


1. 毛 [máo]毛 [máo]动植物的皮上所生的丝状物:~笔。羽~。~织品。~骨悚然。轻于鸿~。像毛的东西,指谷物或草:不~之地。衣物上的霉菌:老没见太阳都长~了。粗糙,没有加工的:~布。~估(粗略地估计)。~坯。不是纯净的:~利。~重……





汉语拼音:máo pī








  1. 已具有所要求的形体,还需要再进行加工的制造品;半成品。如:这是一批零件的毛坯。

  2. 常比喻初具规模但还粗糙、尚未最后完成的事物。



  1. This paper presents the heat conventional spinning forming process used for semi finished flexspline products of closed harmonic gear drive.


  2. The elementary forming of the blank is all important in the manufacturing of the gear-shaft.


  3. Finally, the replica part made of plastic was used to make a mould for casting the finished component in aluminium.


  4. Roughcast customers to take full account of the Housing decoration on the arbitrariness and avoid second decoration.


  5. The chemical composition, microstructure and mechanical properties of connecting rod blank made of microalloy steel are analyzed.


  6. A new method to free forge the blank of case of an aircraft made of superalloy has been studied.


  7. Firstly pouring it into embryo, then processing into finished products. The processing course is like the processing of metal gear.


  8. Off the wall, reducing the semifinished materials room, full indoor demolition.


  9. Could I now ask whether we need to have them the rest of the lens? If necessary once again to give us rough fat processing. Thanks!


  1. 钥匙的毛坯

    a key blank

  2. 热压型毛坯

    hot molded blank.

  3. 毛坯整体锻压

    Overall forged and stamped semi finished material.

  4. 二火毛坯补温

    ingot local heating during second forging

  5. 光学玻璃压制毛坯

    optical pressing

  6. 用于制作毛坯的大凿子

    boasting chisel

  7. 毛坯房与精装修哪个好?

    Roughcast Housing and refined decoration which good?

  8. 锻件毛坯等温正火工艺探讨

    Isothermal Normalizing of Forging Parts

  9. 雕刻师制出了雕像得毛坯。

    The sculptor roughed out the form his statue should take.

  10. 雕刻师制出了雕像的毛坯。

    The sculptor roughed out the form his statue should take.

  11. 锻件毛坯等温退火生产线的设计

    Design of Isothermal Anneal Production Line for Forging Roughcast

  12. 冷挤压镦饼毛坯与凹模的配合

    Fit between upsetting blank and female die of cold extrusion

  13. 机壳毛坯以焊代铸的优越性

    The superiority of substituting forge welding the blank of shelf for casting it

  14. 复杂曲面类毛坯通常没有定位基准。

    Blanks sculptured surface usually do not exist positioning references.

  15. 隔断墙,还原毛坯房,室内全套拆除。

    Off the wall, reducing the semifinished materials room, full indoor demolition.

  16. 从动圆锥齿轮毛坯吃刀现象分析

    Analysis of Straining Phenomena on Driven Cone Gears Rough

  17. 外缘外曲翻边毛坯尺寸计算方法

    The Calculation Methods of Blank Dimension in the Convex Curvature Flanging Forming

  18. 毛坯房寿终正寝后用何种方式来取代?

    Housing came after roughcast ways to replace?

  19. 铸造是毛坯和零件成型的主要方法之一。

    It is one of the main methods.

  20. 轴承座锻造毛坯热切边冲孔复合模

    Compound Die of Hot Trimming and Punching for Forging Blank of Bearing Block

  21. 我国轴承毛坯锻压设备的发展前景

    The Developing Prospects of Forging Equipment for Bearing Blanks in our Country

  22. 他每天的工作是制作照相机镜片的毛坯。

    His daily work is to rough out the lenses for cameras.

  23. 文末对鲤鱼钳毛坯进行了实例计算。

    In the end an example is given to calculate for the blank of the slip joint pliers.

  24. 铸件公役带对称于毛坯铸件基本尺寸设置。

    Casting tolerances are in with the basic configuration blank casting size.

  25. 基于萨克管数学模型的毛坯展开方法研究

    A Method to Expand Blank Based on the Mathematical Model of Saxophone

  26. 单一型冲裁零件毛坯排样的优化设计

    Optimal Nesting of Punched Uniformly Shaped Parts

  27. 毛坯房要寿终正寝引起的反应是强烈的。

    Roughcast room to rest is a strong reaction.

  28. 矩形毛坯排样中条带长度的约束处理

    Strip Length Constraints of Rectangle Cutting Patterns

  29. 等速万向节等厚保持架毛坯的加工

    Machining on equithickness retainer blanks of constant speed universal joints.

  30. 浅谈汽车齿轮锻造毛坯的等温正火工艺

    Discussion on isothermal normalizing of forging steel billet used to make gears of automobiles


  1. 问:毛坯拼音怎么拼?毛坯的读音是什么?毛坯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛坯的读音是máopī,毛坯翻译成英文是 semi-finished product; blank; slug

  2. 问:毛坯安装拼音怎么拼?毛坯安装的读音是什么?毛坯安装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毛坯安装的读音是máo pī ān zhuāng,毛坯安装翻译成英文是 blank mounting



读音:máo pī 定义:毛坯是还没加工的原料,也可指成品未完成前的那一部分。可以是铸造件,锻打件,或是用锯割\气割等方法下的料,比如毛坯陶瓷,毛坯房等。