


1. 禁 [jīn]2. 禁 [jìn]禁 [jīn]受得住,耐久:~受。~得住。~不起。弱不~风。忍耐,制止:不~笑起来。禁 [jìn]不许,制止:~止。~绝。~书。~令。~赌。~欲。~锢。情不自~。法律或习惯上制止的事:犯~。违~品。拘……





汉语拼音:jìn jué








  1. 禁止杜绝;彻底禁止。

    《东观汉记·和熹邓后传》:“万国贡献,悉令禁絶。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·正纬》:“是以后来辞人,捃摭英华, 平子 恐其迷学,奏令禁絶。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷九:“ 文公 每与其徒言, 苏氏 之学坏人心术,学校尤宜禁絶。” 毛泽东 《为动员一切力量争取抗战胜利而斗争》:“禁绝 日 货,取缔奸商,反对投机操纵。”



  1. Dependent on her lover for money because he forbids her to work, Lulu says she feels trapped.


  2. because the various interior and exterior reasons of the large - scale selective examinations . the cheating has not always been stopped.


  3. I can certainly understand placing limits, but I don't see any point banning television or any other kind of medium.


  4. But when a young lady is to be a heroine, the perverseness of forty surrounding families cannot prevent her.


  5. During this fast they abstain from the gratification of every appetite and passion whatever.


  6. For a wise government, banning advertising is an imprudent way of oversimplifying a complex, but multifaceted issue.


  7. the paper had not gone into place, needle tiaodong due to, resulting in misregister, and traced of doubling.


  8. Secondly, good abstinence treatment is intensive and expensive, and the Tories seem not to be putting in more money.


  9. Dont tint you hair. Dont wear sleepers or bare breast in teaching areas, library or other public places.


  1. 我们应当禁绝一切空话。

    We should forbid all empty talk.

  2. 警察正在试图彻底禁绝走私。

    The police are trying to put an end to smuggling, root and branch.

  3. 谁人才能禁绝它把美丽毁伤?

    Or who his spoil to beauty can forbid.

  4. 禁绝性事或使用安全套。

    Abstain from sex or use condoms.

  5. 禁绝毒品, 功在当代, 利在千秋

    eradicating illicit drugs in the interest of the present and future generations

  6. 陈鸿指天发誓,一定禁绝贿赂。

    Chen Hong points to a day to pledge, certain prohibit completely boodles.

  7. 禁绝郑国的乐曲,疏远奸佞的小人。

    Ban the songs of Zheng and keep away from glib tongued men.

  8. 农会势盛地方,牌赌禁绝,盗匪潜踪。

    Where the peasant association is powerful, gambling has stopped altogether and banditry has vanished.

  9. 禁绝日货, 取缔奸商, 反对投机操纵。

    Completely prohibit Japanese goods. Suppress profiteering merchants and ban speculation and manipulation of the market.

  10. 这些淫秽读物危害青少年身心健康, 必须禁绝!

    Pornography has a bad influence on young people, and we have to ban it completely.

  11. 这些淫秽读物危害青少年身心健康,必须禁绝!

    Pornography has a bad influence on young people, and we have to ban it completely.

  12. 此外,他还提出了禁绝佛、老之教的措施。

    Besides, he also put forward measures of prohibit Buddism and Taoism.

  13. 因此, 对一切毒品违法犯罪活动必须严加禁绝。

    Therefore, all illegal activities involving drugs must be strictly prohibited and eliminated.

  14. 因此,太平天国娼妓完全禁绝的结论是不正确的。

    Therefore, we don't think the previous conclusion that the prostitution was completely swept out in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is correct.

  15. 南京国民政府时期陕西烟毒未能禁绝原因探析

    An investigation on the reason why the drug Could not be eliminated in Shaanxi during the period of NanJing national government

  16. 绝食之时,他们禁绝了食欲和其他欲愿的满足。

    During this fast they abstain from the gratification of every appetite and passion whatever.

  17. 禁绝性关系的人,尤指因为宗教誓言而禁欲的人

    one who abstains from sexual intercourse,especially by reason of religious vows

  18. 避免怀孕最显而易见和最可靠得方法是禁绝性交。

    The most obvious and most reliable way of avoiding pregnancy is complete abstinence from coitus.

  19. 禁绝士卒和亲人通信, 以断绝他们思家的念头。

    Writing letters to families should be forbidden, this is to break all troubles of life.

  20. 差套印禁绝息了如下阐发,不求业边人士参考。

    On the misregister analysis as follows, the people the industry.

  21. 足足有半年为病而禁绝了的酒,今天又开始痛饮了。

    Today I'm drinking a lot of wine which has been put away for six months because of my illness.

  22. 一个人如果向往正直的生活, 第一步就是要禁绝伤害动物。

    If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.


  1. 问:禁绝拼音怎么拼?禁绝的读音是什么?禁绝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:禁绝的读音是jìnjué,禁绝翻译成英文是 Forbid absolutely.




拼音:jìn jué 词性:动词 基本解释 [totally prohibit;completely ban] 彻底禁止 禁绝贪污 详细解释 禁止杜绝;彻底禁止。

《东观汉记·和熹邓后传》:“万国贡献,悉令禁绝。” 南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·正纬》:“是以后来辞人,捃摭英华, 平子 恐其迷学,奏令禁绝。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷九:“ 文公 每与其徒言, 苏氏 之学坏人心术,学校尤宜禁绝。” 毛泽东 《为动员一切力量争取抗战胜利而斗争》:“禁绝 日 货,取缔奸商,反对投机操纵。”