







汉语拼音:zǔ jié








  1. 拦截。

    《说唐》第四回:“还是 李道宗 胆大,喝道:‘你这般该死的男女,岂不知咱家是 陇西 李 府,敢来阻截道路!’” 左齐 《唤醒了山城》:“但在有利时机,我们又向尾追阻截之敌,狠狠地打上一棍子,使敌人不敢冒进、穷追。”



  1. Finally, along the road near the university, Qaddafi's forces were stopped by an army of shabab, local men, and Islamist fighters.


  2. As one of his senior manager adds afterwards: "Nobody wanted to tackle him - as he came near us it was like the parting of the Red Sea. "


  3. The day's mission was to push alongside a road where the marines had already been attacked, interdicting any suspected enemy along the way.


  4. Had Lincoln lived today, he would be a football coach's dream, a greAT tackle, a speed end, a genius AT quarterback.


  5. As a matter of fact, I never saw a football player make a tackle with a smile on his face.


  6. It is a classic tackle from behind-except the defender wins the ball cleanly and doesn't even touch the striker or knock him to the ground.


  7. The physics and theory of interception and retention of fine particles by vegetation are well beyond the scope of this book.


  8. But heavy rain held up Jackson's troops. They were discovered and attacked by a strong northern force.


  9. It is extremely hard to tackle from behind without infringing one of these statements.


  1. 堵截坝。阻截坝

    interception weir

  2. 阻截垄断模型

    blocking monopoly model

  3. 他在比赛中顽强阻截。

    He tackled hard in the game.

  4. 他在篮球赛中能阻截。

    In the basketball match he can block.

  5. 他还来不及射门即遭阻截。

    He was tackled before he had a chance to shoot.

  6. 他在穿过冰面阻截对手。

    He charged across the ice to check the other player.

  7. 毒品阻截行动也必须得到加强。

    Drug interdiction campaigns will also have to be intensified.

  8. 他巧妙地一晃, 绕过阻截队员。

    He cleverly sidestepped the tackle.

  9. 在总统办公室门外前进被阻截。

    Mosh pits outside the oval office.

  10. 他作了几次关键性的阻截。

    He made several key tackles.

  11. 他勇猛无畏地阻截对方持球队员。

    He tackles fearlessly.

  12. 他奔跑阻截对方的四分卫手。

    He ran interference for the quarterback.

  13. 教练教他们如何发起和应付阻截。

    The coach taught them how to give and receive clean checks.

  14. 教练教他们如何发起和应付阻截。

    The coach taught them how to give and receive clean checks.

  15. 纤维滤材结构和阻截概率的研究

    Study on the fiber structure and its pond chance

  16. 他在遭阻截铲断前起脚射门。

    He shot the ball before he was tackled.

  17. 有10个混种人阻截着我的柜子。

    I got about ten hybrids blocking mine.

  18. 有10个混种人阻截着我得柜子。

    I got about ten hybrids blocking mine.

  19. 戴在胳膊上阻截击打的一种盔。

    To intercept, as a football pass.

  20. 规则并没有明确从背后阻截是犯规。

    The Laws do not specifically outlaw tackling from behind.

  21. 阻截飞机车辆以抢劫或者改变目的地。

    seizure of a vehicle in transit either to rob it or divert it to an alternate destination.

  22. 戴在胳膊上阻截击打得一种盔。

    To intercept, as a football pass.

  23. 新内容包括9人群体阻截和失球大战。

    The new features include 7man gang tackles and fumble battles.

  24. 可以把军队渡运过来阻截毒品的装运。

    Troops could be ferried in to interdict drug shipments.

  25. 对冰球比赛中运动员运用身体阻截的分析

    Analysis on body check of players in ice hockey matches

  26. 哦!被女生阻截了, 这种画面不多见吧

    Whoa!Tackled by a girl!Bet ya don't see that everyday, do ya

  27. 没等有机会起脚射门, 他就被对方阻截了。

    He was tacked before he had a chance to shoot.

  28. 但是,像这样制造一个合法的阻截是异常困难的。

    However, performing a legal tackle like this is exceptionally difficult.

  29. 阻截动作看上去并未犯规,但被判罚任意球。

    The tackle looked fair but a free kick was awarded.

  30. 当他被警察阻截的时候他把衬衣仍在了地上。

    And his shirt is on the ground while he's tackled by police.


  1. 问:阻截拼音怎么拼?阻截的读音是什么?阻截翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阻截的读音是zǔjié,阻截翻译成英文是 stop; obstruct




【拼音】zǔ jié

【基本解释】[hold up;intercept] 阻挡,拦截使不能进行橄榄球术语:指防守方拦截得到攻方球员的球。阻截后可以立刻向对方阵地跑动进攻。