


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……





汉语拼音:dǎ dìng







  1. 拿定。

    金庸 《白马啸西风》:“这时早已打定了主意,如果这强盗真的要带 阿曼 走,便是明知要送了性命,也是决死一拼。”



  1. After some minutes he appeared to have come to a decision, and entering the shop he purchased a baby's rattle for fourpence half-penny.


  2. And Uncle Matt said: Well, Lawrence, I for one am out here tonight trying to be certain.


  3. All come determined to be happy, with the kind of grim resolve with which one determines not to make a fuss at the dentist's .


  4. Dorothy, for her part, was ready to dismiss the idea of making too large a hole in Mother's cheque .


  5. When King John heard of the way in which the abbot lived, he made up his mind to put a stop to it.


  6. At last he made up his mind to tell her about it.


  7. She still kept her lips tightly compressed, as if determined fully to ascertain her longitude and position, before she committed herself.


  8. Again and again he had resolved to put the whole affair from out his mind.


  9. He made up his mind to be a vet.


  1. 你打定主意了吗?

    Did you make up your mind?

  2. 答应我,先别打定主意

    Promise me you'll keep an open mind.

  3. 答应我,先别打定主意。

    Promise me you'll keep an open mind.

  4. 她打定主意要找岔儿。

    She had made up her mind to be critical.

  5. 他打定主意要做个兽医。

    He made up his mind to be a vet.

  6. 他们打定主意立即奔赴前线。

    They were set on leaving for the front right away.

  7. 他们已经打定主意明天来。

    They have made up their minds to come tomorrow.

  8. 然而, 邦妮对他尚未打定主意。

    However, Bonnie has not really made up her mind about him yet.

  9. 你这一辈子打定了光棍儿啦。

    You'll have to lie alone all your life.

  10. 有一方面, 她是打定了主意了的。

    On one point she was resolved.

  11. 他用了很长时间才打定主意。

    It took him a long time to make up his mind.

  12. 有一方面, 她是打定了主意了得。

    On one point she was resolved.

  13. 他们打定主意第二天一早动身。

    They were bent upon an early start the next day.

  14. 你们有20分钟的时间来打定主意。

    You have twenty minutes to make up your mind.

  15. 首相打定主意不理会一手诉愿。

    The premier set his mind against all the appeals.

  16. 我用了很长时间才打定主意。

    It took me a long time to make up my mind.

  17. 她打定主意, 再也不同他讲话了。

    She resolved that she would never speak to him again.

  18. 他打定主意坚决不让她陪伴自己。

    He had decided to insist that she not accompany him.

  19. 在这件事上我已经打定主意了。

    I've set my heart upon it.

  20. 根本没有做某事的意图/ 打定主意做某事

    to have no/ every intention of doing something

  21. 不, 我的姑姑, 我打定主意要来看看您。

    No, aunt. I wanted to see you.

  22. 我已打定主意要得到那件新外套。

    I've set my heart on that new coat.

  23. 他打定主意后, 什么也不能使他动

    Nothing could sway him after he had made up his mind.

  24. 他打定主意要不惜一切代价继续掌权。

    He was determined to stay in the saddle at all costs.

  25. 我打定主意两天内完成这项工作。

    I make up my mind to finish this work in two days.

  26. 要读哪个学校是很难打定主意的。

    It was hard to make up my mind about where to go to school.

  27. 就你真心真意想做的工作打定主意。

    Make up your mind about the job you really want.

  28. 它打定了主意,便往猫身上扑过去。

    He made up his mind to do this,and was about to pounce on the cat.

  29. 某人或某些人看来打定主意要折磨他们。

    Somebody or somebodies really wanted these guys to suffer.

  30. 但我打定主意上岸之前什么也不买。

    But I decide not to buy anything until I had disembarked.


  1. 问:打定位桩拼音怎么拼?打定位桩的读音是什么?打定位桩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打定位桩的读音是dǎ dìng wèi zhuāng,打定位桩翻译成英文是 spudding