







汉语拼音:gù tǔ








  1. 故乡;家乡。

    《汉书·严助传》:“君厌 承明 之庐,劳侍从之事,怀故土,出为郡吏。” 唐 柳宗元 《钴鉧潭记》:“孰使予乐居夷而忘故土者,非兹潭也歟?”《醒世恒言·刘小官雌雄兄弟》:“﹝ 刘奇 ﹞此时疮口久愈,思想要回故土。” 艾青 《大堰河--我的褓姆》诗:“当我经了长长的飘泊回到故土时,在山腰里,田野上,兄弟们碰见时,是比六七年前更要亲密!”

  2. 原有的国土。

    清 胡燏棻 《上变法自强条陈疏》:“今 辽河 以东,失地虽由 俄 、 德 、 法 三国,合起而争,许还故土,但 俄 人仍有从容商议之语,恐不免枝节横生。”

  3. 指前朝的天下。

    清 江藩 《汉学师承记·顾炎武》:“逮夫故土焦原横流毒浪之后,尚自负东林之党人。”

  4. 指祖国。

    萧乾 《一本褪色的相册·美国点滴》:“改了国籍,不等于就改了民族感情;而且没有一个民族像我们这么依恋故土的。”



  1. Palestine has become a homeland defined by those who occupy it, a place that is "a dream in its actuality, and an actuality in its dream" .


  2. allow me as a Southern woman, with much attachment to the land of my birth, to entreat you to come up to this work.


  3. There he was warned by Apollo not to return to his native country, because, should he do so , he would kill his father and marry his mother.


  4. Wherever Nabil goes, something of Cairo remains within him, he says; but to stay away is to kill a part of himself.


  5. Until yesterday he had never been far from home, except for one trip to Aberdeen. Mr.


  6. Day has gone but I'm still here with you my sweet rose my green hills beloved sea , lakes and sky beloved mother earth .


  7. Two years after his homecoming, nationalist army officers led by Gamal Abdel Nasser seized power, overthrowing the British-backed monarchy.


  8. And their memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie.


  9. In the 1960s, in its native American rock, and gradually dissipate the beatles represented by the British rock band is to a peak.


  1. 远离我们的故土

    far from our native shores.

  2. 犹太人回到故土

    Back in their own land again

  3. 没有机会重返故土。

    no access to my own country.

  4. 渴望回到故土的移民们

    Immigrants who repined for their homeland.

  5. 他2年前离别故土。

    He parted from his native shore two years ago.

  6. 他回到了自己的故土。

    He came back to his native land.

  7. 红色故土长眠千万壮士英豪。

    The red land with thousand of heroes sleeping in.

  8. 他们回到告别了的故土。

    They returned to the land from whence they came.

  9. 但多数人还是故土难离。

    Yet the majority preferred to stay on their homeland.

  10. 他含悲离开了挚爱的故土。

    He left his beloved homeland in sorrow.

  11. 他含悲离开了挚爱的故土。

    He left his beloved homeland in sorrow.

  12. 先知不在其故土反而受尊重。

    A person of foresight is repected reversely when he leaves his homeland.

  13. 被从自己的故土中驱赶了出来

    Banished from my own homeland

  14. 他们全家决定离开故土, 移居澳大利亚。

    The family decided to uproot themselves and emigrate to Australia.

  15. 他离开故土波兰已有三年了。

    He has been away from his native Poland for three years.

  16. 他们的丛林故土充满了所需要的食物。

    The forest homeland of the Penan is full of food for them.

  17. 他不再回自己的家,故土也不再认识他。

    He will not come back to his house, and his place will have no more knowledge of him.

  18. 渴望回到故土的移民们流亡者们渴望回家。

    Immigrants who repined for their homeland. Ther exiles were pining to return home.

  19. 二十年后,他终于踏上了他的故土。

    He finally set foot on his homeland twenty years later.

  20. 美洲曾经是许多印第安部落的故土。

    America was once the home of many Indian tribes.

  21. 当故土只剩下碧草地, 白云飘的回忆。

    And their memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie.

  22. 因为我深爱着您,我的故土,请不要忘记我。

    Because I love you my mother land, Pls don't forget me.

  23. 而且没有一个民族像我们这么依恋故土的。

    No other nation has such a strong attachment for the native land as we chinese.

  24. 我宽恕那些遭他人蹂躏而离开故土的祖先们。

    I forgive those ancestors who left the land that other humans overran them from.

  25. 我宽恕那些遭他人蹂躏而离开故土得祖先们。

    I forgive those ancestors who left the land that other humans overran them from.

  26. 选择客居, 可以说是一种对故土的不忠行为。

    To choose foreignness is an act of disloyalty to one's native country.

  27. 我相信,一棵远离故土的树,它的情绪是哀愁的。

    I believe that a tree far away from the homeland, it is the sadness of mood.

  28. 我们缅怀每一位远离故土英勇献身的美国人。

    And we mourn every American who has died so bravely, so far from home.

  29. 我仍然不能相信我认识一个到过故土的人。

    I still can't believe I know someone who's been to the homeworld.

  30. 这已经不是我们的爪哇人祖先 所熟悉的故土了。

    This is not the stomping ground of our Pleisticine ancestors.


  1. 问:故土拼音怎么拼?故土的读音是什么?故土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:故土的读音是gùtǔ,故土翻译成英文是 native soil



“故土”是个多义词,它可以指故土(沙鲁克·罕主演电影), 故土(汉语词语)。