




相接:~日。~夜。~年。~亘(接连不断)。~襟(姐妹的丈夫之间的亲戚关系)。~载。~缀。~理。烽火~天。~篇累(lěi )牍。带,加上:~带。~坐(一个人犯法,他的家属、亲族、邻居连带受处罚)。就是,既使,甚至于:~我都不信。联合:外~东吴……



汉语拼音:guān lián








  1. 牵连;联系。

    唐 冯翊 《桂苑丛谈·太尉朱崖辩狱》:“乃立召兜子数乘,命关连僧入对事。” 宋 苏洵 《颜书》诗:“点画乃应和,关连不相违。” 徐迟 《祁连山下》十四:“建筑,雕塑,绘画,三种造型艺术形式,彼此关连,交相辉映。”



  1. He said he has no ties to terrorism.


  2. She plays with simple shapes, lines, color and with the graphic arrangement of these elements to create a relationship with her audience.


  3. Seemingly unrelated subjects often contain the same principles, and it is only up to us as to how we make sense of them.


  4. He felt no more, and the object that was trampled and slashed by his enemies had no longer any connection with him.


  5. I don't think the flash crash was the only driver, but it's hard to ignore that correlation and it begins to look like causation.


  6. What have I got to do with it? |- Plenty!


  7. Happiness in life has so much to do with the relationship between desire and contentment.


  8. Don't be mixed up in such a business.


  9. His close ties with central bankers and politicians in the U. S. and Europe had become a liability.


  1. 关连连接词

    correlative conjunction.

  2. 关连寄存器

    associative register.

  3. 企业关连分析

    interindustrial relations analysis.

  4. 共同关连因数

    affinity coefficient.

  5. 关连形体间的位置

    position of related features

  6. 造句时请使用关连词。

    Please use the relative form when writing this sentence.

  7. 造句时请使用关连词。

    Please use the relative form when writing this sentence.

  8. 数学和钢琴有何关连?

    What does math have to do with the piano?

  9. 警卫和我们之间没有关连。

    There's no connection with the guard and us.

  10. 因此,业主为本公司之关连人士。

    Accordingly, the Landlord was a connected person of the Company.

  11. 他被指称的与恐怖组织的关连

    his alleged association with terrorist groups

  12. 当然,这两个问题是相互关连的。

    Of course the two questions are related.

  13. 我们要了解你以前与动物的关连。

    We need to know about your history with animals.

  14. 就是雷的枪和戴夫有何关连?

    What does just ray's gun have to do with dave?

  15. 意指用关连线描绘出强弱关系。

    Relationship lines depict strength of relationship.

  16. 在构成生命的无限复杂的关连网络中

    In the infinitely complex network of relationships and connections that make up life.

  17. 它们与发音方法和发音部位有密切关连。

    They are involved closely with place of articulation and manner of articulation.

  18. 我爸爸的死怎么跟我弟弟的死扯上关连?

    How is my father's death related to my brother's death?

  19. 儿子和女儿是名称不同的一对关连词。

    Son and daughter are heteronymous.

  20. 这三种观念的成功当然是相互关连的。

    The success of these three ideas was, of course, connected.

  21. 两个问题是互相关连的,而且相互加强。

    Both aspects are interrelated and mutually reinforcing.

  22. 但是,培养觉性与闭眼睛是没有关连的。

    But developing awareness is not connected with having the eyes closed.

  23. 南瓜子、车前草、金银花、红花与免疫力之关连?

    What are the connection of pumpkin seed, plantago seed, safflower flower, Japanese honeysuckle and Interferon?

  24. 这个故事与下一章得9节是否有任何关连

    Is there a connection between this story and verse 9 of the next chapter

  25. 这个故事与下一章的9节是否有任何关连

    Is there a connection between this story and verse 9 of the next chapter

  26. 分配的资源与达成的结果之间也有直接关连。

    There is also a direct correlation between the level of resources allocated and the results achieved.

  27. 所以,最后的选举结果和过程中的不公没有关连。

    So, there is no connection between just the unfairness and THE result.

  28. 我们观察到天气温度与犯罪率之间有重大关连。

    We observed a significant association between temperatures and crime rates.

  29. 解释你的发现为何很重要、有意义而且相互关连的。

    Explain why your findings are significant, meaningful, and relevant.

  30. 有趣之处总是在于彼此关连, 而非此胜于彼。

    What is interesting is always interconnection, not the primacy of this over that.


  1. 问:关连拼音怎么拼?关连的读音是什么?关连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关连的读音是guānlián,关连翻译成英文是 Now standardly written as "关联".

  2. 问:关连子拼音怎么拼?关连子的读音是什么?关连子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关连子的读音是guān lián zǐ,关连子翻译成英文是 correlator

  3. 问:关连词拼音怎么拼?关连词的读音是什么?关连词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关连词的读音是,关连词翻译成英文是 correlative

  4. 问:关连性萎缩拼音怎么拼?关连性萎缩的读音是什么?关连性萎缩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关连性萎缩的读音是guān lián xìng wěi suō,关连性萎缩翻译成英文是 correlated atrophy


关连是一个汉语词汇,拼音为guān lián,译为牵连,联系。