







汉语拼音:pāi bǎn










  1. 打击乐器的一种。也称檀板、绰板。用坚木数片,以绳串联,用以击节。

    唐 宋 时拍板为六或九片,以两手合击发音,今拍板常由三片木板组成。 宋 乐史 《杨太真外传》卷上:“就按於 清元 小殿, 寧王 吹玉笛,上羯鼓,妃琵琶, 马仙期 方响, 李龟年 觱篥, 张野狐 箜篌, 贺怀智 拍板。”参阅 唐 段安节 《乐府杂录·拍板》、 宋 高承 《事物纪原·乐舞声歌·拍板》、《清文献通考·乐十三》。

  2. 击节,打拍子。

    清 钮琇 《觚賸·雪遘》:“孝廉夫人亦妙解音律,亲为家伎拍板,正其曲误。”

  3. 商行、交易所拍卖货物采用竞争买卖方式时,双方讨价还价至适当价格时,由行所人员拍打木板,表示成交。亦泛指成交。

    王广尧 《保护竞争必须刹住歪风》:“也有一些采购人员趁拍板签字之机,放开海口,大提个人的物质要求。”

  4. 借指作出决定。

    蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“他说一不二,敢拍板也敢负责,许了愿必还。”



  1. It was time for me to call the shots. 'Our promise must be kept. '


  2. A spokeswoman for the justice ministry said that no decision had been made but that "an announcement is expected in the next few days" .


  3. Member states, which would have to approve any tariffs, could also press Mr De Gucht to let the file languish.


  4. The positions of the holes can be converted or more holes are arranged on a racket board in an anamorphic embodiment.


  5. Or they withhold information to avoid responsibility, wanting someone else to make a decision even if it is wrong.


  6. It was up to Wei to make the final call and he broke convention by giving the green light to the four men, average age 27.


  7. "I sign off on everything, " she said. "I put a lot of hours in. "


  8. 'We need to take a decision within weeks, ' he said.


  9. If you've been sending out resumes and having meetings over the past months but nothing has clicked yet for you, stay optimistic.


  1. 女人总是最后拍板。

    Women always have the last word.

  2. 你来唱,我来拍板。

    I'll beat time while you sing.

  3. 在我们拍板定案前?

    Before we decide your sentence?

  4. 他当场拍板下决定。

    He made the decision on the spot.

  5. 没有什么拍板要等15年。

    No final decision needs to be made for 15 years.

  6. 这个方案老板还没拍板。

    The boss still hasn't given the proposal the OK.

  7. 又一批生意拍板成交了。

    Another business deal has been clinched.

  8. 又一批生意拍板成交了。

    Another business deal has been clinched.

  9. 戈林正设法同盟国拍板成交。

    Goering was hoping to strike a bargain with the Allies.

  10. 哦,但总得有个人拍板的吧。

    Oh, but surely someone must be in charge.

  11. 但在当时, 确实没人敢拍板。

    But at that time, really nobody dare clappers.

  12. 他不怕拍板,从不作骑墙派。

    He's not afraid of making decisions and is a man who never sits on the fence.

  13. 委员会的决定常常主席最后拍板。

    The committee's decisions often ride on the chairman's vote.

  14. 这事儿得由厂长来拍板。

    The factory director has the final say in this matter.

  15. 没有老板的拍板,谁也不敢行动。

    No one will want to act without the go-ahead from the boss.

  16. 老爸,听到了吗?完全由你拍板。

    You hear that, dad? Entirely up to you.

  17. 今天下午这个拍卖会就要拍板定案了。

    The auction will wind up this afternoon.

  18. 我没做决定,这事完全由你拍板。

    I have not made up my mind. It is entirely up to you.

  19. 拍板定案决定让赛门成为比赛的赢家。

    A clap of approval made Simon the winner of the contest.

  20. 对这个计划拍板定案超出他的职权范围。

    Putting the seal of approval on the scheme fell outside his province.

  21. 女人在任何辩论过程中,都要最后的拍板权。

    A woman has the last word in any argument.

  22. 我们很想把这个问题在会上当场拍板解决。

    We would prefer the problem settled at the meeting.

  23. 每次他们争吵时,都是他老婆最后拍板定夺。

    His wife always has the final word in their arguments.

  24. 要经营什么, 这是必须由你最后拍板决定的。

    The final decision about what youre going to do as a business rests with you.

  25. 有一些事情需要决定,而你是唯一能拍板的人。

    There are decisions to be made and you are the only person who can make them.

  26. 据说,这一次的计划就是池宇峰亲自制定并拍板的。

    Allegedly, this plan is Chi Yufeng be made personally and of clappers.

  27. 首席执行官或团队领导应该有强势的最后拍板权。

    The CEO or the team leader should have strong and ultimate authority.

  28. 别问我时间表出问题怎么办,他才是最后拍板的人。

    Don't ask me what to do about the scheduling problem.

  29. 响板,拍板两块平木板,夹在手指间有节奏地一起拍击。

    Two flat pieces of wood held between the fingers and struck together rhythmically.

  30. 在变形的实施例中可在拍板上变换孔的位置或多设孔。

    The positions of the holes can be converted or more holes are arranged on a racket board in an anamorphic embodiment.


  1. 问:拍板拼音怎么拼?拍板的读音是什么?拍板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拍板的读音是pāibǎn,拍板翻译成英文是 clappers; clinch a deal



拍板含有多重意思,常用的有打拍子自己唱。 自己拍板:比喻主事的人作出某种决定。 打击乐器。