




1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……



汉语拼音:jiǎng hé








  1. 指交战双方谈判和平。

    《新唐书·张说传》:“始为相时,帝欲事 吐蕃 , 説 密请讲和以休息鄣塞。” 清 侯朝宗 《太子丹论》:“ 宋 之亡也, 秦檜 、 汤思退 之流,日以挑衅之説,挟持杀戮天下之谋臣战将,始终以讲和误其国。” 茅盾 《右第二章》二:“这又是一个钟头没有听得响声了,也许今天就讲和,-- 英国 或是 美国 领事出来调停,不打了,也是很可能的。”

  2. 指人与人和解。

    《新唐书·顾彦朗传》:“ 敬瑄 诬劾 彦朗 擅兴兵掠西境。 僖宗 下詔申晓讲和,乃得到军。” 明 李贽 《与友人书》:“我欲託 晋老 作一书与 偶愚 ,专专劝其回心讲和为佳。” 许杰 《惨雾》:“﹝ 加启 ﹞走上前来,好像代他们讲和。”



  1. And he said, Whether they be come out for peace, take them alive; or whether they be come out for war, take them alive.


  2. He said, 'If they have come out for peace, take them alive; if they have come out for war, take them alive. '


  3. He said it is now in the best interest of Israelis to make a serious attempt to make peace with the Palestinians.


  4. She was trying to make peace with her next-door neighbors.


  5. There was not a city that made peace with the children of Israel, save the Hivites the inhabitants of Gibeon: they took all in battle.


  6. And, if she insists on making it up, I simply tell her that the only way she can is to forget that she ever did anything.


  7. The crafty enemy was ready to launch a new attack while outwardly holding out the olive branch.


  8. I'd like to hear from you if you've been able to extend that olive branch and offer forgiveness.


  9. So I waited quietly for a period of time, and the Lord began to talk to me about angels-something I certainly was not expecting.


  1. 他企图讲和。

    He sought to make peace.

  2. 剑入鞘。讲和

    sheathe the sword.

  3. 安排和某人讲和。

    arrangehold a parley with sb

  4. 他们已经宣布讲和。

    They had declared for peace.

  5. 保持和睦胜过讲和。

    Better keep peace than make peace.

  6. 他们决定他们必须讲和。

    They decided they must make peace.

  7. 他们道歉并讲和了。

    They apologized and made up.

  8. 他们道歉并讲和了。

    They apologized and made up.

  9. 我已经与她讲和了。

    I had made peace with her.

  10. 我倒是试图跟她讲和

    And I've tried to make peace.

  11. 如果我是你, 我就讲和。

    If I were you, Id bury the hatchet.

  12. 这两方最后讲和了。

    The two sides come to reconciliation at last.

  13. 参议院已宣布要讲和。

    The Senate had declared for peace.

  14. 这两方面最后讲和了。

    The two sides come to reconciliation at last.

  15. 和罗斯科谈谈,讲和吧

    Go talk to Roscoe, make peace.

  16. 不好意思,你是在讲和吗?

    I'm sorry. Was that an olive branch?

  17. 她试图与隔壁邻居讲和。

    She is trying to make peace with her next door neighbors.

  18. 学会原谅和放下,讲和吧。

    Forgive and let go, make peace.

  19. 我们可能不得不与入侵国讲和。

    We may have to make peace with the invader.

  20. 玛基姑母总是很快地讲和。

    Aunt March always cleared up quickly.

  21. 看守政府准备与侵略者讲和。

    The caretaker regime was prepared to make peace with the invaders.

  22. 吞下去你就会讲和听得懂

    Swallow them you can speak and understand.

  23. 如果你们原意的话, 我想和你们讲和。

    And if you let me, I'll make it up to you.

  24. 德军和法军自发讲和, 停止敌对。

    German and French troops spontaneously made peace and ceased hostilities.

  25. 不容许有法国单独讲和的想法。

    No tolerance should be given to the idea that France will make a separate peace.

  26. 我们的将军与敌军联络请求讲和。

    Our generals have made contact with the enemy and asked for peace.

  27. 反叛者和政府军已同意会面讲和。

    The rebels and the government troops have agreed to be brought together for peace talks.

  28. 勇气,是和别人吵架后先去讲和。

    Courage is being the first ti make up after an argument.

  29. 能讲和写基本医用及日常英语。

    Can and write basic Medical English and daily English.

  30. 住宅设计楼宇对讲和紧急呼叫系统。

    The communication between designing housing and the emergency call system.


  1. 问:讲和拼音怎么拼?讲和的读音是什么?讲和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:讲和的读音是jiǎnghé,讲和翻译成英文是 make peace


