






1. 纤 [xiān]2. 纤 [qiàn]纤 [xiān]细小:~人(卑鄙的小人)。~介(细微,细小。亦作“纤芥”)。~手(指女子细而柔嫩的手)。~尘。~~。~秀。~弱。~毫。~悉(细致而详尽)。~度(天然丝或化纤粗细的程度)。吝啬:~啬……





汉语拼音:dòng wù xiān wéi






  1. 来源于动物的纤维,如蚕丝、羊毛等。



  1. Chitin is the only one positively charged nature of the edible animals, cellulose is different from the normal diet food.


  2. The fiber diameter measuring algorithm is a key part of an automatic animal fiber diameter measurement system.


  3. The grayscale morphology in image processing technique is applied to animal fiber image.


  4. This method was handed down generation by generation. Making of animal fairs, the writing brush can't be saved for a long time.


  5. Cashmere: Animal-hair fibre forming the downy undercoat of the Kashmir goat.


  6. Cashmere is a rare special animal fiber, a noble textile material.


  7. Special animal fiber is animal fiber other than wool.


  8. Ruminant Fiber Utilization Increased by the Major Mineral Supplementation


  9. Animal fiber diameter measuring algorithm using image recognition


  1. 特种动物纤维

    extra animal fiber

  2. 杂色动物纤维脱色研究

    Study on Color Removal of Natural Pigmented Animal Fibers

  3. 用扁平的无光泽的动物纤维制成的纤维。

    A fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers.

  4. 有色羊毛和特种动物纤维的漂白

    Bleaching of pigmented wool and special animal fibers

  5. 特种动物纤维上色素的成因及其防治

    The Cause and Prevention of Pigmentation on Animal Fibers.

  6. 这些动物纤维制成的毛衣非常保暖。

    Sweaters made from these animal fibers are effective in keeping you warm.

  7. 特种动物纤维粗梳针织纱的和毛

    Blending process of woolen spinning knitting yarn with speciality animal fibers

  8. 不同动物纤维混纺产品的纤维含量测定方法

    The Method for Measuring the Content of Different Animal Fibres in Blended Yarn

  9. 图像处理法动物纤维测长系统的研究

    Animal Fiber Length Measurement Based on Image Processing

  10. 特种动物纤维在毛纺新产品开发中的应用

    Application of special kinds of animal fibers to wool fabric.

  11. 特种动物纤维是指除绵羊毛以外的其他动物纤维。

    Special animal fiber is animal fiber other than wool.

  12. 特种动物纤维与绵羊毛混合物含量的测定

    Quantitative determination for mixtures fo special animal fibre and wool

  13. 灰值形态学在动物纤维图像处理中的应用

    Application of Grayscale Morphology in Image Processing of Animal Fibers.

  14. 基于图像识别的动物纤维细度自动测量系统

    Automatic animal fibre measurement system based on image analysis

  15. 基于图像识别的动物纤维细度快速测量算法

    Animal fiber diameter measuring algorithm using image recognition

  16. 脱乙酰甲壳素及其对动物纤维的易护理整理

    Easy Care Finish of Animal Fibers with Deacetylated Chitin.

  17. 羊毛、羊绒等各种动物纤维鳞片结构特征比较。

    Comparing the scale structure features of wool, cashmere wool and other animal fibers.

  18. 常量矿物质元素提高反刍动物纤维物质利用率的研究进展

    Ruminant Fiber Utilization Increased by the Major Mineral Supplementation

  19. 羊毛和其它动物纤维中可萃取物的标准试验方法

    Standard test method for extractable matter in wool and other animal fibers

  20. 发挥我国特种动物纤维的优势促进毛纺工业进步

    Bring the Superiority of China Abounding with Special Kinds of Animal Fibres into Full Play and Promote the Progress of Woolen and Worsted Industry

  21. 纺织品。黄麻和某些动物纤维双组分混纺织物的定量分析

    Textiles. quantitative analysis of binary mixtures of jute and certain animal fibres

  22. 纺织品。黄麻和某些动物纤维双组分混纺织物得定量分析

    Textiles. quantitative analysis of binary mixtures of jute and certain animal fibres.

  23. 显微投影法测定羊毛和其它动物纤维直径的标准试验方法

    Standard test method for diameter of wool and other animal fibers by microprojection.

  24. 动物蛋白纤维

    animal protein fiber.

  25. 再生动物蛋白纤维

    regenerated animal protein fiber

  26. 动物胶原纤维作纸张增强剂的探讨

    Study on the Collagenous Fiber as Strengthening Agent in Papermaking

  27. 动物视神经纤维的交叉与眼睛位置的关系

    Relationship between decussation of optic fibers and position of eyes in vertebrates

  28. 动物毛绒纤维横切面形态的比较研究

    Study on transverse section shape of several kinds of animal fiber

  29. 简单介绍再生动物蛋白纤维的生产原理。

    This paper introduces in brief the producing principle of the regenerated animal protein fiber.

  30. 动物和植物纤维织品

    ani mal and vegetable fibrics


  1. 问:动物纤维拼音怎么拼?动物纤维的读音是什么?动物纤维翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动物纤维的读音是dòngwùxiānwēi,动物纤维翻译成英文是 A fibre which is obtained from an animal's body, su...

  2. 问:动物纤维素拼音怎么拼?动物纤维素的读音是什么?动物纤维素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:动物纤维素的读音是dòng wù xiān wéi sù,动物纤维素翻译成英文是 cellulin