







汉语拼音:guǒ zhù



  1. Anakin pulled his robe a little more tightly around himself but did not drop his eyes, which were now sparking in anger.


  2. Muffle her with a piece of cloth stones fear that this is the new-born baby, Kronos swallowed goes to a rock.


  3. He sat down, and in a few minutes felt the night ' s chill envelop him.


  4. He drew the Force around him like a blanket, and with an explosion of color lighting his vision, he smiled and let go of his life.


  5. The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.


  6. Her hands shook as she pinned on her hat and covered herself with her black veil.


  7. When I met her at the door her smile wrapped around me like a warm glove, just as yours used to do, my darling.


  8. They were so wrapped up in their coats that I could not see what they were like at all.


  9. So she wrapped her hand as tight as she could around his mouth.


  1. 他用毯子裹住身体。

    He lapped himself in a blanket.

  2. 他用毛毯裹住身体。

    He rolled himself in his blanket.

  3. 用亚麻布裹住木乃伊

    Sheathe a mummy in linen

  4. 用大蒜裹住海虾。

    Coat prawns with garlic.

  5. 她用披巾裹住婴儿。

    She covered up the baby with a shawl.

  6. 她用毯子裹住膝盖。

    She settled the blanket around her knees.

  7. 瘦肉一条一条裹住鲑鱼。

    Well wrap salmon fillet with trimmed bacon strips.

  8. 用头巾裹住我的头

    Wrapped my head in a scarf.

  9. 将自己用围毯裹住。

    He rolled himself up in the rug.

  10. 裹住他残肢的毯子。

    The blankets that swathe his disabled limbs.

  11. 她用毛毯把婴儿裹住。

    She lapped the blanket around her baby.

  12. 她用毯子紧紧裹住自己。

    She huddled herself in the blanket.

  13. 裹住身子,坐在火炉旁。

    She sat by the fire, swaddled in a blanket.

  14. 就好像你被床垫裹住一样

    Imagine that you're wrapped in a mattress.

  15. 她用一条围巾裹住了头。

    She twisted a scarf around her head.

  16. 用这床被单把你自己裹住。

    Cover yourself up with this sheet.

  17. 她用一条长围巾裹住了头。

    She twisted a long scarf round her head.

  18. 我是棕叶你是米, 一层一层裹住你

    I am a brown rice leaves you, step by step you muffle

  19. 她用毯子裹住身子, 坐在火炉旁。

    She sat by the fire, swaddled in a blanket.

  20. 他以多件衣服把身子裹住御寒。

    He'd enveloped himself in various garments to keep out the cold.

  21. 我们裹住船浆以减小溅水声。

    We muffled the oars to stop them splashing noisily.

  22. 紧紧地裹住我们, 既然我们很穷, 一点温暖。

    Wrapped tightly sound us, since we are poor, a warmth.

  23. 仿佛你用它作为外衣裹住了你的身子。

    dewy night as if you folded her garments about you.

  24. 在叶鞘裹住的幼叶下部呈现螺旋状。

    A spiral deformation occured in the lower part of the young leaf enclosed in the sheath.

  25. 另外一名乘客给我一件羊毛衫裹住宝宝。

    Another passenger gave me her cardigan to wrap the baby in.

  26. 用厚毛巾裹住你的孩子, 让他温暖些。

    Cover your baby with a thick towel to keep him warm.

  27. 用厚毛巾裹住你得孩子, 让他温暖些。

    Cover your baby with a thick towel to keep him warm.

  28. 用厚毛巾裹住你的孩子,让他温暖些。

    Cover your baby with a thick towel to keep him warm.

  29. 为了抵御风寒, 她用披肩裹住了她的双肩。

    She gathered the shawl about her shoulders to keep out the wind.

  30. 她在产道里, 头和耳朵都被裹住了。

    She was in the birth canal, and her head and ears were covered.


  1. 问:裹住拼音怎么拼?裹住的读音是什么?裹住翻译成英文是什么?

    答:裹住的读音是,裹住翻译成英文是 wreathe