







汉语拼音:yào xiāng






  1. On hearing the news through the telephone she picked up her kit and dashed out of the door.


  2. Included in the medicine chest used for these experiments would have been anthrax, the plague, and brucellosis.


  3. As quickly as she could (=As quickly as possible), Miss Zhao got a medicine box.


  4. While he was about to open the box, Ari came out in a red pajama with the chair, like a red red fresh rose.


  5. The doctor hurriedly went to see the patient with her medicine chest .


  6. columnist, explores the claims and the science behind alternative remedies that you may want to consider for your family medicine cabinet.


  7. Miss Zhao got a medicine box as quickly as she could.


  8. As quickly as he could, Miss Zhao got a medicine box.


  9. Methods RFID system was used in combination with series antennas separated in space in combat readiness medicine cabinet.


  1. 家庭小药箱

    Family medicine cabinet.

  2. 冰冻干燥药箱

    freeze dried kit.

  3. 有急救药箱吗

    Is there a first aid kit?

  4. 放射免疫分析药箱

    radioimmunoassay kit

  5. 应急医学处理药箱

    drug kit for emergency medical treatment

  6. 补全结合试剂药箱

    immunological zoo

  7. 赵小姐取来了药箱。

    Miss Zhao got a medicine box.

  8. 爱犬家庭必备小药箱

    Absolutely necessarily medicine chest for pet dog at home

  9. 一共五件行李, 药箱除外。

    There are five pieces of luggage, not counting the medical kit.

  10. 核事故医学应急处理药箱

    drug kit for emergency medical treatment of nuclear accident

  11. 她拿起药箱冲出门去。

    She picked up her kit and dashed out of the door.

  12. 还应该有个家庭常用药箱。

    And then there is the home medicine cabinet staple.

  13. 急救。有,很大的一个急救药箱

    A. yeah, a big one.

  14. 在他的行李中有个药箱。

    Among his baggage was a medicine chest.

  15. 为什么女孩蹑手蹑脚走过药箱?

    Why did the girl tiptoe past the medicine cabinet ?

  16. 赵老师尽快拿起这只药箱。

    Miss Zhao got a medicine box as quickly as she could.

  17. 带上药箱以防出现突发情况。

    Carry a medical kit for emergencies.

  18. 赵老师尽快取来了一只药箱。

    As quickly as he could, Miss Zhao got a medicine box.

  19. 对283户家庭小药箱的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis on283 Family Medicine Cabinets

  20. 尽可能快地,他拿了一只药箱。

    As quickly as he could, he got a medicine box.

  21. 她整天搬弹药箱,所以很有力气。

    Lugging canister of ammunition about all day made her as strong as a horse.

  22. 装满药品、药水、药膏和绷带的药箱。

    A medicine chest stuffed with drugs, potions, ointments and bandages.

  23. 赵小姐尽可能快地拿起了药箱。

    As quickly as she could, Miss zhao got a medicine box.

  24. 偶有不适勿紧张, 便民药箱等在旁。

    If sick, there a medicine chest that is facilitating.

  25. 医生带着药箱匆匆地看病人去了。

    The doctor hurriedly went to see the patient with her medicine chest.

  26. 一种新型家庭保健药箱的研制与使用

    Development and application of new household health care kit

  27. 奶妈从那儿出去,把她的药箱拿来!

    Mammy Get out there and get her medicine chest.

  28. 因此,如何将你希望你的体育急救药箱吗?

    So how would you want your sports first aid kit to be?

  29. 可装在墙上及车上,4个架子急救药箱。

    Corrugated cardboard, wall mountable, four shelf first aid kit.

  30. 赵小姐挎着药箱匆匆去护理那个人了。

    With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao hurried off to look after the man.


  1. 问:药箱拼音怎么拼?药箱的读音是什么?药箱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:药箱的读音是yàoxiāng,药箱翻译成英文是 medicine-chest; medical kit


