







汉语拼音:bīng xīn







  1. Bing Xin's grandmother to see from the prose of "Laughter, " Dad, turn on the side of her mother stacked blankets.


  2. generation writer Bing Xin's grandmother, she To commemorate her A great mother, left a moving tear Pianpian the immortal poem.


  3. Ariel: For you are so mean, and annoying! And. . . I even don't know who you are. . .


  4. Quite a few younger writers said that it was Bingxin's works that made them go in the way afterwards.


  5. These cores show that the level of pollution, especially soot, in Himalayan glaciers correlates with emissions in Europe and South Asia.


  6. Bingxin, an outstanding poet and writer in the history of modern Chinese literature, was also a famous translator with great achievements.


  7. Among the "problem novels" , Binxin s works are the most remarkable.


  8. Under Bingxin's pen, maternal love has the power like religion, and becomes the root of love and a shelter for men's souls.


  9. a tearful smile, Understandably, bing xin's childhood dream, full, full of childish imagination.


  1. 冰心和宗教文化

    Bing Xin and Religious Culture

  2. 冰心儿童文学研究。

    A study of Bing Xin's children's literature.

  3. 冰心散文随笔四题

    Four Topics of Prose and Essay by Bing Xin

  4. 论冰心的女性意识

    Discussion on the Female Consciousness of BingXin

  5. 原谅我一片冰心, 苍天可鉴。

    Forgive my one ice heart, heaven can Jian.

  6. 序言中, 介绍了冰心的一生。

    Preface, introduces the bing xin's life.

  7. 简析冰心散文的语言特色

    Analysis of the Language Feature of the Prose of Bingxin

  8. 论冰心小诗的美学特征。

    Briefly Discussion on Aesthetic Characteristics of Bing Xins Short Poem.

  9. 冰心是爱的哲学的典范代表。

    Bingxin is the classic representative of love philosophy.

  10. 俯身,轻拾一抹花瓣,轻暖一片冰心。

    Bent, light up a petal, is a pure and noble character.

  11. 他从来都是这样淡泊名利, 一片冰心。

    He is always morally pure and indifferent to fame and fortune.

  12. 冰心, 庐隐的创作与基督教文化

    The Creating Novels of Bing Xin and Lu Yin and Christianity

  13. 他从来都是这样淡泊名利,一片冰心。

    He is always morally pure and indifferent to fame and fortune.

  14. 论冰心, 朱自清笔下的孤独感

    Loneliness in the Works of Bin Xin and Zhu Zi Qing

  15. 冰心老人一生热爱大海, 亲近大海, 学习大海。

    Binxing loved the sea, and nobnobed with the sea, learnt from the sea all lifetime.

  16. 冰心从不隐讳自己同宗教的关系。

    Bing Xin never covered up her relation with religion.

  17. 文摘介绍了冰心文学馆的创作构思。

    Abstract The thesis introduces the creation of Bing Xin Literary Hall.

  18. 论冰心的儿童教育观的形成及其特点

    The formation of Bingsin's education view on children and its characteristics

  19. 冰心儿童散文的思想内容及艺术特色

    On Content and Artistic Style of the Prose for Children by Bing Xin

  20. 冰心作品中的同素异序同义词研究

    The Research on Synonyms with Same Morphemes but Different Order in the Works of Bingxin

  21. 浅谈冰心与狄更斯创作中的儿童形象

    A Comparison of Children Figures in Bingxin and Charles Dickens' Works.

  22. 烈烈真性,脉脉柔情,不卑不亢,玉骨冰心。

    The very hot fire and similar and true contains the silent tender feelings in feeling cordial but independent jade bone ice heart.

  23. 冰心关于女人在女性主义视域下的解读

    Bing Xin's about Woman under Feminine Principle Sight Explanation

  24. 当代散文中,也有长篇散文,如冰心的南归。

    Contemporary prose, there is also a long prose, such as the South GUI Bing Xin.

  25. 冰心的作品主要有诗歌,散文和短篇小说等。

    Her writings ranged from poems, prose to short stories.

  26. 冰心散文对建立现代汉语的典范卓有贡献。

    Modern Chinese language standard was established through the help of Bingxin's prose.

  27. 从冰心和丁玲的作品看女性创作的阴柔美

    Feminine Aesthetics in the Works by Bing Xin and Ding Ling

  28. 论冰心诗文中的生命意识及其受佛教的影响

    On Life Consciousmess of Essays of Bing Xin and its Being Influenced by Buddhism

  29. 从文本和历史语境的关系看冰心的散文创作

    A study of Bing Xins prose writing from the relationship between the texts and the historical context

  30. 巧用翻译技巧,译出散文风格 冰心散文的英译技巧拾零

    Expressing the style of essays by using translating skills



冰心(1900-1999)原名谢婉莹,福建长乐人 ,中国诗人、现当代作家、翻译家、儿童文学作家、社会活动家,散文家。 1900年10月5日出生于福州一个海军军官家庭。1919年8月的《晨报》上,冰心发表第一篇散文《二十一日听审的感想》和第一篇小说《两个家庭》。后者第一次使用了“冰心”这个笔名。这位中国现代文学史上第一位著名女作家,她一步入文坛,便以宣扬“爱的哲学”著称。 1923年出国留学前后,开始陆续发表总名为《寄小读者》的通讯散文,成为中国儿童文学的奠基之作。1926年回国,先后在燕京大学、清华大学女子文理学院任教。抗日战争期间,以“男士”为笔名,写了一组以妇女为题材的散文,结集为《关于女人》。 1946年被东京大学聘为第一位外籍女教授,讲授“中国新文学”课程。1951年回国。 1999年2月28日21时12分冰心在北京医院逝世,享年99岁,被称为"世纪老人".也有人说冰心是度过了一个爱的世纪。