







汉语拼音:qiú rén







  1. 罗致人才。

    《史记·老子韩非列传》:“於是 韩非 疾治国不务脩明其法制,执势以御其臣下,富国彊兵而以求人任贤,反举浮淫之蠹而加之於功实之上。”《北齐书·循吏传·苏琼》:“ 琼 幼时随父在边,尝謁 东荆州 刺史 曹芝 。 芝 戏问曰:‘卿欲官不?’对曰:‘设官求人,非人求官。’”

  2. 请求别人。

    庐隐 《海滨故人》:“我真信你说的话,求人谅解是不容易的事!” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·吴召儿》:“那几年,我们在山地里,常常接到母亲求人写来的信。”



  1. Every time she would Kudiehanniang before the exam, and easy to ask for help.


  2. For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? If I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.


  3. He is courteous and modest in life and business as if he was nobody , but in fact he seldom plead with other for something .


  4. To look like a supplicant is unfortunate; to be a spurned one is humiliating.


  5. And I hate to ask, but. . . could you drop me off there?


  6. Question2: you know, many people are reluctant to request someone, especially a stranger to offer help. Can you understand what I mean?


  7. Brother you know me well. I satisfy all the needs by myself.


  8. Actually, I feel asking for help may be the message of this eclipse - never be too proud to speak up.


  9. He looked at the water steaming invitingly and the glass of wine just begging to be savoured.


  1. 求人不如靠己

    To Rely On Oneself Is The Best.

  2. 求人不如求已。

    Self-help is better than help from others.

  3. 不求人,难生活。

    He that cannot ask cannot live.

  4. 与其求人,何如求己。

    It would be better to rely on ourselves than on others.

  5. 请求人有具体的海事请求

    The claimant has a specific maritime claim

  6. 请求人的签字或者盖章。

    The signature or stamp of the petitioner.

  7. 请求人是海事请求的当事人

    The claimant is the party to the maritime claim

  8. 给出你得手,救济有求人!

    Give a hand to people in need!

  9. 求人帮忙实在叫他难于启齿。

    Asking a favor came hard to him.

  10. 给出你的手,救济有求人!

    Give a hand to people in need!

  11. 赔偿请求人申请撤回赔偿申请的

    The compensation claimant applies for withdrawal of the application for compensation.

  12. 求人帮忙就会被指责为女里女气。

    Asking for help is for sissies.

  13. 第二节赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关

    Section 2 Claimant for Compensation and Organs for compensatory Obligations

  14. 不听劝告的人, 求人指点也是空。

    In vain he craves advice that will not follow it.

  15. 即或是那样,我也不愿求人帮忙。

    Even should that be the case, I wouldn't ask for help.

  16. 如果他自己能行, 就不会求人了。

    He will not come hat in hand if he can do it himself.

  17. 我们开始想要求人们 晚一点退休。

    We've got to start thinking about asking people to retire a little bit later.

  18. 早起三朝当一工,免得求人落下封。

    The early man never borrows from the late man.

  19. 对赔偿请求人取得的赔偿金不予征税。

    Taxes shall not be levied upon the compensation money obtained by claimant for compensation.

  20. 屠夫因为老牛曾经求人饶命而勃然大怒。

    The butcher was furious that the cow had tried to beg for its life.

  21. 赔偿请求人要求赔偿,应当先向赔偿义务机关提出。

    A claimant to compensation shall first apply to the organ liable for compensation in making a demand for it.

  22. 国家赔偿中赔偿请求人和赔偿义务机关的特殊情形

    Special Cases in Relations of Compensation Claimant and Compensation Organization in State Compensation

  23. 有明确的被请求人和具体的请求事项, 事实和理由

    They must have a specific respondent, claim, facts and argument on which the claim is based

  24. 他顿觉眼前一片昏黑, 摸着求人引领他了。

    Instantly mist and darkness came over him and he groped about for someone to lead him by the hand.

  25. 想满意,自己做,菩萨合掌念菩萨,求人不如求己。

    If you want to do it right, do it yourself. Rather than spending time on prayers, you should start to rely on yourself.

  26. 有了它,你再也不用为找不到强手求人了!

    With it, you no longer have to ask for help to find the gunmen had!

  27. 他的眼睛立刻昏蒙黑暗,四下里求人拉着手领他。

    Immediately and darkness and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand.

  28. 请求人申请扣船的, 时效自申请扣船之日起中断。

    Where the claimant makes a claim for the arrest of a ship, the limitation of time shall be discontinued from the day on which the claim is made.

  29. 主有安排。尽你才力所能,不求奖赏,不求人。

    That is His test. Do then the best you can, Not for reward, Not for the.

  30. 赔偿请求人书写申请书确有困难的,可以口头申请。

    Where a compensation claimant really has difficulty in completing the application form, he may make an oral application.


  1. 问:求人拼音怎么拼?求人的读音是什么?求人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求人的读音是qiúrén,求人翻译成英文是 to ask for help

  2. 问:求人帮助拼音怎么拼?求人帮助的读音是什么?求人帮助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求人帮助的读音是qiúrén bāngzhù,求人帮助翻译成英文是 request help