




价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……



汉语拼音:miàn zhí






  1. So today we have paper money, with numbers printed on it to show how much the money is worth.


  2. First of all, you did not used to prepare a recharge card, how much money you can casually.


  3. The lady opened her purse, and I could see several one-hundred dollar bills sticking out of her wallet.


  4. He went up to the teller's window and asked to withdraw thousands of dollars of his savings, which the teller handed over in $100 bills.


  5. Seeing a bundle of $50 notes inside, he asked her to wait until he wrote her a receipt.


  6. Here the document is provided as a literal value, but it could also be passed to the database through a parameter marker or host variable.


  7. Today the coin is usually pressed with the name of the country, the value of the coin and the date.


  8. For the moment, let's put aside concerns about the economic forecast on which the budget is based and take their figures at face value.


  9. The gap between the printing cost of banknotes and their face value is called seigniorage.


  1. 以面值兑换

    to be redeemed at par.

  2. 股份的面值

    the nominal value of the shares.

  3. 集合字面值。

    Collection Literals.

  4. 要什么样的面值?

    What denominations would you like ?

  5. 要什么样得面值?

    What denominations would you like ?

  6. 按债券面值赎回债券

    Redemption of nominal value of the Notes

  7. 那些股票索价高于面值。

    The shares are selling at a premium.

  8. 按面值折价发行的债券

    discount bond

  9. 全部面值已付的股票。

    Share where the full face value has been paid.

  10. 您要什么面值的货币?

    In what kind of denomination do you want your money?

  11. 请都给我面值20元的。

    Give me all twenties.

  12. 请都给我面值20元得。

    Give me all twenties.

  13. 在到期日支付债券面值。

    Paid face amount of bond at maturity.

  14. 偿还到期的债券面值100美元

    Repaid 98 of bonds at face value at maturity.

  15. 旧时英国金币, 面值一英镑

    Former British gold coin, originally worth one pound

  16. 发行一种新面值的邮票。

    Issued a stamp of new value.

  17. 印花可以按面值换回现金。

    Stamps can be redeemed at face value.

  18. 一张面值5000英镑的支票

    a cheque to the order of five thousand pounds

  19. 这张邮票得面值为5马克。

    The stamp had a face value of five marks.

  20. 这张邮票的面值为5马克。

    The stamp had a face value of five marks.

  21. 用这些大面值的旧钞票。

    Had this big old wad of bills.

  22. 债券的面值有时亦称作面额。

    A bond's par value is sometimes called its face value.

  23. 人民币面值100兑换欧元英镑各多少?

    Face value RMB100 conversion Euro, pound sterling every number

  24. 门票以面值三倍的价钱转手。

    Tickets were changing hands at three times their face value.

  25. 顺便问您,需要什么面值的钞票?

    By the way, how do you want your money ?

  26. 一英镑面值的钞票已停止流通。

    Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation.

  27. 里拉的面值里将减少六个零。

    Six noughts will be removed from the face value of the lira.

  28. 这枚邮票现在开始发行,面值1法郎。

    The stamp,with a face value of one franc,is available now.

  29. 在邮票或钞票上印刷新的面值。

    Print a new denomination on a stamp or a banknote.

  30. 七位总统显现在我别的面值上。

    Seven Presidents are shown on my other denominations.


  1. 问:面值拼音怎么拼?面值的读音是什么?面值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面值的读音是miànzhí,面值翻译成英文是 denomination

  2. 问:面值股份拼音怎么拼?面值股份的读音是什么?面值股份翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面值股份的读音是miàn zhí gǔ fèn,面值股份翻译成英文是 par value stock