


穷,收入少,生活困难,与“富”相对:~穷。~寒。~民。清~。缺乏,不足:~乏。~血。~瘠。絮烦可厌:~相(xiàng )。~气(a.絮烦可厌;b.行动态度不大方。“气”均读轻声)。僧道谦称:~道。~僧。……





汉语拼音:pín hán








  1. 贫穷寒微。

    《南史·儒林传·贺德基》:“脱白纶巾以赠之。仍谓曰:‘君方为重器,不久贫寒,故以此相遗耳。’”《西湖二集·觉闍黎一念错投胎》:“家道贫寒,伶仃孤苦,不可胜言。” 邓友梅 《那五》:“虽说饭来张口,衣来伸手,可耐不住这寂寞,受不了这贫寒。”

  2. 指贫穷寒微的人。

    晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·广譬》:“连城之宝,非贫寒所能市也。” 元 金仁杰 《追韩信》第三折:“想古往今来,多少功臣名将,谁不出於贫寒碌碌之中。”

  3. 贫乏单薄。

    明 张溥 《<何记室集>题词》:“少 陵 佳句,多从 仲言 脱出,是以有‘能诗 何水曹 ’之句;后世诗人,知慕 少陵 ,即慕 仲言 ,虽 颜黄门 致讥贫寒,无贬声价。”



  1. Tom was born to a poor family. He had two elder sisters and one younger sister. His mother supported the whole family alone by odd jobs.


  2. But you wear it with such a disdain, my guess is that you did not come from money and your school friends never let you forget it.


  3. Although Gatsby from poor, However, he has been able to dream of a society among the upper class, with the beloved Daisy together forever.


  4. She was born into a poor family but made a success of her study and ended up as a scientist.


  5. Born in a poor family in Russia, she helped her mother sell fruit on the street in her teens.


  6. Andersen was born into a poor family, but ended up as one of the greatest writers of his time.


  7. The inability to "let go" is even more difficult for those who founded their businesses at a time of unemployment or family poverty.


  8. Anderson was born into a poor family, but finally ended up as one of the greatest writers at the day.


  9. Division of a compound or complex sentence Unfortunately, the want of the family had kept him from school and he seemed to feel the loss.


  1. 他家境贫寒。

    He came from a poor family.

  2. 我出身贫寒。

    I sprang from a poor family.

  3. 他出身贫寒。

    He came from an impoverished background.

  4. 我们出身贫寒。

    Were from a humble family background.

  5. 林肯总统出身贫寒。

    President Lincoln was born poor.

  6. 年少的我, 家境贫寒。

    I junior, family circumstances poor.

  7. 年少的我,家境贫寒。

    I junior, family circumstances poor.

  8. 他们三个都家境贫寒。

    All three are in very poor circumstances.

  9. 贫寒压抑其高尚的情怀,

    Instead of helping to repress that desire, why dont we help unshackle it.

  10. 他出身于一个贫寒家庭。

    He came from a poor family.

  11. 该杂志透露他出身贫寒。

    The magazine revealed that he had been born on the wrong side of the tracks.

  12. 那时他是个学生,很贫寒。

    He was a student then, and very poor.

  13. 真的要成为贫寒的艺术家了。

    Really are starving artists now.

  14. 在他小时候, 他的生活十分贫寒。

    He slummed as he was a child.

  15. 她对我贫寒的出身嗤之以鼻。

    She turned her nose up at my poor birth.

  16. 别嫌家贫寒, 天涯无处似家园。

    Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

  17. 出身贫寒的孩子往往工作得很努力。

    Children from the families across the tracks always work hard.

  18. 仅管他出身贫寒, 他的童年还是无忧无虑的。

    Though he was born poor, he still had a blissfully carefree childhood.

  19. 虽然张家家境贫寒, 却是前朝皇室遗族。

    Although Xiao Zhang's family is poor, they are descended from royalty.

  20. 虽然张家家境贫寒,却是前朝皇室遗族。

    Although Xiao Zhang's family is poor, they are descended from royalty.

  21. 陈晓凤是一个家境贫寒的农村女孩。

    Chen Xiaofeng was a poor farm girl.

  22. 大人物常常出身贫寒,例如林肯和爱迪生。

    Great men have often risen from poverty Lincoln and Edison, for example.

  23. 他一生贫寒,而购书、刻书、藏书热情不减。

    Though he was poor, he was committed to purchasing books, inscribing books and collecting books.

  24. 帕克出身贫寒,通过奋斗才在社会上出人头地。

    Park was born poor, and came up the hard way.

  25. 他要怜恤贫寒和穷乏的人,拯救穷苦人的性命。

    He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death.

  26. 这位最杰出的领袖是从贫寒中成长起来的。

    The greatest leader rose from humble origins.

  27. 如果您的信用纪录是贫寒, 快的贷款可能不是可能的。

    If your credit record is poor, quick loans may not be possible.

  28. 唐伯虎, 你不要忘了当初你说你家境贫寒。

    Tong Pak Fu, you said you were poor.

  29. 当保护贫寒和穷乏的人,救他们脱离恶人的手。

    Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.

  30. 他从灰尘里抬举贫寒人,从粪堆中提拔穷乏人。

    He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.


  1. 问:贫寒拼音怎么拼?贫寒的读音是什么?贫寒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:贫寒的读音是pínhán,贫寒翻译成英文是 impoverished




拼音:pín hán