







汉语拼音:yóu chá






  1. 用油茶面冲成的糊状食品。参见“ 油茶麵 ”。

  2. 茶树的一种。属山茶科。又叫茶子树。是我国主要木本油料树种之一。种子榨出的油供食用及工业用。馀渣可充作饲料、肥料,并可杀稻田害虫。



  1. We haven't had Tibetan food before. It sounds interesting. But I've heard they drink yak butter tea. Did you try this when you were there?


  2. There is a set of rules to follow when one visits a Tibetan family and is invited to drink the buttered tea.


  3. Oiltea camellia is the genus and has a higher fat content of the economic value of cultivated plants of a class collectively.


  4. Camellia oleifera will have better development prospect on producing new medicine, ecological construction, poverty alleviation, etc.


  5. The stability of camellia saponin controlled-release tablet was also investigated.


  6. All the guests to dong, do not drink enough is allowed.


  7. All inputs are buttered and input clamping diodes are provided to minimize transmission-line effects and thereby simplify system design.


  8. The results showed that both heating temperature and time were important factors to induce the formation and variation of trans fatty acids.


  9. ObjectiveTo prepare camellia saponin controlled-release tablet and investigate the technology conditions of preparation tablet.


  1. 油茶枯叶蛾

    Lebeda nobilis.

  2. 油茶炭疽病

    oil camelliae anthracnose.

  3. 油茶肉质果

    Fleshy fruit of Camellia Oleifera Abel

  4. 油茶软腐病

    Agaricodochium camellia.

  5. 红花大果油茶

    Camellia semiserrata Chi.

  6. 博白大果油茶

    Camellia crepnelliana.

  7. 油茶扦插育苗试验

    Study on Experiments of Raising Seedlings by Cuttage of Camellia oleifera

  8. 油茶兰翅天牛

    chreonoma attritarsis

  9. 油茶扦插育苗试验研究

    Experimental Study on Camellia oleifera Cutting Seedling Raising

  10. 油茶远缘杂交育种试验

    Distant Crossing Trial with Oiltea Camellia

  11. 油茶皂素抑菌效果研究

    The Antibacterial Effect of Oiltea Saponin

  12. 油茶工程造林经济效益分析

    Economic Efficiency Analysis on Camelia Oleifera Project

  13. 油茶优良品系引种栽培试验。

    Introduction and cultivation experiment on plus strains of Camellia oleifera Abel.

  14. 油茶芽苗砧嫁接的技术环节

    Fechnology of Grafting on The Chit of Camellia oleifera

  15. 油茶芽苗根嫁接试验

    Graft Experiment of Camellia oleifera Using Shoot Roots

  16. 软枝油茶扦插育苗技术

    Cutting propagation technology of Camellia oleifera

  17. 筛选油茶优良品系的试验研究

    The Experimental Study on Selecting Fine Lines of Camellia oleifera

  18. 油茶幼林结实与果枝特性研究

    Study on the fruit and branch property of young crop of Camellia oleifera

  19. 油茶皂角苷的纯化与含量测定

    The Purification and Quantitative Determination of Thea Saponin

  20. 油茶枯饼固态发酵技术的研究

    The Technique of Solid state Fermentation on Oil tea Camellia Defatted Cake

  21. 油茶皂苷的几种粗提工艺比较

    Comparison of the Extracting Techniques of Tea Saponin

  22. 油茶总皂甙抑菌活性的初步研究

    Preliminary Studies on Antimicrobial Action of Tea Saponin

  23. 山茶和油茶种子中脂肪酸的分析。

    Analyse of fatty acids composition in the seeds of C. Japonica L. And C. Oleifera Abel.

  24. 油茶皂苷的提取及膜分离纯化的研究

    Study on the Extraction and Membrane Purification of Sasanquasaponin

  25. 油茶离体培养诱导再生植株的研究

    Study on Organogenesis and Induction of Regeneration Plant of Camellia oleifera

  26. 油茶粕中茶皂素的提取及纯化研究

    Purity of the thea saponin in camellia oleifera

  27. 水杨酸诱导油茶抗炭疽病的研究

    Induced Resistance to Anthracnose of Camelia oleifera by Salicylic Acid

  28. 油茶饼粕中茶皂素提取工艺的研究

    Study on extraction of tea saponin from out cake of camellia oleifera seeds

  29. 油茶组织培养过程中防止褐变的研究

    Control browning of the tissue culture of camellia oleifera

  30. 江西油茶产业发展的几点认识和思考

    Understandings and Thinks of Camellia oleifera Industry Development in Jiangxi Province


  1. 问:油茶拼音怎么拼?油茶的读音是什么?油茶翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油茶的读音是yóuchá,油茶翻译成英文是 Camellia oleifera

  2. 问:油茶组拼音怎么拼?油茶组的读音是什么?油茶组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油茶组的读音是yóuchá zǔ,油茶组翻译成英文是 Sect.; Oleifera

  3. 问:油茶肖叶甲拼音怎么拼?油茶肖叶甲的读音是什么?油茶肖叶甲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油茶肖叶甲的读音是yóuchá xiāoyèjiǎ,油茶肖叶甲翻译成英文是 Demotina thei

  4. 问:油茶三刺角蝉拼音怎么拼?油茶三刺角蝉的读音是什么?油茶三刺角蝉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油茶三刺角蝉的读音是yóuchásāncìjiǎochán,油茶三刺角蝉翻译成英文是 Tricentrus camelloleifer

  5. 问:油茶大枯叶蛾拼音怎么拼?油茶大枯叶蛾的读音是什么?油茶大枯叶蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油茶大枯叶蛾的读音是yóuchádàkūyè'é,油茶大枯叶蛾翻译成英文是 Lebeda nobilis sinina

  6. 问:油茶离瓣寄生拼音怎么拼?油茶离瓣寄生的读音是什么?油茶离瓣寄生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:油茶离瓣寄生的读音是yóuchálíbànjìshēng,油茶离瓣寄生翻译成英文是 Helixanthera sampsoni



“油茶”是个多义词,它可以指油茶(食品—油茶做法), 油茶(植物), 油茶(陕西特产), 油茶(武陟油茶), 油茶(饮料), 油茶(油茶抗旱保苗技术措施), 油茶(淮北小吃)。