







汉语拼音:wú tā






  1. 见“ 无他 ”。



  1. For better or worse, there is nothing for it but to leave the matter in his hand.


  2. First up is an S&M scene featuring a leather-clad woman and man tied to a chair wearing nothing but a kitchen apron and a gas mask.


  3. When loans remained on the balance sheet to maturity, there was no alternative to an assessment of their fundamental value.


  4. This little excitement over, nothing was to be done but to return to a steadfast gaze at my mute companion.


  5. There was nothing left for her to do but cry.


  6. Talent is nothing but a prolonged period of attention and shortened period of mental assimilation.


  7. The greatest enemy our organization and we ourselves have is nothing but our ego, our own pride.


  8. But the only other option we had was to let it die on the boat.


  9. The Science: It may be hard for most people to think of chewing gum as a remedy for anything other than a case of bad breath.


  1. 伴我一生。我别无它求了。

    I've got it for life, so I'm all set.

  2. 我只有在这儿等, 别无它法。

    I have nothing to do but wait here.

  3. 美国除了抵御,别无它途可循。

    The United States has no choice but to resist it.

  4. 要达成目标, 除了努力别无它法。

    To attain the goal, you have no choice but to work hard.

  5. 他们的领导人除投降外,别无它法。

    Their leader had no alternative but to submit.

  6. 那个乞丐除了一席草荐别无它物了。

    That beggar has nothing but a straw mat.

  7. 那个乞丐除了一席草荐别无它物了。

    That beggar has nothing but a straw mat.

  8. 我听到了一个威胁?你听到了你的承诺。无它。

    I hear a threat ?You hear a pignus of your committal.No more.

  9. 因此, 现在的我除了坚持与固守别无它途。

    Therefore, I now in addition to adhere to and stick to do it.

  10. 新共和国领导人除批准此约外,别无它法。

    The leader of the New Republic had no choice but to ratify this treaty.

  11. 才干无它只是延长专心期和缩短心智的同化期。

    Talent is nothing but a prolonged period of attention and shortened period of mental assimilation.

  12. 不论好坏,除了把问题留给他之外别无它法。

    For better or worse, there is nothing for it but to leave the matter in his hand.

  13. 只有在你在里边深深的静心成为可能,别无它途。

    Only if you are in deep meditation is that possible, otherwise not.

  14. 我的眼中除了迷茫别无它物,我要见你的笑靥。

    My eyes see nothing but misery; I need to see your sweet smile.

  15. 如果红字还不能为我出气,我也别无它法了!

    If that have not avenged me, I can do no more!

  16. 我可以收集都无它,从而也减少了在其他得好处?

    Can I collect both without it resulting in a reduction in the other benefit?

  17. 我可以收集都无它,从而也减少了在其他的好处?

    Can I collect both without it resulting in a reduction in the other benefit?

  18. 他说,如无它获,而教书之行,却教会我如何待人。

    He said that if nothing else, teaching taught him how to deal with people.

  19. 再见吧, 可以启航了。除了对你的祈祷, 我别无它言。

    Wave farewell and sail well I cannot say any words but to pray for you.

  20. 除了绵延几百英里的红色岩石和尘土,那里别无它物。

    There is nothing there but hundreds of miles of red rock and dust.

  21. 对国际社会来说,别无它择,并且不可能有任何例外。

    For the international community, there is no alternative and there cannot be any exception.

  22. 如今的埃塞克斯大街上除了阳光和安宁再无它物。

    Now there is nothing but sunlight and silence in Essex Street.

  23. 除了政府准备好应对我们这段时间的挑战,我们别无它法。

    We can't anything less, than the a government ready to meet the challenges overtimeof our time.

  24. 除了绵延几百英里得红色岩石和尘土, 那里别无它物。

    There is nothing there but hundreds of miles of red rock and dust.

  25. 事实上, 电子中除了负电荷之外很可能就别无它物了。

    Indeed, it is possible that electrons are made of nothing else but negative electricity.

  26. 张镇南知道自己欠了范春江一个承诺,但他别无它法。

    Zhang knew exactly that he owed Fan a promise, but there was no choice.

  27. 它无多大永久价值。

    Not much of it had lasting merit.

  28. 我们叫它无质量弹簧。

    Lets call it a massless spring.

  29. 因为它无关于石油,无关于日用品

    Because it's not about oil, it's not about commodities.

  30. 她不能让它无异议地通过。

    She couldn't let that pass unchallenged.