶的读音是什么?统帅青凤蝶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统帅青凤蝶的读音是tǒngshuàiqīngfèngdié,统帅青凤蝶翻译成英文是 Graphium agamemnon

  4. 问:统帅青凤蝶指名亚种拼音怎么拼?统帅青凤蝶指名亚种的读音是什么?统帅青凤蝶指名亚种翻译成英文是什么?

    答:统帅青凤蝶指名亚种的读音是tǒngshuàiqīngfèngdié zhǐmíngyàzhǒng,统帅青凤蝶指名亚种翻译成英文是 Graphium agamemnon agamemnon



“统帅”是个多义词,它可以指统帅(汉语词语), 统帅(军衔)。