







汉语拼音:fǔ píng








  1. From my birth to life continues, mothers to use water time nurturing my future, with a solid arm smooths the children's wounds.


  2. A year's time, although not quickly heal the wounds of our hearts, but enough for us to see the rise of hope . . . . . .


  3. She apparently was trying to make peace with demons, but there was reality to consider.


  4. When you think you have nothing, you still have time at least, time can heal all wounds, so please do not cry.


  5. When you think that they have nothing, at least you still have time, time will heal all wounds, so please do not cry.


  6. It was like trying to smooth water with a flat iron. You just disturb it even more.


  7. the trip to Mexico was for her to find herself, get back on her feet , return to him healed.


  8. The wind sweeps snow into the scars of our harvest-time haste, smoothing the brow of hill, hiding furrow and cog and trash in the yard.


  9. I learned how time makes it possible to overcome what seems to be an insuperable pain.


  1. 正自顾抚平伤痛。

    Tending to our aches and pains.

  2. 正自顾抚平伤痛。

    Tending to our aches and pains.

  3. 抚平你破碎的梦。

    To soothe your shattered dreams.

  4. 修长的手指抚平着。

    Smoothed by long fingers.

  5. 能抚平我一切忧伤

    His hands can wipe away all my sad memory

  6. 他手指忙着抚平书页。

    He busied his fingers with flattening the leaves of the book.

  7. 以吻抚平创痛, 哦, 是的!

    I can kiss away the pain. oh yeah!

  8. 当你抚平我受伤的心灵?

    When your healing powers kick in?

  9. 你的声音能抚平我的伤痕,

    You can soothe me with your voice

  10. 她抚平了床单,抖松了枕头。

    She smoothed out the sheets and fluffed up the pillows.

  11. 抚平了他的烦忧, 治愈了他的伤。

    It'soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds and drives away his fear.

  12. 抚平了他得烦忧,治愈了他得伤。

    It'soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds and drives away his fear.

  13. 淡化各种色斑,抚平细小皱纹。

    Desalt all kinds of splashes and smooth tiny wrinkles.

  14. 但愿我的爱能抚平你伤口。

    If I could heal your wounds with words of love.

  15. 与水化合, 抚平和柔亮肤色。

    Hydrate, smooth and plump for a soft radiant complexion.

  16. 强化补充营养,抚平眼部细纹。

    Strengthens and replenishes to smooth fine lines.

  17. 他会抹领带,或是抚平上衣衣领。

    Hell stroke his tie or smooth a lapel.

  18. 全自动裹包, 夹膜, 切膜, 抚平系统。

    Automatic system of wrapping package, clipping film, cutting film and stroking smoothly.

  19. 我多么想抚平奶奶脸上得皱折。

    How I wish that I could smooth the wrinkles on grandma's face.

  20. 我多么想抚平奶奶脸上的皱折。

    How I wish that I could smooth the wrinkles on grandma's face.

  21. 我多么想抚平奶奶脸上的皱折。

    How I wish that I could smooth the wrinkles on grandma's face.

  22. 友谊能抚平因绝望而生成的皱纹。

    Friendship can smooth the wrinkles out of desperation.

  23. 有爱就有痛。用原谅来抚平爱的伤口。

    No loving relationship if free of hurts.

  24. 伊丽莎抚平在膝盖上皱起的衣纹。

    Eliza smoothed her dress over her knees.

  25. 他们的悲痛被巨额的补偿金抚平多了。

    Their grief was mollified by the huge compensation.

  26. 有爱就有痛。用原谅来抚平爱得伤口。

    No loving relationship if free of hurts. Bind up the wounds of love with forgiveness.

  27. 激烈的争吵之后,他准备抚平他妻子的怨气。

    He was inclined to smooth his wife's ruffled feathers after their heated argument.

  28. 它也有助于抚平细纹,并激起皮肤重建。

    It also helps to smooth fine lines and encourages skin renewal.

  29. 心灵更需要抚慰,抚平所有扭曲和悲喜。

    The mind needs to comfort, smooths all distortions and sad happy.

  30. 他设法过抚平妻子和女儿之间的芥蒂。

    He managed to smooth over the bad feelings between his wife and daughter.