


物体的周围部分,外缘:~缘。~沿。国家或地区交界处:~疆。~界。~防。~境。~陲(边境)。几何学上指夹成角或围成多角形的直线:等~三角形。旁侧,近旁:身~。~锋。方面:~干(gàn )~学。表示方位:上~。外~。姓。……


1. 几 [jī]2. 几 [jǐ]几 [jī]小或矮的桌子:茶~儿。将近,差一点:~乎。~至。苗头:知~其神乎。几 [jǐ]询问数量多少(估计不太大)的疑问词:~个人?~何(a.多少,如“人生~~?”b.研究点线面体的性质、关系和计算方法……



汉语拼音:biān jǐ






  1. 见“ 边机 ”。



  1. I decided on my own time to go in and fix the shirt by hemming it up a couple of inches.


  2. The machine is equipment with an integral four process of printing , sloting, slicing corne, pressing line and slicing side.


  3. The family found at last a migrant crowd encamped in abandoned boxcars along a stream.


  1. 边的几个奴才得她的心啊!

    A few slaves of side get her center!

  2. 但首先, 我们为什么不边说话边打几局球呢, 啊?

    But first, why don't we shoot a couple of friendly games while we talk, huh?

  3. 正如较早时提到,古奇介质包黑色手提包附带了几个边口袋。

    As alluded to earlier, Gucci Medium Tote Black handbag comes with a couple of side pockets.

  4. 坐在网吧里, 边喝咖啡边浏览几个网站

    Drink coffee at a cybercafe and wade through some websites

  5. 几类图的连续边着色

    Consecutive Colorings of the Edges of Some Classes of Graphs

  6. 几类冠图的邻强边色数

    Adjacent Strong Edge Chromatic Number of Some Corona Graphs

  7. 一个小姑娘半蹲着,脚边几束沾满雨水的鲜花。

    A little girl squat forward, feet a few bundles of flowers covered with rain.

  8. 我边等边浏览几本杂志。

    I browsed through some magazines while I waited.

  9. 边扔边接,使几种事物同时在空中。

    Throw, catch, and keep in the air several things simultaneously.

  10. 这几栋农舍构成一个正方形的三个边。

    The farm buildings form three sides of a square.

  11. 你的爸爸几岁啦?我边逗他边胳肢他。

    How old is your daddy? I made fun of him and tickled him.

  12. 边对应于走廓,而顶点对应于几条走廓得相交点。

    An edge corresponds to a corridor and a vertex to the conjunction of several corridors.

  13. 边对应于走廓,而顶点对应于几条走廓的相交点。

    An edge corresponds to a corridor and a vertex to the conjunction of several corridors.

  14. 几条狗边叫边照着我们的脚后跟咬来。

    The dogs snarled and snapped at our heels.

  15. 我爸爸轻轻地把几块小肉片菜卷推到盘子边。

    My father nudges couple of olives toward the edge of plate.

  16. 主道边开着几家商店,车道上车流也还算繁忙。

    There are some shops on the main street, and cars in many of the driveways.

  17. 父亲解释道,边指了指另棵树上蜷缩的几只乌鸦。

    Father explained to me, pointing to a few crows crouching in other trees around.

  18. 讲她十几岁经常到海堤边去看世界各国的船舶。

    About standing along the sea wall as a teenager and watching ships from all over the world.

  19. 偶尔也会遇到几个和我年龄相仿的学生边走边背诵功课。

    Occasionally, I may also find a few students of my age who are reciting lessons while walking along.

  20. 几个世纪以来土耳其人一直都是边喝茶和咖啡边抽烟的。

    For centuries Turks have passed the time sipping their tea and coffee with a cigarette.

  21. 狐狸倒退几步,然后向前跑,边跑边跳,却没有碰到那串葡萄。

    Drawing back a few paces a run a jump, and just missed the bunch.

  22. 在这之前, 他已经因为右脚踝问题坐在场边休战了好几周。

    Prior to that, he'd been sidelined with right ankle problems for several weeks.

  23. 他头几个月的行程都是边走边画,不期然间竟然到了都柏林。

    He spent the first few months on a walking and sketching tour, before fetching up in Dublin.

  24. 三角形有几条边?

    How many sides does a triangle?

  25. 泻湖边有几只狗。

    There are some dogs over by the lagoon.

  26. 湖边上有几条长凳子。

    There are some benches on the edge of the lake.

  27. 几个醉鬼醉倒在街边。

    A couple of drunks were passed out on the sidewalk.

  28. 火龙几点钟边道开始呀?

    When does the Fire Dragon Dance start ?

  29. 在悬崖边吊着都几有趣。

    Hang over the edge of the cliff was interesting.

  30. 几头牛正在池塘边饮水。

    Some cattle were drinking at the pond.