


1. 炸 [zhà]2. 炸 [zhá]炸 [zhà]突然破裂:爆~。~药。~弹。~响。用炸药或炸弹爆破:轰~。发怒:他一听就~了。炸 [zhá]把食物放在煮沸的油中弄熟:~酱。~糕。~鱼。油~。……


1. 裂 [liè]2. 裂 [liě]裂 [liè]破开,开了缝(fèng ):~开。~纹。~缝。~痕。~变(原子核分裂成几个其他原子核,并放出中子的过程)。~隙。~罅(裂缝)。分~。破~。决~。割~。扯~。裂 [liě]物体的两部分向两……



汉语拼音:zhà liè








炸裂 [zhà liè]
  1. 爆裂。




  1. The original full grain became dried and hard, its whole body seemed to be cracking, so it prepared to rot with the corn stalk.


  2. Methane molecules are easily blown apart by ultraviolet light from the Sun, so any methane around must have been released recently.


  3. deepest winter, tea with boiling water, do not worry about split, or even placed on a slow fire burning stew, and no burst at risk.


  4. i cannot see , but i must feel , or my heart will stop and my brain burst.


  5. The damage morphology of InSb is proved to be ablation, but no cleavage burst appears. It is in accordance with practice .


  6. Every burning of firework break her crystal like heart and later all her body breaks into hundreds and thousands pieces.


  7. A suicide bomber blew himself up at a mourning ceremony in the northern Iraqi town, killing at least 10 people and wounding 20, police said.


  8. It shows that the productions have never exploded in the experiment, and achieved the requirement of mechanical property completely.


  9. If the faceplate were simply constructed of rigid acrylic all the way through, an explosion could shatter it into the technician's face.


  1. 抑制悲伤, 炸裂心脏。

    Grief pent up will burst the heart.

  2. 抑制悲伤,炸裂心脏。

    Grief pent up will burst the heart.

  3. 加倍填药,炸裂炮膛。

    Double charge will rive a connon.

  4. 弯钢化玻璃炸裂因素的探讨

    Crack factors of curved toughened glass

  5. 他气得肚子简直炸裂了。

    His anger nearly burst his belly.

  6. 爆炸的高压锅炸裂了天花板。

    The pressure cooker exploded, and blew open the ceiling.

  7. 爆炸得高压锅炸裂了天花板。

    The pressure cooker exploded, and blew open the ceiling.

  8. 爆炸的高压锅炸裂了天花板。

    The pressure cooker exploded, and blew open the ceiling.

  9. 装载机储气罐炸裂故障分析

    Failure Analysis for Air Tank Explosion of Loaders

  10. 精锻枪管炸裂与机械性能初探

    First exploration of mechanical energy of finish froging barrel crack

  11. 煤气炉风帽及底座炸裂的预防措施

    Preventive Measures For the Burst of the Tuyere Cap and the Bottom Base of Gas Furnace

  12. 电子管玻壳炸裂问题的分析和解决

    Analysis and settlement of electronic tube explosion

  13. 凹模在线切割过程中炸裂原因的分析

    An Analysis of Die Breakage Cause in WEDM

  14. 关于减少玻璃在钢化炉内炸裂的方法

    Methods to avoid cracking of glass in toughening furnace

  15. 在化学实验中, 回流会造成试管炸裂。

    In chemical experiments, circumfluence will lead to the explosion of test tubes.

  16. 在化学实验中,回流会造成试管炸裂。

    In chemical experiments, circumfluence will lead to the explosion of test tubes.

  17. 火灾中窗玻璃热炸裂痕迹形成机理的研究

    Study on the mechanism of thermal breakage trace of window glass in fire

  18. 不要往玻璃杯里倒热水, 否则它会炸裂的。

    Do not pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.

  19. 彩色显像管玻壳屏裙部炸裂的原因分析

    Analysis of the Reason for CPT Bulb Cracking in the Screen Skirt

  20. 它们具有足够的破坏力把一艘战舰炸裂。

    They have sufficient destructive power to blow a battleship asunder.

  21. 用三角烧瓶做减压装置的受器, 结果炸裂。

    Using a conical flask to be relievors receptacle will lead to explode.

  22. 水冷金属型离心铸造球铁管用管模炸裂原因初探

    Preliminary Research of Mold Explosion for Water Cold Metal Mold Centrifugal Casting Iron Pipe Production

  23. 这个山脉的顶端 炸裂开来,形成了一个地堑。

    And the top of this mountain range is splitting apart, creating a rift valley.

  24. 肉丝坦的时候将会有一定大的机率被空气炸裂。

    MTs are now able to be targetted by Air Burst.

  25. 研究了火灾中窗玻璃热炸裂痕迹的形成机理及其影响因素。

    The mechanism of thermal breakage trace of window glass was studied.

  26. 今年由于重庆数月高温天气,使不少住户家的玻璃炸裂。

    Due to the high-temperature weather which lasts several months in Chongqing this year, many people have broken glasses at home.


  1. 问:炸裂拼音怎么拼?炸裂的读音是什么?炸裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸裂的读音是zhàliè,炸裂翻译成英文是 To blow to make something burst.; Suddenly...

  2. 问:炸裂区拼音怎么拼?炸裂区的读音是什么?炸裂区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸裂区的读音是zhà liè qū,炸裂区翻译成英文是 Rupture Zone

  3. 问:炸裂弹拼音怎么拼?炸裂弹的读音是什么?炸裂弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸裂弹的读音是zhà liè dàn,炸裂弹翻译成英文是 Expanding Bullet

  4. 问:炸裂面积拼音怎么拼?炸裂面积的读音是什么?炸裂面积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:炸裂面积的读音是zhà liè miàn jī,炸裂面积翻译成英文是 area of explosion


