







汉语拼音:wán fàn






  1. 旧时风俗。结婚后次日或第三天女家去男家送“三朝礼”,叫做“完饭”。

    《清平山堂话本·快嘴李翠莲记》:“耐到第三日,亲家母来完饭。”《金瓶梅词话》第九一回:“到次日 吴月娘 送茶完饭。”



  1. Having drunken up the last swig of beer at every meal, he would sit in the sofa, close his eyes and stroke around his belly.


  2. 'Get out of my sight, until we've finished eating! I'll pull that long hair of yours if you don't obey me at once! '


  3. After dinner you just sit down and relax and watch TV, and let me clean up the kitchen.


  4. Without a boss waiting for you to get back from lunch, it can often be tempting to waste a few hours before returning to work.


  5. Then I had dinner and went back to bed.


  6. No wonder Betty has trouble keeping her weight down. Between meals she munches all day long on potato chips, salted peanuts and candy.


  7. On the night in question, nothing more was said of my son until we finished our meal, paid our bill and headed for the door.


  8. " Mom said: " The After dinner we have had!


  9. And she said, "Yeah, but I'd rather finish my meal if you don't mind. "


  1. 我吃完饭就去。

    I'll go when I've had dinner.

  2. 你们吃完饭了吗

    Did you guys eat dinner?

  3. 他吃完饭继续工作。

    He ate lunch and then continued his work.

  4. 吃完饭出去溜达溜达吧。

    Lets go for a stroll after the meal.

  5. 我吃完饭就睡觉了。

    When I had finished dinner I went to bed.

  6. 直到吃完饭沃伦才讲话。

    Warren did not speak until he finished his meal.

  7. 我一吃完饭就来了。

    I came immediately I'd eaten.

  8. 吃完饭再打电脑游戏。

    Eat your dinner and then you can play your computer game.

  9. 他刚吃完饭就吐了。

    He shoot the cat right after the meal.

  10. 刚吃完饭避免剧烈运动。

    Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.

  11. 吃完饭后你都会喝茶。

    You always drink tea after a meal.

  12. 这个男孩匆匆地吃完饭。

    The boy galloped through his dinner.

  13. 他刚吃完饭,正在剔牙。

    He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.

  14. 他们吃完饭后离开了食堂。

    Dinner being over, they left the hall.

  15. 直到吃完饭, 华伦才说话。

    Warren did not speak again until he finished his meal.

  16. 都是在吃完饭之后生的

    It was always after eating.

  17. 我一吃完饭就会洗碗。

    I will wash the dishes as soon as I'm done eating.

  18. 斯诺先生吃完饭, 准备结账。

    Mr. Snow finishes his meal and is going to pay his bill.

  19. 等她吃完饭,送她去火车站。

    After she has finished her meal, you should take her to the train station.

  20. 刚吃完饭不要马上去洗澡。

    Don't bathe too soon after eating.

  21. 刚吃完饭就疼, 有时还吐。

    Just after meals my stomach aches. Sometimen vomited.

  22. 我迅速吃完饭就又出去了。

    I had a quick meal and then went out again.

  23. 你喜不喜欢吃完饭后吃水果?

    Do you prefer to eat fruit after you dine.

  24. 刚吃完饭不能做剧烈运动。

    Don't do strenuous exercise immediately after eating.

  25. 他们刚吃完饭就开始抱怨了。

    They set out to complain after dinner.

  26. 我们匆匆吃完饭然后就离开了。

    We had a hasty meal and then left.

  27. 吃完饭刷牙好还是刷完牙吃饭好?

    Brushing a tooth to have a meal again is wholesome problem. both wants.

  28. 吃完饭后,我们决定去看电影。

    And after dinner, anyway, we, we decided to go to the cinema.

  29. 他匆匆吃完饭,就冲出去了。

    He polished off the meal and hurried out.

  30. 我们在吃完饭前铃就响了。

    The bell had rung before we finished our lunch.