




1. 体 [tǐ]2. 体 [tī]体 [tǐ]人、动物的全身:身~。~重。~温。~质。~征(医生在检查病人时所发现的异常变化)。~能。~貌。~魄(体格和精力)。~育。~无完肤。身体的一部分:四~。五~投地。事物的本身或全部:物~。主~。群……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……


小,细小:细~。轻~。~小。~型。~观。~雕。~积分。~电脑。~量元素。谨小慎~。~乎其~。少;稍:稍~。~笑。~调(tiáo )。衰落;低下:卑~。~贱。精深;精妙:~妙。精~。~言大义。隐约;不明:~茫。~词(隐晦的批评)。隐匿:“白公……



汉语拼音:jù tǐ ér wēi





《孟子·公孙丑上》:“冉牛、闵子、颜渊则具体而微。” 原意指冉、闵、颜三人虽具有孔子的全部品德,但并未光大。后用来泛指事物的内容已大体具备,但规模较小。



  1. People have been selling hamburgers in Taipei for some time now. I've tried some of them. And my assessment was: Almost, but not quite!


  2. Gratitude is to fill them with concrete life details and tell the selves don't fall in the inextricable sadness.


  3. Each etymology is a case, in miniature, of the strange road home.


  4. Cat: A pygmy lion who loves mice, hates dogs, and patronizes human beings.


  5. Full moon on a clear and concrete short life declares.


  6. What LB1 looks like most, the researchers concluded, is a miniature H. erectus.


  1. 她以一笔五千磅借款,具体而有效地帮助了我。

    She had aided me substantially and effectually by a loan of five thousand pounds.

  2. 裁谈会应鞭策我们在这方面取得具体而持久的结果。

    This Conference should spur us on to achieve concrete and lasting results in this regard.

  3. 智利要在今年的一般性辩论中作具体而切中要害的发言。

    Chile wants to be quite specific and to the point in this year's general debate.

  4. 每封信都对缔约国提供的资料作出了具体而详细的回应。

    Each letter responds specifically and in detail to the information presented by the State party.

  5. 因岁月流逝而变成微黄色。

    changed to a yellowish color by age.

  6. 不过, 那要看具体情况而定。

    But that all depends on the specific circumstances.

  7. 其他机构总的保护少数民族而具体的对象是吉卜赛人。

    Other institutions ensure the protection of minorities in general and the Roma in particular.

  8. 调整得方法, 根据具体情况而定。

    Method of adjustment according to the specific circumstances of the case.

  9. 调整的方法,根据具体情况而定。

    Method of adjustment according to the specific circumstances of the case.

  10. 实际用量根据现场具体情况而定。

    Actual dosage levels are determined according to local site conditions.

  11. 生成的委托类是具体类而不是抽象类。

    The generated delegation class is a concrete class instead of an abstract class.

  12. 承受器为某个具体目的而造的容器

    A receptacle intended for a specific purpose.

  13. 我国一直在朝着这一目标取得稳步而具体的进展。

    We have been making steady and concrete progress towards that goal.

  14. 这要依具体情况而定, 看公司的要求。

    This will decide according to specific condition, see that company asks.

  15. 这要依具体情况而定, 看公司得要求。

    This will decide according to specific condition, see that company asks.

  16. 但总的来看, 希腊文化随着城邦的衰落而式微。

    But, in general the Greek culture with the city and the decline of decline.

  17. 我愿意支付这笔额外的费用, 但要视具体数目而定。

    I would be willing to pay the extra out ofpocket depending the the added cost.

  18. 装修费用是个弹性很大的预算, 应视具体情况而定。

    Cost of renovation is a great deal of flexibility in the budget, should be, as the case may be.

  19. 这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。

    Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.

  20. 我们要的是具体成果,而不是表面文章

    We want solid results, not show

  21. 应该直接并且具体的, 而不是抽象的和概念。

    It should be direct and specific, not abstract and conceptual.

  22. 个人计算机为供个人使用而设计的微电脑。

    Personal computer Microcomputer designed FOR use by one person at a time.

  23. 这个生命有机体是现实、具体的,而不是抽象空洞的。

    This life organism is realistic, concrete, but not abstract and empty.

  24. 股票价格接近于布朗运动,即处处连续而无处可微。

    Stock prices are approximately brownian motion, which means they are everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable.

  25. 苏菜得烹调风格以用料广泛,味道 微 甜而著名。

    The Jiangsu cooking style is known for its wide variety of ingredients and sweetish flavors.

  26. 而对具体个体得存在进行选择解释就是同义反复得。

    There would be a tautology only in the case that the selection explanation is applied to the existence of special individuals.

  27. 而对具体个体的存在进行选择解释就是同义反复的。

    There would be a tautology only in the case that the selection explanation is applied to the existence of special individuals.

  28. 我们可以通过具体行动作出贡献而不是一味追随。

    We can contribute and do instead of follow.

  29. 这一新时代当然需要具体的行动,而不是仅仅说说而已。

    This new era will, of course, require concrete deeds and not just words.

  30. 课堂老师的授课主要是有关具体活动的,而不是抽象理论的。

    Instruction would be given by the class teacher and it would deal mainly in concrete activities rather than abstract theories.


  1. 问:具体而微拼音怎么拼?具体而微的读音是什么?具体而微翻译成英文是什么?

    答:具体而微的读音是jùtǐ'érwēi,具体而微翻译成英文是 small but complete; miniature; similar in shap...




解释: 整个形体都已经具备了,只是 比较微小而已。