







汉语拼音:bīng qiú







  1. 亦称“ 冰上曲棍球 ”。一种冰上运动。球用硬橡胶做成。比赛时队员分两队,穿冰鞋在冰场上滑行,用下端弯曲的冰球杆把球打进对方球门得分。得分多者为胜。



  1. The singer got engaged in the vacation on Hawaii at the beginning of the yearly with her dearest one, ice hockey player Mike Comrie.


  2. Raymond said he had tips from sources that Combs would be at the rink to watch his child's hockey game on Friday.


  3. Ross , check it out : hockey tickets , Rangers- Penguins, tonight at the Garden, and we're taking you .


  4. Take the National Hockey League, ice hockey's premier body, which has for years been trying to expand its audience and commercial reach.


  5. The Czechs faced Canada in the semifinals and it turned out to be one of the greatest games in Olympic history.


  6. To do that requires, to paraphrase Jobs' favorite Wayne Gretzky quote, skating to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.


  7. Come to think of it, if players in the National Hockey League did this sort of thing more often, the sport's television ratings might soar.


  8. Mikey imagined that they were skating a victory lap around the Olympic rink and she was a member of a gold-medal hockey team.


  9. shot (10 Off). A sitting puck when struck reacts as if it weights a ton. Tweak the shot action.


  1. 冰球守门员

    ice hockey goalkeeper.

  2. 冰球鞋冰刀

    ice hockey skate.

  3. 亚洲冰球联赛

    Also, I put together the Asian Ice Hockey League.

  4. 专业碳冰球棒

    Professional Carbon Ice Hockey Sticks

  5. 冰球源于何处?

    Where does ice hockey originate?

  6. 冰球?只是猜猜罢了。

    Hockey Just a thought.

  7. 我称其为冰球。

    I call it the hockey puck.

  8. 冰球比足球要快。

    Ice hockey is faster than football.

  9. 冰球妈妈来救驾了!

    Hockey mom to the rescue!

  10. 冰球名人堂明星赛

    Hockey Hall of Fame Legends Classic Game

  11. 冰球项目自1920年加入。

    Ice hockey joined the project since 1920.

  12. 少女被冰球击中毙命

    Teenager girl dies after getting hit by a hockey puck.

  13. 它事实上是个冰球。

    It's actually an ice moon.

  14. 欢迎来到儿童冰球世界。

    Welcome to the world of kids hockey.

  15. 现在, 把冰球传给我。

    Now pass the puck to me,

  16. 现在,把冰球传给我。

    Now pass the puck to me,

  17. 是啊,即使它不是冰球!

    even if it wasnt the puck!

  18. 需要一本冰球自传吗?

    Need an autographed hockey puck?

  19. 浅谈少年冰球运动员选材

    How to suitably select juvenile ice hockey player

  20. 冰球和扑克有什么关系?

    What does poker have to do with hockey?

  21. 我们喜欢这个形状 冰球棍

    That's what we like, hockey sticks.

  22. 一款冰球模拟赛手游。

    A hockey simulation racing tour.

  23. 全国冰球联合会运动员协会

    National hockey league players association

  24. 绿豆蛙打冰球游戏攻略

    Bean frogs playing hockey Introduction

  25. 速度、力量、撞击,这就是冰球!

    Speed, power, and strike, this is ice hockey!

  26. 下冰雹时坠落的小冰球

    small pellets of ice that fall during a hailstorm

  27. 冰球手出击游戏攻略

    Hand out ice hockey Introduction

  28. 把冰球场地一分为二的红线。

    a line that is colored red bisects an ice hockey rink.

  29. 他比朋友们都擅长打冰球。

    He excels all his friends in playing ice hockey.

  30. 冰球被打出了争球圈。

    And the puck cleared out center ice.


  1. 问:冰球拼音怎么拼?冰球的读音是什么?冰球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球的读音是bīngqiú,冰球翻译成英文是 ice hockey

  2. 问:冰球场拼音怎么拼?冰球场的读音是什么?冰球场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球场的读音是bīng qiú chǎng,冰球场翻译成英文是 ice hockey rink

  3. 问:冰球杆拼音怎么拼?冰球杆的读音是什么?冰球杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球杆的读音是bīng qiú gǎn,冰球杆翻译成英文是 ice hockey stick

  4. 问:冰球门拼音怎么拼?冰球门的读音是什么?冰球门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球门的读音是bīng qiú mén,冰球门翻译成英文是 cage; goal

  5. 问:冰球队拼音怎么拼?冰球队的读音是什么?冰球队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球队的读音是bīng qiú duì,冰球队翻译成英文是 sextet

  6. 问:冰球刀鞋拼音怎么拼?冰球刀鞋的读音是什么?冰球刀鞋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球刀鞋的读音是bīng qiú dāo xié,冰球刀鞋翻译成英文是 hockey skate

  7. 问:冰球名人堂拼音怎么拼?冰球名人堂的读音是什么?冰球名人堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球名人堂的读音是,冰球名人堂翻译成英文是 Hockey Hall of Fame

  8. 问:冰球运动员拼音怎么拼?冰球运动员的读音是什么?冰球运动员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰球运动员的读音是bīng qiú yùn dòng yuán,冰球运动员翻译成英文是 ice hockey player; puckster; iceman



冰球(ice hockey ),亦称“冰上曲棍球”。冰球运动是多变的滑冰技艺和敏捷娴熟的曲棍球技艺相结合,对抗性较强的集体冰上运动项目之一,也是冬季奥运会正式比赛项目。运动员穿着冰鞋,手拿冰杆滑行拚抢击球。球一般用硬橡胶制成,厚2,54厘米,直径7.62厘米,球重为156-170克。比赛时每队上场六人,前锋三人,后卫两人,守门员一人。运动员用冰杆将球击入对方球门,以多者为胜。