







汉语拼音:xiàn yì







  1. 公民自入伍之日起到退伍之日止所服的兵役。

  2. 正在服兵役的。




  1. Messi is out of this planet, I would say he is so far ahead of the rest of the players playing right now.


  2. If you were a team boss, which current driver would you pick first for your team (excluding yourself and your current team mate)?


  3. Up to now, the company has 285 satellites into space, the total number of global active 50% of commercial satellites.


  4. The Creator greets you and is telling you how grateful the Heavenly Realm is for your active service upon the Earth Plane.


  5. The Marines brought him back as an adviser, at double the rate of pay he made on active duty.


  6. Existing aircraft engines would be replaced with a new design that was embedded in and slightly above the body of the aeroplane.


  7. Now try to imagine for a moment an active-duty Army officer making the opposite argument, under his own byline, in the Times.


  8. The Krayt's Honor has the distinction of being one of the better known Gozanti cruisers in service due to its unusual alliances and enemies.


  9. In Soviet hands it was the Varyag (a sister ship is the only operational carrier in Russia's navy).


  1. 现役计算机

    active computer.

  2. 现役混凝土

    concrete in service.

  3. 现役操作符

    active operator.

  4. 现役数据站

    active data station.

  5. 现役劳动军

    active army of laborers.

  6. 现役军人名册

    active list

  7. 现役官兵名册

    an active list

  8. 现役武装部队

    active armed forces

  9. 现役文职人员

    Inactive civil service

  10. 现役海港码头

    existing seaport wharf

  11. 公安现役部队

    public security fire forces.

  12. 公安现役高校

    institutes of public security.

  13. 现役军官军衔

    ranks for officers in active service

  14. 现役武器装备

    weaponry and equipment in active service

  15. 公安现役院校

    universities of public security and active service.

  16. 非现役消防员

    inactive fireman

  17. 他们正服现役。

    They are on active duty.

  18. 非现役文职护士

    Employed nurse

  19. 空军现役后备队

    active air reserve

  20. 他被解除现役。

    He was discharged from active duty.

  21. 公安现役部队院校

    police institutions

  22. 现役军人的优待

    preferential treatment for active serviceman

  23. 了解部队的现役任务。

    saw active service in the army.

  24. 他必须要回去服现役。

    He has to go back into active duty.

  25. 她已服了十年现役。

    She has been on active service for ten years.

  26. 中华人民共和国现役军官法

    Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service

  27. 现役飞行员的个性调查分析

    Personality Analysis of Pilots on Active Duty

  28. 现役长寿得武钢5号高炉

    On long service life of No.5 Blast furnace at WISCO

  29. 现役长寿的武钢5号高炉

    On long service life of No.5 Blast furnace at WISCO

  30. 军队现役干部疗养需求现状

    Current Situation of Recuperate Requirement in Cadres of Active Army


  1. 问:现役拼音怎么拼?现役的读音是什么?现役翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役的读音是xiànyì,现役翻译成英文是 active service; active

  2. 问:现役的拼音怎么拼?现役的的读音是什么?现役的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役的的读音是,现役的翻译成英文是 commissioned

  3. 问:现役军官拼音怎么拼?现役军官的读音是什么?现役军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役军官的读音是xiàn yì jūn guān,现役军官翻译成英文是 National Service Officer

  4. 问:现役名单拼音怎么拼?现役名单的读音是什么?现役名单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役名单的读音是xiàn yì míng dān,现役名单翻译成英文是 Active List

  5. 问:现役导弹拼音怎么拼?现役导弹的读音是什么?现役导弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役导弹的读音是xiàn yì dǎo dàn,现役导弹翻译成英文是 Service Missile

  6. 问:现役年限拼音怎么拼?现役年限的读音是什么?现役年限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役年限的读音是xiàn yì nián xiàn,现役年限翻译成英文是 term of active service

  7. 问:现役执勤拼音怎么拼?现役执勤的读音是什么?现役执勤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役执勤的读音是xiàn yì zhí qín,现役执勤翻译成英文是 Active, in Service, Atlantic

  8. 问:现役支援拼音怎么拼?现役支援的读音是什么?现役支援翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役支援的读音是xiàn yì zhī yuán,现役支援翻译成英文是 In-Service Support

  9. 问:现役新兵拼音怎么拼?现役新兵的读音是什么?现役新兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役新兵的读音是xiàn yì xīn bīng,现役新兵翻译成英文是 In-Service Recruiter

  10. 问:现役日期拼音怎么拼?现役日期的读音是什么?现役日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役日期的读音是xiàn yì rì qī,现役日期翻译成英文是 In-Service Date

  11. 问:现役期限拼音怎么拼?现役期限的读音是什么?现役期限翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役期限的读音是xiàn yì qī xiàn,现役期限翻译成英文是 term of active service

  12. 问:现役民兵拼音怎么拼?现役民兵的读音是什么?现役民兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役民兵的读音是xiàn yì mín bīng,现役民兵翻译成英文是 Active Militia

  13. 问:现役舰只拼音怎么拼?现役舰只的读音是什么?现役舰只翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役舰只的读音是xiàn yì jiàn zhī,现役舰只翻译成英文是 Ship in Commission

  14. 问:现役训练拼音怎么拼?现役训练的读音是什么?现役训练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役训练的读音是xiàn yì xùn liàn,现役训练翻译成英文是 Active Duty for Training

  15. 问:现役身份拼音怎么拼?现役身份的读音是什么?现役身份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役身份的读音是xiàn yì shēn fèn,现役身份翻译成英文是 Active Status

  16. 问:现役部队拼音怎么拼?现役部队的读音是什么?现役部队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役部队的读音是xiàn yì bù duì,现役部队翻译成英文是 Active Military Unit

  17. 问:现役陆军拼音怎么拼?现役陆军的读音是什么?现役陆军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役陆军的读音是xiàn yì lù jūn,现役陆军翻译成英文是 Active Army

  18. 问:现役飞机拼音怎么拼?现役飞机的读音是什么?现役飞机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役飞机的读音是xiàn yì fēi jī,现役飞机翻译成英文是 Service Aircraft

  19. 问:现役义务制拼音怎么拼?现役义务制的读音是什么?现役义务制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役义务制的读音是xiàn yì yì wù zhì,现役义务制翻译成英文是 Active Duty Obligation

  20. 问:现役后备军拼音怎么拼?现役后备军的读音是什么?现役后备军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:现役后备军的读音是xiàn yì hòu bèi jūn,现役后备军翻译成英文是 Reserve in Service



详细解释 1. 公民自入伍之日起到退伍之日止所服的兵役。 2. 正在服兵役的。 《人民日报》1982.3.5:“中国人民解放军的现役军人,不论驻在哪里,都由部队领导机关统一进行(人口)普查。” 中国人民解放军