







汉语拼音:qiú shēng







  1. 设法活下去;谋求生路。

    《论语·卫灵公》:“志士仁人,无求生以害仁,有杀身以成仁。”《史记·伍子胥列传》:“我知往终不能全父命。然恨父召我以求生而不往,后不能雪耻,终为天下笑耳。” 北周 庾信 《哀江南赋》序:“ 傅燮 之但悲身世,无处求生; 袁安 之每念王室,自然流涕。” 宋 秦观 《盗贼上》:“与其婴錮金木,束手而受毙,孰若遯逸山海脱身而求生。” 阿英 《碧血花》第三幕:“﹝ 葛嫩娘 ﹞:‘我军兵力单弱,非拼死不足以求生!’”



  1. In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine.


  2. But Mr Saleh, a former tank commander famed for his wily survival tactics, has continued to insist on his constitutional privileges.


  3. Had it not been for Heidelberg's takeover, he says, Hanson might have struggled to survive on its own.


  4. China is now awash with factories that will struggle to make a profit and with a glut of overpriced housing.


  5. So this is what I can speculate, might have been going on had we been able to do a SPECT scan on Beck during this survival epic.


  6. As a revolutionary, he would rather die with his head high than live with his knees bent.


  7. At this time the young man was really scared, his instinct of living made him use all his strength lifting Socrates and climbed to the bank.


  8. For at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he continued to hand over the rope and ring to others.


  9. Nash looked more like an outsider, trying to make a living in the NBA by helping various teams he would feature in as a role player.


  1. 求生的决心

    the will to live.

  2. 夹缝中求生

    Living Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

  3. 求生以害仁

    seeking to live at the expense of virtuous ways.

  4. 有求生的直觉

    have an instinct for survival

  5. 论海上求生意志

    On the Will of Survivor at Sea

  6. 人类下意识求生本能。

    It was the automatic instinct to live.

  7. 求生本能/ 嗜杀本性

    survival/ killer instinct

  8. 求生是人类的本能。

    Struggling for survival is a human instinct.

  9. 动物都有求生的本能。

    All animals have an instinct to seek survival.

  10. 求生的挣扎继以垂死的挣扎

    The Agony of Death after the Agony of Life

  11. 求生的意志,他想,他嘲笑。

    The will to live, was his thought, and the thought was accompanied by a sneer.

  12. 没有什么能消灭求生的本能。

    Nothing can destroy the instinct to survive.

  13. 求生的欲望驱使他们继续努力。

    The urge to survive drove them on.

  14. 你哥正在街头游荡 挣扎求生。

    Your brother is out there on the streets, struggling to survive.

  15. 你哥正在街头游荡 挣扎求生。

    Your brother is out there on the streets, struggling to survive.

  16. 你哥正在街头游荡 挣扎求生。

    Your brother is out there on the streets, struggling to survive.

  17. 求生的意识已从他身上消失。

    The very will to survive had been drained from him.

  18. 植物们便会有不同的求生策略。

    Plants can have different survival strategies.

  19. 蓝色象徵和平天空下的求生意志。

    The blue represents the will to live under peaceful skies.

  20. 每个人都有强烈得求生本能。

    We all have a strong survival instinct.

  21. 每个人都有强烈的求生本能。

    We all have a strong survival instinct.

  22. 这是一种安全和求生的本能。

    It is a natural safetysurvival instinct.

  23. 树蛙从来没有放弃求生, 蛇也是。

    Tree Frog never gives up his living desire and so does the snake.

  24. 生活成了一场奋力求生的斗争。

    Life became a struggle for survival.

  25. 我们求生得唯一希望就在於裁军吗?

    Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?

  26. 我们求生的唯一希望就在於裁军吗?

    Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament?

  27. 音乐是他的最爱, 求生是他最伟大的乐章。

    Music was his passion. Survival was his masterpiece.

  28. 试析海上求生者的获救信心

    Analysis on the rescued confidence in persons in distress at sea

  29. 我们求生的唯一希望就在于裁军吗

    Does our only hope of survival lie in disarmament

  30. 我挣扎求生的时候,你究竟在哪儿?

    Where in the world were you when I was struggling for my life?


  1. 问:求生拼音怎么拼?求生的读音是什么?求生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求生的读音是qiúshēng,求生翻译成英文是 seek survival; seek to live on

  2. 问:求生之路拼音怎么拼?求生之路的读音是什么?求生之路翻译成英文是什么?

    答:求生之路的读音是,求生之路翻译成英文是 Left 4 Dead