







汉语拼音:jí zī







  1. 聚集资金。




  1. Outgoing chairman Paul Skinner did not rule out a compromise deal to appease shareholders angry at being shut out from the fundraising.


  2. Mr Ozawa had been party leader until May, when allegations of fund-raising irregularities in his own office forced his resignation.


  3. The rest of the financing is to be raised from the two federal governments and from bonds issued by a bridge authority.


  4. A good thing, then, that it has a friendly state-owned behemoth to turn to for a cash injection.


  5. In administering special grants, the Bank has expertise in donor coordination, fund raising, and fund management.


  6. Since saving forests is often the cheapest way to tackle carbon emissions, funding it this way makes sense.


  7. We've got to look at more liberalization in the securities industry, so companies can raise capital more easily.


  8. The British Museum in London was also built this way.


  9. To finance the bridge, lots along the roadway were rented out to merchants, especially butchers and tanners, to hawk their wares.


  1. 集资建电站

    Raise funds to build a power plant

  2. 个人集资建房

    individuals to collect money for house.

  3. 集资退休基金守则

    Code on Pooled Retirement Funds

  4. 职工集资入股的公司

    Company on the basis of shares from its workers and staff.

  5. 谈一下集资情况好吗

    How about the fund raising

  6. 为集资而发行的彩票

    lottery instituted for raising funds

  7. 这就是怎么做集资演讲。

    And that is how to pitch to a VC.

  8. 他们集资到一大笔款子。

    They clubbed together a large sum.

  9. 因为我要集资买机票。

    because I needed to raise money to buy the air ticket.

  10. 他们集资帮助贫穷的孩子。

    They collected money to help needy children.

  11. 我们为施舍助人而集资。

    We raise money for charity.

  12. 集资诈骗罪适用问题探讨

    Approach tO the Question of Application of Swindle Crime in Fund Raising

  13. 这班男生集资购一足球。

    The boys in this class clubbed together to buy a football.

  14. 集资帮助农村失学少年重返校园

    Raise money to help rural teenage dropouts go Back to school

  15. 工厂发行债券集资并偿还利息。

    An industrial firm issues bond to collect money and will pay back with interest.

  16. 鼓励住宅合作社和集资建房。

    Encouraging house construction through residential house coops and with funds raised by individuals.

  17. 这座桥由当地农民集资兴建。

    This bridge was built with funds pooled by the local farmers.

  18. 这是一个典型的变相集资案例。

    This is a typical case in fund raising.

  19. 我们大家集资援胁遭火灾的人们。

    All of us chipped in to help those who had a fire.

  20. 我们大家集资援胁遭火灾得人们。

    All of us chipped in to help those who had a fire.

  21. 今年我们要为三项慈善活动集资。

    This year we are raising fundsfor three charities.

  22. 我们进行演出, 是为这所小学集资。

    We put on performances in order to collect money for the primary school.

  23. 我们在呼吁集资建立一个教师俱乐部。

    We are appealing for money to build a teacher's club.

  24. 政府从间接税中比从直接税中集资更多。

    The government raises more money by indirect taxation than by direct.

  25. 我到这些学校集资去解决水的问题。

    I go round the schools collecting for this water thing.

  26. 我到这些学校集资去解决水得问题。

    I go round the schools collecting for this water thing.

  27. 几家慈善机构为那家新医院合作集资。

    Several charities teamed to raise funds for new hospital.

  28. 这种集资的办法解决了以下几个问题。

    This agglomeration of funds resolves a number of problems.

  29. 我们办这个俱乐部作为集资的一种途径。

    We began this club as a way of raising money.

  30. 公司正在尽力集资以为扩建项目提供资金。

    The company is trying to raise the capital to fund its expansion programme.


  1. 问:集资拼音怎么拼?集资的读音是什么?集资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:集资的读音是jízī,集资翻译成英文是 raise funds

  2. 问:集资拼音怎么拼?集资的读音是什么?集资翻译成英文是什么?

    答:集资的读音是jízī,集资翻译成英文是 call for funds

  3. 问:集资舞弊拼音怎么拼?集资舞弊的读音是什么?集资舞弊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:集资舞弊的读音是jí zī wǔ bì,集资舞弊翻译成英文是 equity funding fraud

  4. 问:集资费用拼音怎么拼?集资费用的读音是什么?集资费用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:集资费用的读音是jí zī fèi yòng,集资费用翻译成英文是 capital expense

  5. 问:集资诈骗罪拼音怎么拼?集资诈骗罪的读音是什么?集资诈骗罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:集资诈骗罪的读音是jízīzhàpiànzuì,集资诈骗罪翻译成英文是 The crime of financial fraud: crime of illegal fu...

  6. 问:集资现金计划拼音怎么拼?集资现金计划的读音是什么?集资现金计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:集资现金计划的读音是jí zī xiàn jīn jì huà,集资现金计划翻译成英文是 cash collection schedule