







汉语拼音:fá zé






  1. The court referred to the concept of arra contractu imperfecto data, a rather obscure institution of Roman law (paras 44-55).


  2. But how would students know that there was no penalty for refusing to embrace a professor's political assumptions?


  3. In response to public concern, we have increased the penalties for the offence of taking photographs inside polling stations.


  4. Fourth, the labor contract clearly the best possible liability for breach of contract and penalties.


  5. BD has been examining existing powers and penalties to make for more stringent enforcement and stronger deterrent.


  6. Upon conviction by the Court, the offender is liable to a maximum fine of 50, 000 and 6 months imprisonment.


  7. Penalties for driving both below and in excess of the prescribed speed limits are in force.


  8. The penalty for not meeting financial obligations is bankruptcy.


  9. PUNISH Fouls are usually penalized.


  1. 修理合同中的罚则条款

    Penalty Clause of Repair Contract

  2. 罪行罚则及免责辩护

    Offences, penalties and defences.

  3. 犯规通常要科以罚则。

    Fouls are usually penalized.

  4. 建立诉讼调解中的罚则制度。

    Setting up punishing system in mediation of disputes.

  5. 合同的暂停和终止及罚则

    Suspension and termination of contract and penalties.

  6. 政府已修订逃漏税的罚则。

    The government has revised the penalties for tax evasion.

  7. 协助及教唆者的罚则亦相同。

    Any aider and abetter will be liable to the same punishment.

  8. 第21节合同得中止和终止及罚则

    Section21 Suspension and termination of contract and penalties

  9. 第21节合同的中止和终止及罚则

    Section21 Suspension and termination of contract and penalties

  10. 篮球新规则中特殊情况及罚则分析

    Study of Special Situation and Penalty in New Basketball Rules

  11. 我想在罚则上面还得再明确些。

    I think we have to be more specific on the penalty.

  12. 提交你的蛋糕的臀部。它不好。罚则。

    Presented the hips of your cake. It is not good. The penalty.

  13. 篮球竞赛新规则中特殊情况罚则浅析

    An Analysis of the Rules of Punishment in Special Conditions in Basketball Ruler

  14. 我给您开具的罚单是有罚则依据的。

    The notice for payment of fine I issued to you is in line with regulations.

  15. 我给您开具的罚单是有罚则依据的。

    The notice for payment of fine I issued to you is in line with regulations.

  16. 犹豫期内要求退定金的, 不适用定金罚则。

    Hesitate to take down the request, NA deposit penalties.

  17. 制定关于伪造合众国证券和通货的罚则。

    To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States.

  18. 犹豫期内要求退定金的,不应适用定金罚则。

    Hesitate to take down the request should not be applied down penalties.

  19. 未经批准经营非专营巴士服务的罪行及罚则

    Offences and penalty of operating unauthorized NFB services

  20. 商品房认购书中定金罚则适用的困惑与反思

    On Puzzle and Introspection of the Application of sin Subscription Certificate

  21. 文章最后为共犯关系的脱离者设立了罚则。

    Finally, this article establishes rules of punishment for the complicity relation departure.

  22. 港府于今年四月建议加强虐畜罪行的罚则。

    The government has proposed heavier penalties on animal abuse in April this year.

  23. 违规经营未经批准非专营巴士服务的罪行及罚则

    Major offences and penalty of operating unauthorized nfb services

  24. 每一个国家都必须确定所采取的罚则和措施。

    Each state has to determine what penalties and measures to adopt.

  25. 对定金罚则的适用,应以当事人有无过错为依据。

    Deposit penalties applicable, should be parties with or without fault.

  26. 司法机构在促进调解方面的工作,亦得到讼费罚则的辅助。

    The efforts by the Judiciary to promote mediation are underpinned by a costs sanction.

  27. 职业篮球队员允许侵入犯规6次,超过则被罚出场。

    A professional basketball player is allowed six personal fouls before fouling out.

  28. 第五章罚则。

    Chapter V Penalty Provisions.

  29. 第七章罚则。

    Chapter VII Penalty Provisions.

  30. 第六章罚则。

    CHAPTER VI The Rules for Punishments.


  1. 问:罚则拼音怎么拼?罚则的读音是什么?罚则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:罚则的读音是fázé,罚则翻译成英文是 A clause or item related to the implementation o...


