


不平常的,超出一般的:~殊。~色。~产。~权。~性。~征。~需。~技。~务。~区。~价。~例。~效。单,单一:~为(wèi )。~设。~地。~惠。~辑。~使。~赦。~约。只,但:不~如此。“相如度秦王~以诈佯为予赵城,实不可得”。三岁的兽,……


事情:事~。任~。公~。特~。不识时~(不认识时代潮流和当前形势)。从事,致力:~工。~实(从事或讨论具体的工作)。~虚。当~之急。追求:好(hào )高~远。必须,一定:~必。~须。除恶~尽。旧时收税的关卡(现多用于地名):曹家~(在中国……



汉语拼音:tè wù








  1. 经过特殊训练,从事刺探情报、颠覆、破坏等活动的人。

    爱新觉罗·溥仪 《我的前半生》第十六章:“﹝关东军﹞通过这样一个网罗一切人口的组织‘协和会’,更便于进行奴化宣传、特务监视和奴役人民。”

  2. 军队中指担任警卫、通讯、运输等的特殊任务。

    萧红 《朦胧的期待》:“ 李妈 又问:‘特务连也打仗,也冲锋,就和别的兵一样?特务连不是在长官旁边保卫长官的吗?’”



  1. The enemy's economic attack, closely connected to his military, political and secret-agent attacks, is extremely cruel.


  2. That it shares the initials of the Russian secret service might be an attempt to make it a bit more scary.


  3. The patient is a twelve-year old boy who presented to the hospital with a week-long history of a fever, respiratory symptoms and a rash.


  4. There was only one special agent from Chongqing in their gang and letting him escape was the only drawback in this battle.


  5. But it ignores the fact that, though pilots, we potentially were in as much danger of capture as any covert agent.


  6. But they ignored the fact that, though pilots, we potentially were in as much danger of capture as any convert agent.


  7. Sure it looks like the kind of traveling mug a secret agent might use.


  8. Forty years ago, I lived downtown in Dongchang, a compound which had housed the secret service of the Ming dynasty.


  9. The U. S. imperialists and the Chiang Kai-shek clique are constantly sending in secret agents to carry on disruptive activities.


  1. 密探, 特务, 间谍

    undercover agent

  2. 密探,特务,间谍。

    Undercover agent.

  3. 安插特务监视某人

    to set spies on a person

  4. 民兵在追踪特务。

    The militiaman was on the trail of the secret agent.

  5. 那时特务在跟踪他。

    Spies were dogging his steps then.

  6. 你个欧亚国特务!

    You're a Eurasian spy!

  7. 总部混入了敌方特务。

    The headquarters had been infiltrated by enemy spies.

  8. 杰克被指控是特务。

    Jack was accused of being a spy.

  9. 这特务最后被迫自首了。

    Finally the spy was forced to give himself up.

  10. 民兵抓着了一个特务。

    The militiamen have caught a spy.

  11. 民兵抓著了一个特务。

    The militiaman walked the spy off.

  12. 这个特务搜集了大量情报。

    The spy collected a large amount of intelligence.

  13. 民兵把那个特务带走了。

    The militiaman walked the spy off.

  14. 不能胜任工作的特务机关

    an incompetent secret service

  15. 孩子们在玩抓特务的游戏。

    The children are playing at catching a spy.

  16. 到处是特务和反间谍人员。

    Spies and counterspies were everywhere.

  17. 这是戈尔斯坦得特务搞得!

    The agents of Goldstein had been at work!

  18. 这是戈尔斯坦的特务搞的!

    The agents of Goldstein had been at work!

  19. 这名特务做了多处伪装。

    The secret agent was heavily disguised.

  20. 警察们跟踪他抓了一个特务。

    The police found a spy following him.

  21. 我们很快查明他是个特务。

    We soon found out that he was a secret agent.

  22. 那特务哼了一声,倒在地上。

    The spy groaned and fell to the floor.

  23. 女特务对约翰用美人计, 约翰上当了。

    Girl spy played a badger game with John, John failed into her trick.

  24. 我们很快就查明他是个特务。

    We soon found out that he was a secret agent.

  25. 我也不会成为你的间谍,你的特务!

    And I'll not beyour spy, your secret service.

  26. 听说去抓特务,一个个都摩拳擦掌。

    Each clenched his fists and set his jaw when the order came to arrest the secret agents.

  27. 拉米雷兹特务,你必须遵守规则。

    Agent ramirez, you have to follow certain rules.

  28. 男孩们装扮成战士,搜山捉特务。

    The boys pretended to be soldiers and searched the hill for spies.

  29. 罪犯, 特务等用来藏匿人的房子。

    House used by criminals, secret agents, etc, where sb can be kept without being discovered or disturbed.

  30. 我们必须对暗语保密,不让特务知道。

    We must keep the password secret from the spies.


  1. 问:特务拼音怎么拼?特务的读音是什么?特务翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务的读音是tèwù,特务翻译成英文是 special agent

  2. 问:特务罪拼音怎么拼?特务罪的读音是什么?特务罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务罪的读音是tèwùzuì,特务罪翻译成英文是 crime of secret service

  3. 问:特务连拼音怎么拼?特务连的读音是什么?特务连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务连的读音是tè wù lián,特务连翻译成英文是 Special Task Company

  4. 问:特务分子拼音怎么拼?特务分子的读音是什么?特务分子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务分子的读音是tè wù fēn zǐ,特务分子翻译成英文是 H10350

  5. 问:特务活动拼音怎么拼?特务活动的读音是什么?特务活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务活动的读音是tè wù huó dòng,特务活动翻译成英文是 Cloak-and-Dagger Activities

  6. 问:特务活动经费拼音怎么拼?特务活动经费的读音是什么?特务活动经费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务活动经费的读音是tè wù huó dòng jīng fèi,特务活动经费翻译成英文是 Spying Fund

  7. 问:特务戆J之救国大业拼音怎么拼?特务戆J之救国大业的读音是什么?特务戆J之救国大业翻译成英文是什么?

    答:特务戆J之救国大业的读音是,特务戆J之救国大业翻译成英文是 Johnny English Reborn


