


1. 鲜 [xiān]2. 鲜 [xiǎn]鲜 [xiān]新的,不陈的,不干枯的:~果。~花。~嫩。新~。滋味美好:~美。~甜。这汤真~。有光彩的:~明。~亮。~艳。味美的食物:尝~。时~。特指鱼虾等水产食物:海~。鱼~。〔~卑〕中国古代……





汉语拼音:xiān liang









  1. 鲜明,漂亮。

    《红楼梦》第三六回:“噯呀!好鲜亮活计!这是谁的,也值的费这么大功夫?” 孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·山地回忆》:“但是在 阜平 ,这样一身衣服,织染既是不容易,穿上也就觉得鲜亮好看了。”



  1. 'You could just see the beverages, they sort of glow, because these dyes are really quite intense, ' Mr. Moy says.


  2. There still faintly beamed from the woman's features something of the freshness, and even the prettiness, of her youth.


  3. CMYK mode of the image has no RGB mode and the converted image fresh should check the image were confirmed to be unbiased and output colour.


  4. The best way to judge if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually, the brighter the color, the better the taste.


  5. As the dark water drained from it, I could make out the bright roses and gold leaf design.


  6. The program represents a weld with a bright orange line. The weld symbol is attached to the cosmetic weld, as shown in the following figure.


  7. They are like the sunflower, toward the sun always shines bright in front, according to the back but sorrow deep.


  8. Bright objects have stronger colours, therefore their auras are much easier to see than the auras of subtly coloured objects.


  9. Fresher sunny colors were all picked to walk, the rich brocade carefully saw have a few remaining Pa sons.


  1. 她头发鲜亮

    Her hair it was of a brightsome color.

  2. 使色泽更加鲜亮

    Freshens colour and improves the gloss

  3. 孩子们喜欢鲜亮的颜色。

    Bright colours appeal to children.

  4. 使变迟钝, 使变麻木, 使不鲜亮

    To make or become dull.

  5. 我要把它擦的鲜亮

    I want to wipe the smudges clean.

  6. 小孩子喜欢鲜亮的颜色。

    Bright colours appeal to small children.

  7. 颜色很鲜亮,线条却很粗犷

    The colors are bright, but the lines are rawr angry.

  8. 平淡色彩鲜亮的意义界定。

    Dull the antithesis of bright in the sense defined.

  9. 颜色鲜亮而且似乎在发光。

    brilliantly colored and apparently giving off light.

  10. 这些栗子是鲜亮的红褐色。

    These chestnuts are of bright reddishbrown.

  11. 鹦鹉喙莲花呈鲜亮的红色。

    Parrot's beak lotus is a stunning red color.

  12. 鹦鹉喙莲花呈鲜亮的红色。

    Parrot's beak lotus is a stunning red color.

  13. 这是传统的样式,颜色也鲜亮。

    It's a traditional desigh and the colors are bright.

  14. 鲜亮的套装和鞋子不过是毒药。

    Shiny suits and shoes, they're nothing but drags.

  15. 生动的事情非常真实或色彩鲜亮。

    Vivid something very real or colorful.

  16. 他穿了一套鲜亮的深黄色西服。

    He wore a bright mustard suit.

  17. 他穿了一套鲜亮的深黄色西服。

    He wore a bright mustard suit.

  18. 复印出来的颜色没有原稿的鲜亮好看。

    The color reproduced may not be so pleasing or bright as the original.

  19. 方格花布织物看上去总是鲜亮好看。

    Gingham fabrics always look fresh and pretty.

  20. 面具是威尼斯狂欢节最鲜亮的特色。

    Masks have always been a central feature of the Venetian carnival.

  21. 鲜亮的覆盖材料可防沾污的烧焦。

    Pearlescent coating is scorch and stain resistant.

  22. 鲜亮得覆盖材料可防沾污得烧焦。

    Pearlescent coating is scorch and stain resistant.

  23. 这款酒呈现着鲜亮得深宝石红色。

    This wine shows a nice deep ruby red colour.

  24. 这款酒呈现着鲜亮的深宝石红色。

    This wine shows a nice deep ruby red colour.

  25. 所有看见玫瑰树的人,终将看见玫瑰鲜亮的花瓣。

    For all that see the Rose, will see the petals bright.

  26. 多种新大陆林中鸟, 其雄鸟颜色鲜亮

    any of numerous New World woodland birds having brightly colored males

  27. 绛红一种从中度到鲜亮的紫红色。

    A moderate to vivid purplish red.

  28. 绛红一种从中度到鲜亮得紫红色。

    A moderate to vivid purplish red.

  29. 鲜亮型焦糖色素的特点及应用研究

    Characteristics and application studies of the fresh and bright type caramel

  30. 蜕皮后, 它们得体色变得更加鲜亮了。

    They burst out of their old skins and into brightly colored new ones.


  1. 问:鲜亮拼音怎么拼?鲜亮的读音是什么?鲜亮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:鲜亮的读音是xiānliang,鲜亮翻译成英文是 shining bright; bright




【拼音】:xiān liàng

【基本解释】:[fresh;be bright and shining] 没褪色的;不暗淡的



【出处】:《红楼梦》第三六回:“嗳呀!好鲜亮活计!这是谁的,也值的费这么大功夫?”孙犁 《白洋淀纪事·山地回忆》:“但是在 阜平 ,这样一身衣服,织染既是不容易,穿上也就觉得鲜亮好看了。”

【近义词】:鲜活 明亮
