







汉语拼音:qiǎng bǎo







  1. 亦作“ 襁緥 ”。亦作“ 襁葆 ”。

    1.葆,通“ 褓 ”。背负婴儿用的宽带和包裹婴儿的被子。后亦泛指婴儿包。《列子·天瑞》:“人生有不见日月,不免襁褓者,吾既已行年九十矣。”《汉书·宣帝纪》:“曾孙虽在襁緥,犹坐收繫郡邸狱。” 颜师古 注引 孟康 曰:“緥,小儿被也。” 康有为 《大同书》甲部第一章:“婴孩无知,虽使陨於母胎,夭於襁褓,啜气欲絶,岂识患苦!” 艾青 《年轻的母亲》诗:“打开襁褓又包好,抱起婴儿又放下,嘴里在自言自语,好像和婴儿对话。”

  2. 葆,通“ 褓 ”。借指婴幼儿。

    汉 贾谊 《新书·数宁》:“ 发子 曰:‘至治之极,父无死子,兄无死弟,途无襁褓之葬,各以其顺终。’” 宋 黄庭坚 《寄耿令几父过新堂邑作》诗:“白头晏起饭,襁褓语呕哑。” 苏曼殊 《断鸿零雁记》第二六章:“余自襁褓,独媪一人怜而抚我,不图今已长眠。”

  3. 葆,通“ 褓 ”。谓把婴儿包裹在小儿被中。

    宋 洪迈 《夷坚乙志·龚涛前身》:“医居于郡治之南,过司法厅,见门外扰扰往来,云:‘官病亟。’及至 龚氏 而 涛 生。襁葆毕,復还,则司法已死。”



  1. life is not to see the sun and moon, not from the infant died, and I have been ninety, fit, this music.


  2. One set of our ancestors allegedly found a baby wrapped in vines after a storm, she said.


  3. The trees twisting in the wind and a child swaddledin a jumble of coloured blankets, lying in a wooden hand cart.


  4. Tucker declared himself convinced that "bounties cannot be of any national service to a manufacture which ispassed its infancy. "


  5. He had come to the Sahel from Australia four years earlier with his wife and infant son (they would have three more children in Africa).


  6. Designing for such a small screen can be quite a task, especially because conventions for mobile devices are still in their infancy.


  7. It convinces me that Earth is still in her swaddling -clothes, and stretches forth baby fingers on every side.


  8. When a happy new mother moved the cloth to look upon her new baby's tiny face, she was shocked. The baby had been born without ears !


  9. She had been a baby when the terrorists had killed her father, a Marine captain.


  1. 自在襁褓时

    from the cradle.

  2. 襁褓是什么?

    What Is Swaddling

  3. 刚从襁褓里出来

    Fresh out of the wrapper.

  4. 从襁褓中抚育成人

    bring sb. up from infancy

  5. 万寿无疆或早夭襁褓

    If it is boundless longevity or early death in swaddling clothes

  6. 剪一条他的襁褓给我。

    Cut me a lace of his swaddling.

  7. 襁褓中的我们,是天堂的所在。

    Heaven lies about us in our infancy!

  8. 婴儿被紧紧地裹在襁褓之中。

    The baby is tightly swaddled.

  9. 是我杀了还在襁褓中的妹妹。

    I killed my baby sister.

  10. 冲破你的襁褓,我的心啊,出来吧!

    Burst your sheath, my heart, and come forth!

  11. 我还在襁褓中时,她曾经照顾过我。

    She used to take care of me when I was a baby.

  12. 还在襁褓中, 他就被他父母遗弃了。

    He was cast aside by his parents when he was a baby.

  13. 我们的新计划还只是在襁褓中呢。

    Our new plan is still only in its infancy.

  14. 她尚在襁褓中时就被福利院收养。

    She was taken into care as a baby.

  15. 当他还在襁褓中就被父母遗弃了。

    He was abandoned by his parents in infancy.

  16. 当他还在襁褓中就被父母遗弃了。

    He was abandoned by his parents in infancy.

  17. 可能我是襁褓中发现的婴儿的后裔呢。

    Maybe I was the descendant of a baby who was found wrapped in vines.

  18. 老天保佑,我们得总司令仍在襁褓当中。

    Gods be good, our Lord Commander's still in swaddling clothes.

  19. 老天保佑,我们的总司令仍在襁褓当中。

    Gods be good, our Lord Commander's still in swaddling clothes.

  20. 我在襁褓中,受了母亲的抚育和照顾。

    I was nursed in swaddling clothes, and with great cares.

  21. 每换一次尿片,婴儿就脱离襁褓多一些。

    Every nappy changed is a step away from babyhood.

  22. 所以玛丽为了自己襁褓中的儿子被迫让出王位

    so Mary was forced to renounce it in favour of her baby son.

  23. 她还还抱着个男婴, 裹着毛皮襁褓, 但已经死了。

    She had a boy babe too, all swaddled up in fur, but he was dead.

  24. 但这需要时间, 因为法律框架还处于襁褓期。

    But that will take time, as the legal framework is in its infancy.

  25. 当我们搬到美国时, 我还是一个襁褓中的婴儿。

    I was just a babe in arms when we move to the United States.

  26. 婴儿常常可以从襁褓,周围声音和运动中得到安抚。

    Infants are often comforted by swaddling, ambient noise, and movement.

  27. 那家人被迫带着他们尚在襁褓中的儿子逃走了。

    The family were forced to flee with their infant son.

  28. 在我襁褓时代,已经显出完全秉承这种祖传的性格。

    And, in my earliest infancy, I gave evidence of having fully inherited the family character.

  29. 只会关心的是那些还在襁褓中还未来得及夭折的未来。

    Re, will only concern those who are still in infancy, to die in the future.

  30. 渃, 只会关心的是那些还在襁褓中还未来得及夭折的未来。

    Re, will only concern those who are still in infancy, to die in the future.


  1. 问:襁褓拼音怎么拼?襁褓的读音是什么?襁褓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:襁褓的读音是qiǎngbǎo,襁褓翻译成英文是 swaddling clothes

  2. 问:襁褓原则拼音怎么拼?襁褓原则的读音是什么?襁褓原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:襁褓原则的读音是qiǎng bǎo yuán zé,襁褓原则翻译成英文是 tender year doctrine



襁褓qiǎng bǎo亦写作“襁緥”、“襁保”、“繦緥”。襁指婴儿的带子,褓指小儿的被子。现在以此借指未满周岁的婴儿。古代泛指1岁以下幼童。