




〔螳~〕见“螳”。〔蜣~〕见“蜣”。〔蟑~〕见“ 蟑”。〔蚂(mǎ)~〕见“蚂2”。……



汉语拼音:zhāng láng







  1. 昆虫名。蜚蠊的俗称。体扁平,黑褐色,能发出臭味,并能传染伤寒、霍乱等疾病。



  1. Masayuki Komatsu, who once described Minke whales as "the cockroaches of the ocean, " said the Japanese were eating tuna into extinction.

  2. "God forsaken roaches! " he yelled, while slowing his heartbeat, just as another cockroach crawled between his feet.

  3. And what you're seeing here is a bait box with a bunch of -- like the cockroaches of the ocean -- there are isopods all over it.

  4. "River pirates. " The cheesemonger gave a yawn, covering his mouth with the back of his hand. "Cockroach captains scurrying after crumbs. "

  5. Boric acid has been used to kill other insects including cockroaches, termites and ants inside homes since the middle of last century.

  6. You know what? Butch told me that he buried a dead roach in his front yard last night.

  7. Carl was jumping about like a cockroach. He has just enough Jew in him to lose his head over an idea like Russia.

  8. If you think we're being silly by picking such a completely different animal, fine. Try it with a fly, or a cockroach.

  9. The name of Xiao Qiang is often abused as the nickname of the cockroach.


  1. 呃!是只蟑螂。

    Ewww! It's a cockroach.

  2. 蟑螂老爸乐队

    Papa Roach.

  3. 这房子,蟑螂窝

    the apartnt, the crapartment.

  4. 吃蟑螂新纪录!

    Its a New Record for Cockroach Eating!

  5. 除了蟑螂的问题

    I mean, once we get rid of the roaches.

  6. 你家有蟑螂吗?

    Got Roaches

  7. 我看见一只蟑螂。

    I can see a cockroach.

  8. 国外蟑螂防制概况

    Survey of Cockroach Control Abroad

  9. 我讨厌蟑螂与老鼠。

    Cockroaches and mice always repel me.

  10. 蟑螂喜欢潮湿的地方

    Cockroaches like moisture.

  11. 这是一只蟑螂脚

    This is the foot of a cockroach.

  12. 蟑螂和其他爬行昆虫。

    Cockroaches and other crawling insects.

  13. 这里为什么这么多蟑螂?

    Why are there so many cockroaches here?

  14. 怎么了,有一只蟑螂

    What is going on? A cockroach.

  15. 地上又有一只蟑螂!

    There's another cockroach on the floor!

  16. 这是个蘑菇还是蟑螂?

    Is this a mushroom or a cockroach?

  17. 蟑螂团子。蜂蜜公爵糖果。

    Cockroach Clusters Wizarding sweets made from cockroaches.

  18. 首先,你去抓住你的蟑螂。

    FIRST, catch your cockroach.

  19. 你这个蟑螂已经掉队了

    Fall out of line you cockroach

  20. 蟑螂从厨房柜台扫过。

    Cockroaches skittered across the kitchen counter.

  21. 蟑螂在我们的厨房出没。

    The roaches infested our kitchen.

  22. 蟑螂是吃小昆虫得。

    The mantis eats small insects!

  23. 蟑螂是吃小昆虫的。

    The mantis eats small insects!

  24. 这里为什么这么多蟑螂啊?

    Why are there so many cockroaches in here?

  25. 就象一只老鼠和蟑螂。

    It's as if a cockroach and a mouse.

  26. 有只急于现身的蟑螂。

    Oh,look,a highly motivated cockroach.

  27. 蟑螂属于不完全变态昆虫。

    The cockroach undergoes incoplete metamorphosis.

  28. 这只蟑螂的名字是什么?

    What is the roachs name

  29. 有只老鼠正和蟑螂嘿咻

    there was a rat having sex with a cockroach.

  30. 其中一只蟑螂开始动了。

    One of the cockroaches moved.


  1. 问:蟑螂拼音怎么拼?蟑螂的读音是什么?蟑螂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟑螂的读音是zhāngláng,蟑螂翻译成英文是 cockroach

  2. 问:蟑螂族拼音怎么拼?蟑螂族的读音是什么?蟑螂族翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟑螂族的读音是zhānglángzú,蟑螂族翻译成英文是 cockroach clan, the term is used to describe peop...

  3. 问:蟑螂老爹拼音怎么拼?蟑螂老爹的读音是什么?蟑螂老爹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟑螂老爹的读音是,蟑螂老爹翻译成英文是 Papa Roach



“蟑螂”是个多义词,它可以指蟑螂(动画《开心宝贝》人物), 蟑螂(蜚蠊目昆虫)。