






1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……



汉语拼音:zhuō miàn shàng






  1. 比喻公开的或应酬性的场合。

    毛泽东 《党委会的工作方法》:“有了问题就开会,摆到桌面上来讨论,规定它几条,问题就解决了。”如:这是桌面上的话。



  1. Its compact table-top size makes it a perfect fit in a prototyping lab or rework station.


  2. If you are working on your desktop most of the time, this gadget is indispensable for being notified by an alert in a timely fashion.


  3. QC is only a virtual object on the desktop, but I treat it like my own child.


  4. You arrange windows on the desktop just as you move work items around on your actual desk.


  5. This option allows you to turn off the notification of events for chat windows that are on the current desktop.


  6. For this article, you placed your update site on the desktop, making it a local site to which you can direct Lotus Sametime.


  7. A tenderness she might have conveyed petered out in a shiver as she stood the glass on the gritty surface of the metal table.


  8. She then dusted off the crumbs from the picnic table so that they would not find ants crawling over their space the next day.


  9. and a large tear welled up in each of his eyes, overflowed and splashed on the table, plop!


  1. 服务指南在桌面上。

    The service guide is on the desk.

  2. 问题捅到了桌面上

    disclose the problem into the open

  3. 把课本放到桌面上。

    Put your textbooks on your desks.

  4. 它于桌面上留下伤痕。

    It made a scar on the table.

  5. 桌面上得食物变坏了。

    The food on the table bad.

  6. 别让自己耷拉到桌面上!

    Avoid the urge to slouch at your desk!

  7. 消息框显示在活动桌面上。

    The message box is displayed on the active desktop.

  8. 她把桌布铺在了桌面上。

    She spread a table with a cloth.

  9. 获取桌面上显示监视器的数目。

    Gets the number of display monitors on the desktop.

  10. 桌面上了一层光,很美观。

    The surface of the table has been beautifully glossed over.

  11. 将气垫船放置在水平桌面上。

    Set the hovercraft on a level table.

  12. 查看您得手机屏幕在桌面上。

    View your mobile screen on your desktop.

  13. 查看您的手机屏幕在桌面上。

    View your mobile screen on your desktop.

  14. 安装文件保存在您的桌面上。

    Save the installation file on your desktop.

  15. 台灯柔和的光线照射在桌面上

    The lamp shed soft light on the desk.

  16. 你必须把它拖到桌面上去。

    You must drag it into the desktop.

  17. 她砰地把盘子摔在桌面上。

    She banged the plates on the table.

  18. 桌面上得漆被刀子划破了。

    The finish on the table was scratched by a knife.

  19. 香烟在桌面上烧了一个疤。

    The burning cigarette left a mark on the table top.

  20. 一副彩纸拼贴画盖在桌面上。

    A collage of coloured paper covers a table top.

  21. 一副彩纸拼贴画盖在桌面上。

    A collage of coloured paper covers a table top .

  22. 他用手拂去桌面上的面包屑。

    He swept the crumbs off the table with his hand.

  23. 您可选择桌面上图标的大小。

    You can choose the size of the icons on your desktop.

  24. 在桌面上乱画而把桌面弄坏

    deface a desk by marking on it

  25. 光洁桌面上的那处损伤很碍眼。

    The scar on the polished tabletop is an eyesore.

  26. 湿杯子在桌面上留下一个痕迹。

    The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table.

  27. 茶水不断地溢出杯子, 流到桌面上。

    The tea overflows the cup unceasingly, the class to the tabletop on.

  28. 学生零乱的桌面上, 传递什麽样的讯息?

    The desk may be messy, but has new knowledge to be gleaned.

  29. 而桌面上只能播放最后一个声音。

    On the desktop, only the last sound plays.

  30. 我们最好把问题摆到桌面上来谈。

    We had better place the problems on the table for discussion.


  1. 问:桌面上拼音怎么拼?桌面上的读音是什么?桌面上翻译成英文是什么?

    答:桌面上的读音是zhuōmiànshàng,桌面上翻译成英文是 on the table; in public