




喊:~喊。~声。~吁。~天号(háo )地。唤,叫:~唤。~叫。~应。~朋引类(招引同类的人,共同做坏事)。往外出气,与“吸”相对:~气。~吸。象声词:~地跳起来。姓。……



汉语拼音:jīng hū







  1. 亦作“ 惊嘑 ”。吃惊地叫喊。

    唐 韩愈 《南山诗》:“惊呼惜破碎,仰喜呀不仆。” 宋 张耒 《祭晁无咎文》:“九月庚寅,闻讣于 陈 ,惊呼号天,烦寃靡伸。” 宋 岳珂 《桯史·日官失职》:“ 嘉定 己巳五月辛亥,余里居晚浴,散步西圃,暝色将至。从行一僮,忽卬而惊嘑,视之,亦一星,大小如 京口 所见。” 清 采蘅子 《虫鸣漫录》卷二:“其母於室内闻其惊呼,急趋视之。” 碧野 《雪路云程·飞越冰峰》:“‘那缺口多么高呵!’我惊呼起来。”



  1. Right when Olivia despairs, the shark shouts out loud as if he found a new continent. They both look towards their right side.


  2. Experts said the find was exciting and like looking into a "lost world" .


  3. And the Londoner's post-match comments hardly screamed out 'class' or 'dignity'. "It was a triumph for Stoke's way of playing, " he said.


  4. Like the pork pie, black pudding is a great divider with the anti camp's regular squeals of "you know it's made with blood don't you? "


  5. your opinion, from the foreigner's exclaimation, you think it emergency to intense the public sense of environment.


  6. An old man was on the beach and walked up to a beautiful girl in a bikini - "I want to feel your breasts" he exclaimed.


  7. A firefighter leaned over me. I heard his voice crack as he said, 'Oh my God. '


  8. Yet if it raised the mark to $16 or $17 (still well within the legal limits), the cry of inflation might be raised.


  9. Trevor awed. "I never imagined it to be like this! "


  1. 我惊呼一声。

    Im a little exclamation.

  2. 到处都是惊呼和尖叫。

    There were gasps and screams.

  3. 他发出一声短促的惊呼。

    He uttered a short cry of surprise.

  4. 无声的惊呼划破虚幻的寂静

    A quiet scream slashing into the fictitious silence

  5. 人们惊呼你想要你的女歌手

    people screamin that ya want your diva

  6. 我逼她洗澡时, 她大声惊呼。

    She cried blue murder as I forced her to take a bath.

  7. 我逼她洗澡时,她大声惊呼。

    She cried blue murder as I forced her to take a bath.

  8. 她哥哥认了出来,惊呼了一声。

    Her brother gave a cry of recognition.

  9. 有人惊呼团购冬天已至。

    Somebody exclamations group purchase winter has come.

  10. 全班同学一阵惊呼, 随即是哄堂大笑!

    Almost on queue, the entire class seemed to explode with laughter.

  11. 当然也不会再作无谓的惊呼了。

    The moment of vain exclamations was past, too.

  12. 打开后备箱,小索不仅惊呼一声。

    Turns on the reserve box, the small rope not only callsalarm one.

  13. 他的眼睛从死亡的恐怖中向我惊呼。

    His human eyes scream to me out of horror of his death.

  14. 他们就会惊呼 哦 不就是恒定变速吗?

    And they say, oh, yeah, constant acceleration.

  15. 他惊呼道那一定是个打字错误。

    He exclaims that it must be a typing error.

  16. 耶稣基督!汤默思一声惊呼,杯子坠地。

    Jesus christ! Cried Tomas and dropped the cup.

  17. 我们要知道这个人是谁?第三个惊呼。

    If only we knew who it was,'exclaimed a third.

  18. 棋迷惊呼,玛丽的杀棋功夫堪比古力。

    Chess enthusiast exclamations, Marie can of the kongfu that kill a chess compares Gu Li.

  19. 意大利媒体不禁惊呼, 加图索就是活生生的。

    The Italian media to restrain to call out in alarm adds the chart rope is living.

  20. 他一声惊呼,问我究竟在那儿干什么。

    With an exclamation of surprise he asked me what on earth I was doing there.

  21. 我听到一声惊呼, 又听到好多东西打翻的声音。

    I heard a cry and a lot of things falling.

  22. 看到了吗?嗯?现在拜托别再惊呼狂叫了好吗?

    See? Ok? Now could you please stop shouting?

  23. 有报纸头条惊呼, 波斯尼亚战争又将一触即发。

    BOSNIA, scream some hysterical headlines, is on the brink of a new war.

  24. 真可恶!另一个惊呼道。莫非你不烦吗?

    How terrible! exclaimed the other. Does it bother you?

  25. 那四人不约而同的大声惊呼,脸露敬畏之色。

    The four exclaimed in unision, their faces all having an awestruck look.

  26. 正在这时,我的思绪被我叔叔的一声惊呼打断了。

    Just then, my thoughts were interrupted by my uncle's exclamation.

  27. 远处一艘轮船被狂风掀翻了, 小人鱼惊呼一声。

    A distant ship to be wind overturned, the little mermaid, little exclamation.

  28. 在早晨6点半 真是厚脸皮!奥德太太惊呼道。

    At half past six in the morning Mrs Odd exclaimed. What a nerve!

  29. 爆炸声非常怕人, 连远处得人都纷纷惊呼地震了。

    The explosion was so terrible that people at a distancehue and cry about an earthquake.

  30. 爆炸声非常怕人,连远处的人都纷纷惊呼地震了。

    The explosion was so terrible that people at a distancehue and cry about an earthquake.


  1. 问:惊呼拼音怎么拼?惊呼的读音是什么?惊呼翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惊呼的读音是jīnghū,惊呼翻译成英文是 to cry out in alarm




注音: jīnghū释义: [cry in fear] 以为怪异而大声呼喊例句: 失声惊呼